Best Non-Clinical Side Hustles Any Clinician Can Start (Without Quitting their Day Job) – Part 1

By Jordan G Roberts, PA-C

Clinicians are generally type A personalities with incredible ambition and drive to help others. As such, it’s not uncommon for healthcare professionals to have more than one job at a time.

Some do it for the love of the work and some do it to dig out from under their mountain of student loan debt. There are as many reasons as there are clinicians, and they’re all good.

However, sometimes clinicians look forward to more clinical work like patients look forward to endoscopies. It’s clear that not everyone who seeks a part-time opportunity wants to see more patients.

Fortunately, there are more opportunities than ever for clinicians to engage in meaningful non-clinical work.

Whether your goal is to transition out of clinical practice entirely or pick up some extra work when you have time, this article can help. We’ll cover two non-clinical opportunities that are worth your time and effort in each post.

Today’s article will cover teaching (but not in the way you think) and writing.

While academia is technically non-clinical, and yes, part-time positions are available, it’s not a new idea. We are living in a digital age with new ways to reach an audience. We’ll show you a few innovative ways you can use your expertise to help more people than you ever thought possible.

Next, we’ll explore the myriad opportunities available to clinicians in medical communications, specifically, in medical writing. Your skills as a subject matter expert are worth a premium on the open market, so if you can also write well, you are a valuable commodity.

Learn the skills and get the resources you need to get started in the original article. Continue reading the first of our three-part series on non-clinical opportunities here.

Jordan G Roberts, PA-C helps medical education companies create and distribute the best medical education around. He helps students and clinicians improve their clinical game by using his background in neuroscience to teach simple ways to learn complex medical topics. He is a published researcher, national speaker, and medical writer. He can be found at Modern MedEd where he promotes clinical updates, medical writing, and medical education.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.