Best Non-Clinical Side Hustles Any Clinician Can Start – Part 2
By Jordan G Roberts, PA-C
Welcome back to our series on non-clinical careers for healthcare professionals. In part I, we discussed opportunities to start teaching in non-traditional ways and how to get into medical writing.
Today’s post will expand on this topic. First, we’ll show you how you can land clinical speaking opportunities. Next, you will learn about how to join paid medical market research panels to supplement your income and shape the direction of industry.
It turns out that not many of us like the sound of our own voice. Even fewer people jump at the prospect at getting in front of a large crowd. That’s unfortunate, because your colleagues really do want to hear what you have to say.
The good news is that you can reach your fellow clinicians in a variety of ways, with or without a podium and a lectern.
While speaking at conferences is generally the first thing that comes to mind, it’s generally labor-intensive to get started. You not only need a great presentation, but you will also have to plan, apply for, and be selected for the spot. Therefore, this rigorous process makes it a prestigious, if not occasional option.
Other avenues take advantage of technology and the information boom. Medical podcasts and videos online are becoming more popular and starting to catch up with other social media trends. There are podcasts specific to certain groups of clinicians, podcasts for CME, and even specialty-specific podcasts. What will yours be?
Of course, one of the most lucrative ways to speak is for industry. Key opinion leaders (KOLs) give promotional talks for products they use and find to be the most beneficial for their patients. Teaching others about what you already use is a great way to get into this line of work.
Medical Market Research Panels
There are several companies who license their pool of clinicians to their clients who are developing a new healthcare product or service. The best ones pay cash honorariums that are worth your hourly rate. You also help shape the direction of these companies by providing your expertise and experience for these companies to consider in their future strategy.
Learn the skills and get the resources you need to get started in the original article. Continue reading the second of our three-part series on non-clinical opportunities here
Jordan G Roberts, PA-C helps medical education companies create and distribute the best medical education around. He helps students and clinicians improve their clinical game by using his background in neuroscience to teach simple ways to learn complex medical topics. He is a published researcher, national speaker, and medical writer. He can be found at Modern MedEd where he promotes clinical updates, medical writing, and medical education.
Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.