health care
TagMedicaid Expansion Results in More Emergency Room Trips; Fewer Patients Uninsured
Hospitals have seen reductions in uncompensated care and overall improved financial performance.
Health Care Information on the Cloud—or Anywhere. Is It Really Safe?
Why is it even on the cloud? If it is unsafe, can it be made safe? What can I, as a business owner or business manager, do about it?
As Telemedicine Grows up, It Needs Some Ground Rules
Telemedicine has been hampered by its inability to craft clinical guidelines.
High-end, High-cost Concierge Medicine for America’s Wealthiest Widens Healthcare Divide
Ultra-elite concierge practices say business is booming.
How Your Hospital Can Better Connect with Patients
One of the most important ways to succeed as a hospital is to connect with the patients who receive care at the facility.
What Data-driven Healthcare Orgs Have in Common
It’s up to the analytics team to break the C-suite out of its old ways and get them engaged in the data.
Rural Americans, Hospitals Disproportionately Hurt by ACHA
Medicaid expansion was associated with a 4-percentage point increase in operating margins for rural hospitals.
Hospital Merger Mania Continues Throughout the Country
Recent announcements indicate there is no letup in the continuing trend of hospital mergers.
Workplace Drama Affects Patient Care and Is Seldom Addressed
Research shows workers feel they can’t discuss workplace problems, but that good management helps.
Existing Health IT Is Meant to Help. Too Bad It Doesn’t
The American Association of Family Physicians says that needs to change, and points to the kind of technology that actually enables better care.