Writers Wanted: Looking for Contributors to The Health Jobs Nationwide Blog

HealthJobsNationwide.com is looking for authors to contribute articles to our website and weekly e-newsletters for healthcare professionals. This opportunity will allow you to reach hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals every week.

Articles can be any length, and can be formal or informal in style. You may choose to submit an informational article, personal anecdote, or editorial commentary. We are currently reviewing contributions on any topic that would be of concern or interest to healthcare professionals—not patients—in the United States. Our audience includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, healthcare administrators, healthcare technology professionals, bio/pharma professionals, and many more.

If you would like to contribute, please send your article(s), a brief (1-2 sentences) description of your article, and a short, third-person bio to blog@askhsi.com.

There is no financial compensation available for submissions, at this time; however, HJN’s contributors have used this platform to drive significant traffic to their own online ventures, be it blogs, podcasts, or other mediums, and to connect with other clinicians around the country, leading to paid speaking engagements, honorariums, and other opportunities to further their careers.

Note: We do not offer a pay to post model or sponsored posts for this blog.