Top 10 Professions of the Future in Healthcare
Experts believe that by 2030, hospitals will be a thing of the past, and people will be more engaged in self-treatment and prevention. At the same time in medicine, there will be new branches and specialties that will be in demand.
This article presents a selection of future health care professions.
- Mechanic for companion robots
Companion robots will accompany the elderly. They will help in domestic affairs, make it easier to move around the house, control the medication and entertain with conversations. If the robot breaks down, the owner will call a mechanic who understands precisely this kind of robots. You can invite an expert at any time of the day or night.
- Expert in deep learning
Algorithms in the future will take on the task of organizing all work processes. That is why experts will be in demand who can teach algorithms new skills. They will “feed” neural networks with training data and monitor the results.
- AI Chatbots Developers
Medical chatbots now advise patients around the world. Soon they will be available in every smartphone. With a migraine attack, the patient will turn to the bot, who will find the cause of the ailment and tell you the appropriate treatment method. Chatbots will appear not only in the field of medicine but also in other industries. One example is the DoNotPay chatbot advocate, who challenged 160,000 fines.
- Lifestyle strategist
By 2020, the world will sell 245 million wearable devices. Lifestyle strategists will create individual programs with a daily routine for their clients, as well as help with the selection of wearable gadgets and advise on health insurance.
- Telesurgery
According to calculations, by 2020, sales of surgeon robots will double and amount to $6.4 billion. Robots, of course, will not be able to work on their own – surgeons-supervisors will monitor their activities. Courses on telesurgery and operations with the help of robots will appear in the world’s leading universities, and the accuracy of surgical procedures will be improved significantly.
- A lobbyist for robotic surgeons
The main task of lobbyists is to promote robotics in medical institutions. Especially often, they will act in cases of medical error. Lobbyists use these cases to their advantage to prove the superiority of robots over humans.
- Routers for medical drones
Experts will be engaged in developing optimal routes for the delivery of medicines, medical equipment, donated blood and organs to patients in remote regions. This work will require knowledge of engineering and topology.
- Drone mechanic
The drone will become an assistant who monitors the status of its owner. Robocars equipped with biometric sensors, will analyze the condition of the person and inform him or her about the problems found. In case of breakdown, a professional mechanic for robots can restore the electronics.
- Cryopreservation Specialist
The general idea is that with time one can bring a body back to life. There is the Michigan Institute of Cryonics where they keep bodies at 384, 8 °F. Cryopreservation can also be used to help patients who have been shot or injured in an accident.
- Bodies developers
The ability to create organs from the patient’s stem cells will solve the problem of organ donation and its lack. Owners of knowledge in the field of molecular biology, 3D printing and medicine will be able to design and develop organs for transplantation.
About the author: Melisa Marzett is an expert in the area of writing who is currently performing tasks for Professional writers – penessays.com and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. She does morning exercise, jogging, and practicing meditation since recently and reads motivation books. “If you believe, you can achieve,” is her life motto.