Overcoming Patient Excuses for Why They Can’t Pay

from WebPT

If collecting patient payment at the point of service was important before, then it’s mission-critical now—especially as reimbursements continue to shrink. That’s because only 21% of patient balances that aren’t collected at the point of service are ever recovered. That’s a lot of cash you’re leaving on the table if your patient collection strategy is not on point. So, in addition to implementing a solid payment policy, successful providers must also ensure they have an excellent front office staff with the qualities necessary to enforce that policy and overcome objections when patients can pay, but would rather not. According to Courtney Peterson—MultiCare Health System’s administrator of business operations—“If our front-end registrars do not know or can’t speak with confidence about what they are attempting to collect, our patients will notice that.” And that’s not good for anyone. With that in mind, here are several common patient objections—as well as ways you and your team can confidently overcome them.

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Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.