Tools for Healthcare Workers to Manage Physical and Mental Health

By using the right tools, healthcare workers are well-equipped to stay healthy

Today’s healthcare workers face unprecedented physical and mental health challenges. They must account for the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and ensure they are administering care per proper health and safety protocols. In addition, many healthcare workers are forced to deal with bed shortages and limited access to critical supplies. At the same time, they are coping with patients who may be politically charged, leading to tense and stressful interactions. Healthcare personnel are also prone to working long hours, which can result in exhaustion and burnout.

Healthcare workers should not expect the aforementioned challenges to disappear on their own. If left unaddressed, these issues can have far-flung effects on these workers’ physical and mental wellbeing. Fortunately, tools are available to help healthcare workers take care of their health. By utilizing these tools, healthcare personnel can establish and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Now, let’s look at three tools that can help healthcare workers manage their physical and mental health.

1. Education

In a recent survey of 1,119 healthcare workers, 93% said they experience stress. Although stress is normal, it can become too much to handle at times. And those who cannot manage their stress levels may experience myriad physical and mental health problems.

 Stress can cause body aches and pains, headaches, high blood pressure, and other physical symptoms. Meanwhile, it can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

 Ultimately, stress management is paramount. Thanks to stress management training, healthcare workers can learn safe and effective ways to manage their stress levels.

 Healthcare workers can access online stress management training tools. Furthermore, they can enroll in web-based stress management training courses. These tutorials can teach healthcare workers how to identify stressors and minimize their impact.

2. Technology

Stress management technology is expanding. Healthcare workers can leverage this technology to reduce on-the-job stress. Plus, the technology can help healthcare personnel become more productive and efficient.

 For instance, many healthcare providers are implementing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Healthcare workers can use these technologies to eliminate repetitive tasks and the stress associated with them.

 Expect stress management technology to continue to evolve. The technology will keep getting better, and healthcare providers may become increasingly inclined to implement it. As a result, healthcare workers can leverage state-of-the-art stress management technologies to assist in the long game of physical and mental health.

 Let’s not forget about the use of fitness trackers in healthcare, either. Healthcare personnel can wear a fitness tracker to monitor their pulse and other health metrics. They can gain insights into their sleep patterns and other factors that can impact their physical and mental health. Then, healthcare personnel can use these insights to determine the best ways to manage their physical and mental wellbeing.

3. Lifestyle Changes

Healthcare workers can make lifestyle changes to enhance their physical and mental health and increase their energy for their days. For instance, healthcare personnel can choose nutrient-rich foods over fatty ones. By establishing a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods, healthcare workers can guard against obesity and related physical and mental health issues.

 Moreover, healthcare workers can incorporate exercise into their daily routine. They can go for walks, practice yoga, or perform other activities to stay active. These activities can help healthcare workers remain physically and mentally fit.

 Healthcare providers can help their workers establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle, too. For instance, they can offer free gym memberships and other incentives to encourage healthcare workers to take care of their health. Healthcare providers can also provide their workers with sufficient time off, so these employees have plenty of time to break away from the hustle and bustle of their jobs.

 Lastly, healthcare providers must do everything in their power to support their personnel. They should encourage healthcare workers to come forward to discuss any physical or mental health issues. In doing so, healthcare providers can ensure their workers get the support they need at all times. They can even partner with other healthcare providersto verify all healthcare personnel can get the help they need to optimize their physical and mental health.

Healthcare Workers Must Prioritize Their Physical and Mental Health

The aforementioned tools can help healthcare workers manage their physical and mental health. However, it is important to note that they do not offer a one-size-fits-all solution for all physical and mental health problems.

 Physical and mental health problems can affect any healthcare worker, at any time. Many healthcare workers try to “tough it out” in the hopes that their physical and mental health issues will eventually subside. But the longer these problems linger, the worse they can become. The issues can reach a point where they impact a healthcare worker both on the job and outside of it.

 Healthcare workers should not let physical and mental health issues develop and persist. At the first sign of physical or mental health problems, healthcare workers should consult with a doctor. From here, they can identify the root cause of any health issues and take appropriate steps to manage them.

      Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, activism-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter. 

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.