Workplace Drama Affects Patient Care and Is Seldom Addressed

from HealthcareFinance

A new study by VitalSmarts shows that workplace drama, and the fact that it is seldom addressed, is yielding substantial reductions in patient safety and quality of care. “While most employees and physicians frequently witness these interpersonal concerns, few address the problems,” the company said.

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Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

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  1. Nancy

    This is very true. I worked for a very well known hospital. Not to give it away, but it is listed as one of the top 10 per USNews only it’s lower in the list. The hospital itself is a great hospital but the drama and at times hostile environment because of one staff member in most of the departments is ridiculous. Management doesn’t do much, they just suggest people try and get along. Even if you are not immediately involved it does cause problems with moral and patient care. In fact many times patients were aware something was off. It’s sad and disgusting more is not done and is just left to fester. So the good clinicians or the ones not causing problems – such as myself prefer to leave for different pastures because it can be exhausting and frustrating to see and hear and sit around while management knows and does nothing. Life is too short to be in the mix of all that drama no matter how great the pay!

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