Advanced Practitioners Bolster Practice Revenue, Productivity

A recent report from the Medical Group Management Association, which compiled data from 2,900 organizations, shows that primary care practices that employ a higher number of non-physician providers, such as physician assistants and nurse practitioners, generate greater healthcare revenue, as well as increase productivity. The 2018 MGMA DataDive Cost and Revenue report showed that physician-owned primary care practices earned $100,749 more in healthcare revenue per physician, and hospital-owned primary care practices earned $131,770 more in revenue per physician, by employing more non-physician providers, specifically a non-physician provider to physician ratio of 0.41 or greater. The data revealed that primary care practice operating expenses are increasing, as well, and have grown 13% since 2013, from $391,798 per physician to $441,559 per physician, which makes the added revenue from employing advanced practitioners essential. The data shows that leveraging physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other non-physician providers could help medical practices overcome the growing burden of higher operating expenses, while also improving access to care and patient satisfaction.

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