3 Reasons to Become an Online Educator as a Medical Professional

By Cristian Gallegos

In the 21st century, innovation in technology has given us, as a society, a platform to access essentially all the information in the world almost instantaneously. This immediate information, which is used in almost everything we do, can be leveraged in ways that weren’t previously available. One of the largest industries utilizing this technology in education. The shift in education to an online service has made it more accessible to those who can’t afford a traditional education and for those who operate on a schedule that isn’t conducive to a classroom, not to mention that the industry is expected to grow by approximately 11% in the next ten years.

In addition to education becoming more accessible to students, teachers, especially those working in their industry, can now work on a more flexible schedule. No longer is it necessary to commute to a school in order to give students the proper education necessary to prepare them for the workforce. Here are 3 reasons healthcare professionals should consider becoming an online educator in their field.

1. A Flexible Schedule

Having a flexible schedule is likely one of the most important things for a medical professional. As someone who is working a day (or night) job in their field, it can be incredibly difficult to make a commitment to teaching full (or part) time in a physical classroom.

2. Additional Income

One of the best reasons to become a teacher is the additional income. Although educators don’t traditionally have the highest income, as a side-gig, becoming an online educator is a great way to earn a few extra bucks.

3. Sense of Giving Back

Becoming an educator can be rewarding. For a student, having a student-teacher relationship can have a great impact on their scholarly experience. Becoming a mentor for a student can become a reality in online teaching more often than people realize. Even though there isn’t much face-to-face interaction, you’d be surprised at the relationships you build during your time as an educator.

What It Takes to Become an Online Educator

If you’re considering becoming an online educator there are a few things you should know before jumping in.

First of all, being an online educator requires a lot of experience with technology. Unlike a traditional teaching position, there typically aren’t IT resources immediately available when teaching online, therefore, being capable when working with technology is essential.

Second, having a knack for preparation is going to play a big role in the success of an online educator. Teaching requires the compliment of many resources, which is time-consuming, but essential for a class to operate.

The third, and more arbitrary trait, is the ability to work well with people. As an educator, working with students is going to be 90% of your job, and the better relationships you have with those students, the more smoothly your classes will go.

Getting into online education is not for everyone, however, if you think you’d be the right fit it could be great to get into as a way to earn a little extra money on the side. Be sure to do your research and determine if you have the right personality for the job!

Cristian Gallegos is a freelance writer living in Salt Lake City. He writes all things healthcare, technology, and IT. When he isn’t at home writing, you can find him skiing the slopes of the Wasatch mountains.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.