25 Holiday Wish List Must-Haves for Nurses

Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule—no matter what you’re celebrating this holiday season, here are 25 things nurses should add to their holiday wish lists.

Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Solstice—no matter what you will be celebrating this holiday season, here are 25 things nurses should add to their holiday wish lists. Or snag for themselves, because everyone deserves a treat every now and then. From an ultra-practical cell phone sanitizer to adorable bandage badge reels, there is something for everyone to love.

1. This Fancy Thing That Makes Nurse Fuel, $157.99

2. A Trusty Stethoscope, $94.78

3. A Phone Sanitizer, Because Germs, $79.95

4. Super Cozy Scrub Pants, $32.98+

5. Truthful Drinkware To Bookend Your Hardest Days, $29.95

6. These Adorable Bandage Badge Reels, $10.99

7. The Ultimate Self-Care Gift Box (Bonus: It’s Made By A Nurse), $60.00

8. This Beautiful (& Engravable) Necklace, $48.60+

9. An Efficient (But Effective) Gratitude Journal, $22.90

10. A Neck/Back/Shoulder/Everywhere Deep Tissue Massager, $43.99

11. A Ridiculously Cute Personalized Nurse Ornament, $14.95

12. A Cup to Keep Your Nurse Fuel Piping Hot, $34.99

13. A Personalized Stethoscope ID Charm, $13.00+

14. This Light Blocking Sleep Mask For You Night Shift Nurses, $14.44

15. This Extra Soft “Coffee, Scrubs, and Rubber Gloves” T-Shirt, $16.96

16. A Sweary Coloring Book For Nurses, $8.99

17. This Insanely Useful Thing That Makes Cooking After Your Shift A Breeze, $64.99

18. Some Stress Relief In A Jar, $15.18

19. These Colorful Therapeutic Compression Socks, $13.99

20. A Pair Of Seriously Supportive Shoes, $124.95+

21. This Hilariously Honest T-Shirt, $18.99+

22. A High-Quality Downloadable Art Print, $5.37

23. A Box of Blessings, $4.47

24. Some Luxurious Bath Bombs To Help You Unwind, $26.80

And Lastly…

25. A Foot Massager, Because What Nurse Doesn’t Have Aching Feet, $18.95

Please note: HealthJobsNationwide.com receives no compensation for recommending these items and makes no warranties regarding their safety. Items listed above should be evaluated individually for potential risks and hazards.

Nurses Beware: How a Full Moon Affects Your Night Shift

With the next full moon slated to appear in the sky next week, if you work the night shift, you may want to give this a read.

By Adela Ellis, RN, BSN

According to popular legend, the full moon tends to bring out the worst in people. For centuries, it has been associated with an uptick in violence, aggression, accidents, crime, and, of course, hospital admissions. The full moon has even been linked to disasters, mental illness, suicide, and all sorts of other unpleasant things. There are people out there who virtually live their lives according to the cycles of the moon, and many others who firmly believe that lunar effects are very real.

If you are a nurse, you’ve undoubtedly heard that working the night shift during a full moon can be interesting, to say the least. If you’re new to the night shift or the nursing game in general, though, you may wonder if all of the legends are really true. While research is still ongoing, and we can’t say for absolute certain whether a full moon really affects behavior, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence which suggests that it does. How does a full moon affect your night shift? Keep reading to find out!

The Statistics

When you work the night shift at a hospital or another medical facility, any night can quickly become an interesting one. People often attribute particularly challenging nights and strange cases to the full moon when the lunar event is taking place, but, in reality, those bizarre and difficult cases can happen at any time during the month. In fact, Ivan Kelly, James Rotton, and Roger Culver carefully examined more than 100 studies on lunar effects and found that there is no significant and reliable correlation between the full moon and changes in human behavior.

They did make a few interesting discoveries, though:

For starters, of the 11,613 aggravated assaults that occurred over a five-year period, more occurred around the full moon than at any other point during the lunar cycle. And, of 34,318 crimes that occurred in a single year, more also occurred during the full moon.

When looking at 18,495 psychiatric hospital admissions over the course of 11 years, however, they found that admissions involving patients with psychosis were lowest during the full moon and highest during the new moon. And, when it comes to psychiatric emergency room visits, they tend to happen most frequently near the first quarter moon and less often during the new moon and full moon. The researchers also found that suicides do not increase during the full moon.

Interestingly, though, animal bites tend to happen significantly more often around the full moon.

Is the “Full Moon Effect” Real?

The answer to whether the full moon effect is real or not isn’t an easy one. If you ask doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers, you will likely find that there are several who firmly believe that the full moon brings out the worst in people. You’ll also probably hear plenty of stories about crazy patients or bizarre cases that presented on the night of the full moon.

Statistically speaking, though, there is no hard evidence to back up these beliefs. For nurses working in emergency departments, psychiatric hospitals, and residential care facilities, every night brings the opportunity for all sorts of crazy things to happen. It’s just the nature of working in a medical setting. While doctors and nurses may be more likely to take note of bizarre cases and situations during the full moon, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t happening at other times during the lunar cycle, too. It just means that they are linking two events that are likely unrelated.

Surviving the Night Shift During a Full Moon

Whether you believe in the full moon effect or not, working the night shift when the moon is full can give you a sense of anxiety. You may find yourself waiting and wondering what is going to happen next and anticipating that something will go wrong. Rest assured, though, that your night will probably be as “normal” as it ever is.

If you want to breeze through the next full moon, your best bet is to just not give it much thought. Strap on your favorite comfortable shoes and your favorite pair of cute scrubs, and prepare for your shift the same way you would on any other night. Head into work with a positive attitude, and don’t expect things to go wrong just because of the lunar cycle. If your coworkers are talking about expecting crazy to happen, don’t let them get to you. The full moon effect is largely just a superstition, and you really have nothing to worry about.

If you do have a crazy night during a full moon, don’t get too caught up in blaming the lunar cycle. Chalking a busy night up to the moon is not a correct assumption of cause and effect. When you work in a hospital or any other healthcare facility, you’re going to have crazy nights. That’s just the nature of the field. If one of those crazy nights happens to take place during a full moon, it’s more of a coincidence than a direct cause and effect.


Unless you are a particularly superstitious person (and even if you are), there is really no reason to be afraid of going to work during a full moon. You may have an interesting night, or you may have a calm one. It all depends on the patients in your care or the people in your local area. The moon being full isn’t going to have a major impact on your night, and there is no reason to get yourself worked up about it unnecessarily. Just go to work with a positive attitude, do your work, and make it through your shift without worrying about the moon. Trust us; you’ll feel a lot better if you don’t worry about superstitions!

Adela Ellis is a full-time nurse and part-time ambassador for Infinity Scrubs. Adela attended the University of Arizona and has been a travel nurse for the last 6 years. She enjoys working with different doctors, nurses, and patients from all over the country and blogging about her experiences. In her free time, she loves true-crime podcasts and cooking for friends and family.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

This Year, Nurses Are Thankful For…

We asked, “What has your career in nursing made you most thankful for?” Here are our top ten favorite answers to that question.

We asked and you answered: what has your career in nursing made you most thankful for? We received a lot of great responses—some hilarious, some heartwarming—and we picked our top ten favorite answers to feature this week. Here they are.

I am grateful for chairs, couches, benches, tables, floors, and any other solid surface I can sit on at the end of a long day. People who don’t work in healthcare don’t know. They take sitting for granted. —Ashley N.

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I am thankful for the opportunity to care for individuals with incredible strength and resilience in very difficult circumstances and to have worked with healthcare professionals who shared compassion and provided good care in very difficult times. —Sarah C.

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I appreciate peace and quiet like no other. —Julie Q.

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I’ve been a nurse for over twenty years. In that time, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with so many patients. I’m thankful for them, the trust they’ve put in me, and that I’ve had the chance to help them. —Michelle M.

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I’m thankful for the people I have met throughout my career, from my coworkers and mentors to the people who have trusted me to care for them. This line of work isn’t always easy, but it sure is worth it. —Felicia V.

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My team. I am so thankful for my team. The way we work together and get stuff done. I wouldn’t be nearly as successful without the people who work alongside me. —Danielle T.

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My job has taught me that life is precious. I’m thankful to be alive way more now than before I was a nurse. —Monica D.

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I’m grateful for COMFORTABLE SHOES! —Brenda J.

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My husband. I am so dang thankful for him and the way he holds down the fort at home. He puts up with a lot, that’s for sure. —Tracy H.

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I’m thankful for patients who don’t complain. 😉 —Michael U.

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No matter what you are thankful for this year, we are thankful for you and all you do. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

These Shoes Just Might Save Your Aching Feet—and a Life

Nike has designed a shoe with you in mind—the Nike Air Zoom Pulse—and they’ll be donating profits from it to a children’s hospital in Oregon.

Nike has crafted a shoe with you in mind: the Nike Air Zoom Pulse.

As they put it in a press release this week, the design is “a shoe for everyday heroes: nurses, doctors, home health providers and others who work tirelessly to support patients.”

That’s right, Nike has created a shoe solely for medical professionals and the physical challenges they face on a day-to-day basis.

To develop the Nike Air Zoom Pulse, the company conducted product testing at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and collected worker insights. During their sessions at the Portland, Oregon based hospital, they found nurses walk approximately four to five miles per shift, while sitting for less than an hour, during their 12-hour shifts.

Nike then set out to develop a shoe to confront a range of specific challenges experienced by medical workers—creating a shoe that is easy to get on and off, easy to clean, comfortable for long periods of standing, and versatile enough to support the hurried movements of healthcare professionals in emergency situations.

In December, Nike will release six versions of the shoe, which were designed by Doernbecher patients, and all profits will be donated to OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.

For more information, and to view the patient-designed styles, click here.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Can Nurses Fix the U.S. Healthcare System? Americans Seem to Think So.

Nurses are most trusted by Americans to fix the country’s healthcare system, according to the results of a new survey on health reform.

Being a nurse comes with a significant amount of responsibilities—right down to those that may very well mean life or death—and now it seems as though nurses are charged with another: fixing the U.S. healthcare system.

According to a recent survey on health reform conducted by The New York Times, the Commonwealth Fund, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, nurses are the healthcare stakeholders Americans trust most to improve the United States’ healthcare system, one which 64% of those polled rated as currently being fair or poor.

Nurses, which 58% of respondents indicated they have “a great deal” of trust in to improve the U.S. healthcare system, outranked doctors (30%), hospitals (18%), labor unions (14%), state (6%) and federal governments (6%), and Congress (5%). Health insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies elicited the least amount of public trust when it comes to healthcare reform, with both receiving only 4% of the votes.

To view the full results of the survey, click here.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Viral Photo of Exhausted Nurse Rallies Praise for Profession

A photo posted to Facebook of an RN, clad in blue scrubs and crying her eyes out, has awakened scores of praise for nurses and all they do.

Last week, Laura McIntyre, took to Facebook to share a photo of her twin sister, Caty Nixon, which she took back in July. This wasn’t a joyous photo of siblings smiling side-by-side or the like. No, it was of Caty, clad in her blue scrubs, in the midst of an emotional release. Sat in a brown leather armchair, with a plate of food in her lap, Caty cried. She had just finished a 53-hour, four-day workweek, which ended with her delivering a stillborn.

“She’s gonna kill me for this pic, but can we just give it up for nurses for a minute?” wrote McIntyre in the October 10th post. “Caty just wrapped up her fourth shift in a row. That’s around 53+ hours in four days. That’s not including the 1.5 hours she’s in the car each day. She usually doesn’t get a chance to eat lunch or even drink much water. (And she has to dress like a blueberry. I mean, come on.)”

McIntyre then explained, “This pic is from a night back in July where she came to my house after a particularly hard day. She delivered a stillborn.”

“Have you guys ever really thought about what a labor and delivery nurse sees?” she then asked. “They see great joy in smooth deliveries and healthy moms and babies. They see panic and anxiety when a new mom is scared. They see fear when a stat C-section is called. They see peace when the mom has support from her family—because not all new moms do. They see teenagers giving birth. They see an addicted mom give birth to a baby who is withdrawing. They see CPS come. They see funeral homes come. Did you know that they have to make arrangements for the funeral home to come pick up the baby? I didn’t either.”

Those words, coupled with the photo of Caty in tears, struck a chord with scores of people on social media—nurses and patients alike.

The post, which ends with McIntyre heaping praise and thanks on her sister and other nurses, has had nearly 100,000 shares and has generated more than 16,000 comments, most echoing her sentiment of admiration.

“Caty (and all other nurses) – you are SPECIAL,” wrote McIntyre. “You bless your patients and their families more than you will ever know. Thank you for all that you do.”

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Is The Nurse’s Glass Half Full?

Can the power of positivity really help nurses, when there is still so much wrong in both the world of nursing and healthcare as a whole?

From Nurse Keith’s Digital Doorway

It’s no secret that there’s a multitude of unhappy nurses out there in the world. From mandatory overtime to unhealthy nurse-patient ratios, I admit there are very valid reasons for this seeming epidemic of discontent. So, is the nursing glass half-full or half-empty? I guess it depends on who you’re drinking with (and perhaps what you’re drinking).

Reasons To Be Cheerful—Or Not

This blog post isn’t really about the aforementioned multitude of reasons that explain nurses’ rampant unhappiness. A new study mentioned recently on Twitter states that a full one-third of nurses are unhappy with either their jobs or their careers. I get it.

There are also nurses who say, “I love my work, but I hate my job“. I get that too.

Sadly, it’s a given that too many nurses work in environments that are unhealthy, unsupportive, demanding and back-breaking, and that’s indeed a sad state of affairs.

It’s Who You Talk To

Taking into consideration the relative level of discontent in the nursing profession, your worldview can be significantly influenced by who you talk to and who you spend time with. The tenor of the conversation amongst your nursing colleagues will, of course, influence your perspective, so think about who your conversational partners are—and who they could be.

If your Thursday morning coffee klatch is regularly attended by jaded nurses who spend the hour railing against the hospital and gossiping about doctors and interns (and one another), there’s a definite downside to the time you spend at that particular table.

And if your idea of a good time is focusing on what’s wrong rather than what’s right (or how to fix what’s wrong), then there are plenty of nurses who’ll eagerly buy you another round in order to keep you waxing negative, thus justifying and solidifying their own negative bias.

Bartender, another round of ‘Negatinis‘, please.

Let’s Be Realistic

Like I said towards the beginning of this post, I get it. There’s a lot that’s wrong with the picture in both nursing and the wider world of healthcare. That’s a given. At the same time, there are nurses, doctors, administrators and theorists who really want to make it right. Fighting the good fight to make things better is a noble cause, and many are called to engage in that particular battle. Kudos to them.

Simultaneously, there are nurses who, tired of the mainstream game, have dipped their toes into entrepreneurship, carving out satisfying careers that defy the very notion of what it even means to be a nurse. Kudos to them, too.

Meanwhile, some nurses are creating new opportunities for themselves within the mainstream healthcare system, leveraging their skills as coaches, consultants, IT gurus and all manner of novel yet robust professional roles. Kudos all around.

There’s a place for everyone at the table. In fact, you can even build your own table if the current ones don’t quite match your vision of what your career could be.

Nurse’s Choice

So, you can talk to the jaded, cynical and burnt out nurses who just want to see the glass as perpetually half empty, or you can interact with the nurses who are the positive role models and forward thinkers of the profession who definitely view the glass as perpetually half full.

It’s tiring to hang out with the jaded and cynical complainers, but it can be energizing (and fun!) to hang out with the optimistic nurses who are actively making their careers the best that they can be.

Who are you talking to and spending time with? Are you drinking the bitter and cynical dregs of nursing station coffee? Are you pounding down “Negatinis” with unhappy abandon? Or are you drinking from the cup of optimism, sharing with your colleagues a vision of what’s possible, even as you acknowledge the stark realities of 21st-century healthcare?

The choice is yours, my friends, and I invite you to my table, where we serve Positive Punch and Optimism Smoothies.


Keith Carlson, RN, BSN, NC-BC, is the Board Certified Nurse Coach behind NurseKeith.com and the well-known nursing blog, Digital Doorway. Please visit his online platforms and reach out for his support when you need it most.

Keith is the host of The Nurse Keith Show, his solo podcast focused on career advice and inspiration for nurses. From 2012 until its sunset in 2017, Keith co-hosted RNFMRadio, a groundbreaking nursing podcast.

A widely published nurse writer, Keith is the author of Savvy Networking For Nurses: Getting Connected and Staying Connected in the 21st Century and Aspire to be Inspired: Creating a Nursing Career That Matters. He has contributed chapters to a number of books related to the nursing profession. Keith has written for Nurse.com, Nurse.org, MultiBriefs News Service, LPNtoBSNOnline, StaffGarden, AUSMed, American Sentinel University, Black Doctor, Diabetes Lifestyle, the ANA blog, NursingCE.com, American Nurse Today, Working Nurse Magazine, and other online and print publications.

Mr. Carlson brings a plethora of experience as a nurse thought leader, keynote speaker, online nurse personality, social media influencer, podcaster, holistic career coach, writer, and well-known nurse entrepreneur. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with his lovely and talented wife, Mary Rives, and his adorable and remarkably intelligent cat, George.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Combat Burnout and Stress with Yoga for Nurses

Yoga has been proven to be a stress reliever for those who practice it, and nurses are some of the most stressed out employees around. Give it a try.

Yoga, a mind-body practice that combines physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation, has been proven time and again to be a stress reliever for those who practice it. In fact, a recent study has shown that yoga can be particularly helpful in preventing and managing stress levels and burnout in healthcare workers. And we all know that nurses are some of the most stressed out and burnt out healthcare workers out there.

If you don’t already practice yoga, or if you haven’t had time to go to a studio lately, grab a mat and some bolsters and straps, and give these yoga sequences for nurses a try right in your home.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Top 3 States with the Most Nursing Jobs

371,500 RN jobs are expected to be added in the U.S. in the next 10 years, so it’s safe to say nursing is booming. Where are the most jobs right now?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, registered nurses are expected to see 12% job growth between 2018 and 2028, with an estimated 371,500 jobs predicted to added to the workforce during that same time frame. That’s all well and good, but where are the jobs now? We analyzed data on our site and came up with the three states with the most available openings for nurses right now, as well as a selection of noteworthy positions.

1. California

Number of RN Jobs Available in California: 2,411

Average Annual RN Salary in California: $104,410

Noteworthy Openings in California:

Click Here to Search RN Jobs in California

2. Texas

Number of RN Jobs Available in Texas: 1,709

Average Annual RN Salary in Texas: $72,000

Noteworthy Openings in Texas:

Click Here to Search RN Jobs in Texas

3. New York

Number of RN Jobs Available in New York: 831

Average Annual RN Salary in New York: $85,300

Noteworthy Openings in New York:

Click Here to Search RN Jobs in New York

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

How Has Nursing “Broken” You?

During your career, you will see a lot of horrific things that will turn into cautionary tales. Nurses took to Twitter this week to discuss theirs.

This week, a trauma ICU nurse who goes by the handle @NurseKelsey, posed a question to the Twitterverse: “What is something non-medical people do [regularly] that you just cannot because of what you know/have seen working in healthcare?”

The replies poured in, ranging from funny gifs to more serious answers to the question, but one thing seemed certain—everyone who works in healthcare has seen something they would not want to happen to themselves or their loved ones.

One of the most popular responses included not using or letting their children use a trampoline or go to a trampoline park, or as one Twitter user called it, “otherwise known as the orthopedists’ waiting room annex.”

Some of the more serious responses included:

“Refuse the flu shot.” – @MarieJetteSLP
“Ride in the passenger seat with your feet up on the dash.” – @vfedirkadirka
“Live life without an advance directive and medical POA.” – @RN_Atheist
“Buy and use guns.” – @jro_joe
“Complain about wait times in the emergency room/clinic/urgent care.” – @AnnYoungMD

And some were a bit more lighthearted:

“So, I’m not remotely germ phobic (like, it hasn’t killed me yet), but I can’t watch medical shows without yelling at the TV.” – @MelissaSKeefer
“Oh, for sure, meth.” – @nazirahidris
“Get pregnant. L&D rotation is the most effective contraceptive there is.” – @darkwyngMD
“Eat at a normal pace at home. #NurseLunch #EatOnTheRun #NoTime” – @xo_Harmony_xo
“Say the ‘q’ word that rhymes with riot without cringing & checking to see if anyone heard. Especially on Friday & Saturday nights.” – @dawnphoenixk

What do you have to add? How has nursing “broken” you in ways that non-nurses don’t think about? Tell us in the comments below.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.