This Year, Physicians Are Thankful For…

We asked you, “What has your career in medicine made you most thankful for?” We received a lot of great responses, and we picked our top ten favorite answers to feature this week. Here they are.

I love a challenge, and my career in medicine challenges me most days. —Nina S.

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I’m grateful for my team. From the nurses to the residents to the ancillary staff, we are all in this together, and the efforts of the group enable me to be as efficient and effective as possible. —Sandeep R.

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I am thankful to have the opportunity to help and to heal. I think that is why most of us got into this profession in the first place. —Brain W.

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I am grateful for my mentors, their knowledge, and their patience. —Benjamin R.

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The air in my lungs and the ground beneath my feet, I’m thankful for that. Just to be alive is a blessing. Sadly, too many patients I have come across in my specialty cannot say the same. —Angela O.

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I’m thankful for my family. Coming home to them is the balance I need restored at the end of a long, trying day in medicine. —Vikram L.

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The salary, and knowing my children will not have to go into debt as I did while putting myself through medical school. —Charles G.

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I’m grateful to know that, in my line of work, there will always be a job available to me. That security is not found in many other professions. —Gerald P.

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I have the opportunity to completely change someone’s life for the better through the power of medicine and my knowledge of it. That is incredibly rewarding. —Wendy R.

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Vacations. I’m grateful for vacations. —Daniel D.

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No matter what you are thankful for this year, we are thankful for you and all you do. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.