TagInspiring Nursing Quotes to Get You Through the Day
When you’re a busy, tired nurse, it’s sometimes easy to lose sight of just how amazing you and your profession are. Here are some quotes to remind you.
Nurses Still Underrepresented as “Expert Sources”
Though nurses are well-educated and intelligent, they are cited as expert sources in health news stories less than 2% of the time, according to a new study.
Great Side Hustles for Nurses
Though RNs make an average annual salary of $70,000, sometimes, a little extra cash can go a long way. Here are four side jobs perfect for nurses.
Nursing Jobs, Cost of Living, & Where to Hang Your Hat
Making decisions about your work-style and lifestyle can be fraught with anxiety and concern about the future—let’s unpack that conundrum.
Day Shift vs. Night Shift: A Consistent Nursing Dilemma
Days versus nights is the nursing conundrum that never gets old. This article breaks down the pros and cons of both shifts.
Caring for Yourself in the Face of Compassion Fatigue
Compassion is “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others,” and it is felt, often deeply, by those in the nursing profession.
The Delicate Nature of Caring for Sexual Assault Patients
An American is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds. No matter your specialty, the odds are high you will treat a victim. Keep these things in mind, when you do.
Six Reasons to Love Millennial Nurses
The Millennial generation are the new majority in the 21st-century workforce, and Millennial nurses are on their way to dominating the nursing profession. Here are some reasons to love them.
How Nurses Can Help after a Hurricane
As a nurse, a healer at heart, you may have watched with wide eyes as people were pulled from the floodwaters of Hurricane Florence on the news, and felt just a little bit helpless. There are ways you can help.
Nurse-to-Patient Ratio Debate Heats Up – Again
Mandated staffing ratios are set to head to a vote in November in one state, after years of nurses fighting for safer nurse-to-patient numbers, but it may not be an easy win.