4 Career Options That Don’t Require Traditional Medical Schooling

By Anica Oaks

The healthcare field has expanded in recent years, driven by many factors, such as new technologies, more programs for medical coverage, and an aging population. The field offers many new jobs for individuals interested in the medical field, who don’t necessarily want to follow the traditional educational path. Here are four areas in the medical field that don’t require a bachelor’s degree or advanced training.

Ultrasound Technician Programs

Ultrasounds to monitor the progress of a growing fetus during pregnancy have become a common procedure in today’s medicine. But ultrasounds can also be used to detect a variety of health issues. Programs in medical sonography generally require 2 years of training for an associate degree. Bachelor degree programs are also common. Some one-year programs are available in some areas of the country. Certification is required in some states.

Medical Assistant Programs

The need for medical assistants is growing in many areas of the medical field, such as clinics, hospitals, long-term care facilities, assisted living centers and other institutions. These individuals do much of the preparatory work with patients, taking medical histories and basic procedures, such as taking temperatures, blood pressure readings and pulse rates, before individuals see the doctor. They may also prepare patients for tests, arrange hospital admissions, draw blood and do other tasks. Medical assistant programs teach a variety of technical and administrative skills and can vary in length.

Medical Billing & Coding Specialist

The expansion of insurance coverage has meant that more workers are needed for the coding and billing necessary to process insurance claims. This position requires an individual to read a patient’s medical chart to understand the nature of the medical problem and the treatment that is ordered. The information is then translated into the accepted codes that will allow insurance companies to pay for care. Individuals working in this field must have an eye for detail and must be able to communicate with medical professionals to clarify information related to the work. Medical billing and coding programs vary in length, from one to four years.

X-Ray Technician

X-ray technicians are trained to use the complex radiographic equipment that allows physicians a look inside the human body. Individuals need to have good people skills for patient interaction, an ability to understand highly technical equipment and attention to detail to ensure accuracy of the x-rays. X-ray technician programs generally require a 2-year program that will lead to certification.

The medical field offers a broad range of career positions to suit a variety of aptitudes. These jobs vary in the amount of direct patient care that is involved. If you have an interest in medical topics and would enjoy working in a healthcare setting, you can find many different career paths for professional fulfillment.

Anica Oaks is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. You can connect with Anica on Twitter @AnicaOaks.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.