Advanced Practice
CategoryNurse Licensing Laws Block Treatment for Opioid Addiction
Laws in more than half the states are likely to prevent NPs from using their licenses in rural areas that need it most.
Equipping PAs for Expanded Opportunities in Healthcare
Nearly three-quarters of PAs now say that their main area of practice is in a specialty other than primary care.
Kim’s Blog: Asking Crucial Conversation Questions
Discussing end-of-life wishes is exceptionally difficult, for us as providers, as well as patients. However, if we can give a last bit of dignity to that person in the end of life, we’ve done an extraordinary thing.
Dave’s Blog: Let’s Level the Playing Field
You can’t lead if the cards are stacked against you from the start. You can’t lead if the playing field is not level and ours has never been.
Need a Hospitalist? Call a Nurse Practitioner.
Even physicians learn to love a program that could provide a lifeline for hospitals struggling to find doctors.
Communication Is Key to the MD-PA Team
One MD discusses the core building blocks he has found to be essential to developing a productive MD-PA relationship.
Hospice or Palliative Care?
NPs can guide patients to optimize care and support at the end of life.
Lifehacks for PAs
Solving the PA work-life balance problem.
Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant Salary Grew in 2016
Nurse practitioner and physician assistant salary and job satisfaction rates increased in 2016, a new survey found.
Dave’s Blog: 7 Things You Can’t Say as a PA or NP
from Clinician1