Physicians Look to Disrupt Longtime Regulatory Tradition for APRNs

from Journal of Nursing Regulation

In June 2017, at the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates meeting, an amendment to a resolution impacting regulation of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) failed by a margin of 254-204, exposing not only a divide among AMA delegates, but a growing and continuing threat to the autonomy of APRNs. The amendment called for placing “APRNs under state medical board and regulatory control, with AMA developing model state legislation”. The underlying resolution was a measure opposing physician assistants from creating their own regulatory boards.

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Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.


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  1. drcarol6

    An article this important should not cost a nurse $40.00 to read from a specialty journal! Shame on making this topic downright proprietary.

  2. Charlotte Gullap-Moore

    It is obvious with the statistical finding about the physician shortage projected to increase that organized medicine wants to increase their efforts to control the advance practice registered nurse profession (APRN). Research shows us that Nurse Practitioners should be able to practice to the full extent of their education and training. By removing the unnecessary barriers APRNs could help meet the country’s primary care needs. Nurse Practitioners are highly trained and educated to provide a variety of services but are prevented from doing so because of barriers like the ones indicated in this article. We are all partners in healthcare and want to stand alongside with Physicians and Physician Assistants to help the community at large. These continued attempts to control and/or apply practice restrictions upon Nurse Practitioners dose not help the American people.

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