Tell Us: What Are You Giving Thanks for This Year?
Working in healthcare often gives you perspectives that not many other jobs afford. Day in and day out, you may not be focused on the lessons it has taught you or the reasons it has given you to be uniquely thankful, but as Thanksgiving approaches, we are asking you to reflect on those very things. What has working in healthcare made you most thankful for?
Using the form below, tell us how working in the field has shaped you for the better, what it has made you value that you might not have otherwise even noticed, and what you are giving thanks for this year, whether it be the sight of a chair after a long day on your feet, the air in your lungs, or a special coworker. Then, be sure to check back next week to read what your peers are thankful, as well.
Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.