TagAnother Way For Anti-Vaxxers To Skip Shots For Schoolkids: A Doctor’s Note
Families who oppose mandated immunization for schoolchildren may be seeking medical exemptions to get around a new California law, according to a study published Tuesday.
Startup Harnesses VR to Help Train Surgeons
Dr. Shafi Ahmed, M.D. saw the potential of Google Glass to help teach surgeons in locations where they may not have as much exposure to more complex or novel medical procedures.
Doctors Warm To Single-Payer Health Care
56% of doctors registered either strong support or were somewhat supportive of a single-payer health system, according to a recent survey.
4 Physician-Recommended Steps to Work- and Home-Life Balance
Physicians often strive for “work-life balance,” but how do you define it? Family physician Sara Taylor, MD, shares some tips.
Putting The Scalpel Down: When Should Physicians Retire?
When 23% of physicians are over 65, and there are physician shortages, what are the guidelines for when a doctor should retire?
The Doctor Will Analyze You Now
A health center for native Alaskans brought mental and physical care under one roof, with impressive results. Why isn’t it more popular?
‘Battle Metaphors’ Affect Cancer Patients, Medical Experts Say
From fighting to winning, these words can be ‘detrimental’ to someone’s well-being, oncologist says.
Majority of Americans Have High Praise for Their Providers, Survey Finds
Over 80% of Americans have high praise for their providers, even as reported rates of physician burnout and other frustrations continue to rise.
Physicians to Congress: Continue Funding Loan Repayment Program
The NHSC program was launched in 1972 and has grown steadily in recent decades, but its funding was extended for only two years in 2015.
Physician Workforce Trends And Their Implications For Spending Growth
Areas with a higher concentration of primary care physicians have much lower spending per beneficiary, higher-quality care, better patient satisfaction, and lower mortality rates.