Category5 Unexpected Reasons to Choose Locum Tenens
You’ve heard of locum tenens, but you may be overlooking signs that it’s right for you. Here are a five to look out for.
Training New Doctors Right Where They’re Needed
In 2010, the Affordable Care Act created 57 teaching health centers nationwide to serve areas with large unmet medical needs, and to begin to alleviate the primary care doctor shortage.
The Necessity of Continuing the Advancement of Clinical Trials
Despite vast patient benefits, clinical trials have struggled to recruit their target number of participants, with many recent studies failing to reach 33 percent of their original recruitment goal.
PAs, NPs, and Physicians Deliver Comparable Patient Care
Across the outcomes studied, results suggest that NP/PA care was largely comparable to PCP care in community health centers.
What is Driving Physicians to Burnout
Many doctors are always a step away from burnout. But we all chose this profession anyway, because we want to make a difference.
In Patient Satisfaction Scores, What Role Does Bias Play?
Do physicians who are not white or male get graded worse by patients?
Why Physicians Don’t Want to Retire
A study found most physicians wanted to keep working due to enjoying practicing medicine, the social aspects of their work, and the want to maintain their lifestyle.
AMA Urges Senate to Oppose Graham-Cassidy Bill
The AMA calls for the Senate to shut down Graham-Cassidy, which they say would result in millions of Americans losing health coverage.
PCPs Spend More than Half of Workdays Interacting with EHRs
A new study of 142 family medicine physicians shows they spend an exorbitant amount of their day on clerical or administrative tasks.
When Insurers Save, Patients and Doctors Pay
As insurers ratchet up utilization management, doctors’ paperwork burden increases and patients must jump through endless administrative hoops to access care.