This Year, Advanced Practitioners Are Thankful For…
We asked and you answered: what has your career in healthcare made you most thankful for? We received a lot of great responses—some heartwarming, some hilarious, all valid reasons to be grateful—and we picked our top ten favorite answers to feature this week. Here they are.
This job isn’t always easy, but to know that I have been able to change lives for the better will always be something I will be thankful for. —Valerie P.
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I am grateful for my colleagues for keeping me sane and constantly pushing me to do better. —Erika B.
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I am proud to be an NP and help change and shape what healthcare looks like in my community and across the country. I’m definitely grateful for that. —Ariel L.
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I’m continually learning in my job and I’m thankful for that. It’s never boring and it always keeps me on my toes. —Katherine H.
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This year and every year, I am grateful to do what I love, alongside people I respect and admire, and that I get to enjoy every day at my job, even the hard ones. —Courtney K.
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My job is never boring and I’m grateful for that. Even if it seems like it would be nice to be bored sometimes. It sure beats the alternative. —Coral C.
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I’m grateful for the bonds I’ve been able to form with the people I work with and my longtime patients. —Michael R.
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I’ve seen patients in some truly bad spots in life. I’m grateful to have been able to help them go on to lead better, healthier lives. That’s rewarding as hell. —Paula P.
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I took on my first travel assignment this year and I’m so thankful I did. What a blessing that has been. So glad I chose a profession that lets me do this. —Jordan C.
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Let’s be honest here: I’m thankful for my salary. —Jamie P.
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No matter what you are thankful for this year, we are thankful for you and all you do. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.
Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.