Tag10 Things You Should Know Before You Apply to Work at a Rehab Center
by Patrick Bailey
The healthcare sector can be one of the most challenging, yet most rewarding fields to work in. When we niche down in healthcare even more, we see a sub-field in healthcare that yields a present relevance–rehabilitation centers….
Planning on Med School? 4 Benefits of Shadowing Doctors
by Emma Sturgis
Deciding to go to med school is a big decision. You don’t want to end up going through schooling, only to find out it’s not the right path for you. However, if you shadow doctors, you could come out ahead. Not only will it make you…
Your Nursing Job: The Same Old Bed of Nails or a Comfortable Old Shoe?
Complacency be just as bad for your career as outright misery. Whether you’re stuck in a rut or actively feeling pained by your job, it might be time for a change.
Tricky Nursing Interview Questions (And How to Answer Them)
The pay may be great, but that isn’t the answer to give when asked, “Why do you want to work here?” Here’s how to answer that and other hard interview questions.
Tips to Craft Your Best Nursing Resume
At first glance, what impression does your resume make on your behalf? Could it impress a hiring manager or recruiter in six seconds? If not, read on.
The Best and Worst States to Be A Nurse
Maine is the top place to be a nurse, and D.C. is the worst, according to new survey results. Where does your state land on the list?
10 Interview Tips for Nurses
Interviewing for a new nursing job? Here are 10 tips to help you make sure you are well-prepared and set up for success on the big day.
Should I Quit This Darn Nursing Job?
Have you ever wondered when it’s time to quit your nursing job and move on? Are you stuck in a job, uncertain where to go next as a nurse? Or do you just need a change of scenery?
Can You Return to Nursing After a Hiatus?
How do you break back in to nursing after being gone so long? It’s possible, and there’s a lot to do to get there.