Pain: Defining Something That is Sometimes Indefinable
How do you define pain? Do we need a new definition?
Infant Brain Changes Could Be Autism Predictor, Small Study Says
The authors of the recent study say their findings point toward a future possibility of early detection of ASD.
Hospital Merger Mania Continues Throughout the Country
Recent announcements indicate there is no letup in the continuing trend of hospital mergers.
Workplace Drama Affects Patient Care and Is Seldom Addressed
Research shows workers feel they can’t discuss workplace problems, but that good management helps.
Research on the PA Profession: The Medical Model Shifts
In an era where demand for medical services is outstripping supply, a good idea born in the 1960s is emerging as a medical innovation domestically and globally.
Do NP, PA Ordering Habits Lead to Higher Healthcare Costs?
A study found that primary care provider ordering habits may result in higher healthcare costs versus the habits of nurse practitioners and physician assistants.
Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been, a Bad Doctor?
Anonymous online reviews of physicians are used to judge physicians, putting their careers and livelihoods on the line.
Blowing Smoke
Profit motive—and scant evidence—propel dire warnings about surgical fumes.
Schools Ban Fidget Toys as Classroom Distraction
Fidget spinners are toys designed to enhance concentration, but schools are starting to see them as a distraction.
Star of New Comic Book Has Down Syndrome
In a first, a new comic book debuting this summer will feature a superhero with an extra 21st chromosome.