Nurse’s Post about Vaccines Goes Viral

Days before an article was published by the Los Angeles Times stating, “Health authorities in California have more power to insist that a dog is vaccinated against rabies than to ensure that a child enrolled in public school is vaccinated against measles,” a California nurse took to Facebook and made a post about that very topic. In her post, Meggy Doodle, as she’s known on the site, told parents that they may have the “freedom” not to vaccinate their children, but that it comes with a caveat—”The caveat to that is this: then they should NOT be allowed go to the doctor or the hospital when they get sick, looking for treatment,” if they think Big Pharma is “just trying to turn a profit or poison us all.”

Doodle went on to urge those against vaccinations to, “stop being so naïve,” and rattled off a list of live-saving measures which are also compliments of Big Pharma—antibiotics for sepsis, steroids and epinephrine for anaphylaxis, an inhaler for asthma.

“Having a heart attack? Better break out your essential oils and get your affairs in order, because the only thing we have to offer you is medicine and procedures brought to you by the very same people who are responsible for those vaccines you insist are evil,” Doodle continued.

She then said that she personally takes offense to anyone who, “implies that medical professionals, like myself, would ever administer anything to anyone, especially a child, that would intentionally harm them. I take even more offense to anyone that would imply that a college educated professional, like myself, is incapable of “doing the research.””

She signed the post as “a nurse, a mother, a college graduate (with a science based degree), NOT BIG PHARMA.”

The post quickly went viral, amassing more than 12,000 shares and upwards of 13,000 reactions in mere days, with many who shared the post echoing Doodle’s sentiment. “You tell them girl. I agree with you,” said one woman who shared the post. “With flu season approaching… I’ll just leave this here,” said another. “Something to think about,” read comments accompanying quite a few other shares.

As a nurse, do you agree with Doodle’s sentiment? Read her post in full below, then tell us in the comments.

Can’t see the post above? Click here to view it directly on Facebook.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.