How Does Holistic Care Fit in with Existing Models?

Health is a complex state involving a huge number of different systems within the body. These systems are all deeply interconnected, making it difficult to treat one aspect of health without treating the person as a whole. That’s the goal for devotees of holistic care.

Medicine is typically focused on treating specific symptoms and interventions. Instead of looking at the whole and using the least invasive method possible, traditional methods typically use prescription drugs and invasive procedures to treat symptoms and diseases.

While traditional medicine is a critical tool for keeping people healthy, it’s worth seeing how holistic care can fit in with existing models. Here’s why integrating holistic care can help to improve the healthcare system overall.

Understanding Holistic Care

There are many key differences between traditional medicine and holistic health care. Holistic care puts a much larger emphasis on personalized treatment and the interconnectedness of different aspects of health.

Some examples of holistic medicine treatments include acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, personalized diet planning, meditation and yoga, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, naturopathy, energy healing, and more. Many of these techniques are used to help maintain overall health, in addition to their use in addressing specific problems.

Holistic care and traditional medicine are often treated as entirely separate. However, both can provide optimal benefits when they are used together to promote better health. By using holistic health in tandem with traditional care, patients can often enjoy better outcomes with less invasive methods.

 Limitations of Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine has many advantages over holistic care in some situations. When someone needs antibiotics or another medication that is designed to treat a certain problem, holistic medicine is usually not sufficient. Surgery is also sometimes needed to treat health problems that cannot be resolved using minimally invasive treatments.

With that said, there are limitations to traditional medicine, especially for chronic conditions. Doctors often don’t get to spend much time with patients, making traditional medicine less personalized. There is also less emphasis placed on preventative care and acknowledging the interconnectedness of health.

Integrating Holistic Care with Traditional Medicine

So, what does integrating holistic care with traditional medicine look like? Well, it starts with ensuring that healthcare providers have a solid understanding of the benefits, applications, and limitations of holistic medicine. Without a patient’s entire care team being on board with the methods used to promote their health, it is very difficult to fully realize the benefits of using holistic care alongside traditional medicine.

A focus on patient-centered care, especially when integrating holistic medicine approaches, is key to success. The patient must be an active participant and invested in the plan to integrate care approaches. This means that they must be part of the decision-making process and their goals and values considered when creating a health plan.

In holistic care, emotional and spiritual well-being is part of the whole picture. In addition to using holistic and traditional health approaches, care integration often has patients working with traditional mental health professionals and alternative spiritual healers.

How Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Can Benefit Patients

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to the techniques used in holistic medicine to help patients achieve better health. One benefit of using these methods is enhanced preventative care. People who use holistic care on a regular basis can often maintain their health better and prevent some issues from coming up.

CAM is also frequently used for people who have chronic conditions. Holistic care can often help individual patients manage pain when prescription drugs are not helping or are not considered safe. With concerns about addiction, side effects, and other issues, many patients with chronic pain want to explore other options for managing their condition safely.

Another common use for CAM is in palliative care. End-of-life care in traditional settings can be extremely traumatic for patients and their families, stripping them of their autonomy and dignity. Holistic care can be used to help empower patients and provide them with comfort in hospice settings. Using CAM, patients and their families can have a better end-of-life experience.

Overcoming Challenges to Integrate Holistic Care

Although there are many benefits to integrating holistic care, there are some challenges to overcome when patients or providers are interested in using it. For instance, insurance coverage is limited for some types of therapies, putting care out of reach for many patients. Even when providers prioritize the whole person in the healthcare theories they use and recommend holistic care as a supplement to traditional medicine, these methods can be financially out of reach.

Another challenge is skepticism among both providers and patients. A lack of understanding of the benefits and limitations of holistic care, and the way they can work in tandem, prevents many providers from recommending or even recognizing these methods.

The good news is that technology is making it easier to not only deliver holistic care but also to track outcomes. As more research is done on CAM, we can expect to see more patients and providers embracing these therapies as a way to promote better, more personalized health among patients of all backgrounds.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Turn Your Healthcare RCM Metrics into Action & Drive Significant Financial Change

Delivering standard medical aid to the patients while maintaining profitability is the primary objective of every health care provider. Achieving this balance is no doubt the key to a successful health care business. Moreover, physicians seem more interested in keeping their finances stabilized than ever before. 

Achieving these financial goals are only possible through the effective management of the entire revenue cycle. Such as; patients’ scheduling, registration, charge entry, medical coding, claims submission, follow up, denial management, AR recovery and payment posting. However, we’ve been talking a lot about determining the key performance indicators to measure the effectiveness of the revenue cycle. No doubt, determining the RCM KPIs is the key to know where your business stands in terms of profitability & productivity. So, once you determine the key metrics, then what’s next? 

Your financial success doesn’t just revolve around knowing the key performance indicators. But it’s all about taking steps to create and develop a strategic plan to accelerate your revenue cycle management. Turning the key RCM metrics into action can actually take your practice’s financial goals to another level. Do you want to create a strong financial plan but don’t know where to get started? 

In this article, I have come up with proven strategies to help you in deploying a solid plan to take your health care business to the highest levels of profitability. 


First of all, decide the key performance indicators to track the performance of your physician billing system. KPIs can help medical care providers to increase the accuracy and the financial viability of their practice. However, the most common RCM metrics are as follow; 

➔ Days in Accounts Receivable

➔ Clean claims ratio (CCR)

➔ Denial rate

➔ Bad debt rate

➔ Net collections ratio

➔ Gross collection rate

➔ Referral Rates

So, decide the key performance indicators, then figure out how to track them effectively, collect data and analyze it. No doubt doing so takes a lot of investment in terms of both, time as well as money. Successful execution of these tasks doesn’t mean you have done it yet. Your goal must be to collect 100 percent of net revenue. Just make it more comprehensive, for example, the data shows that your net collections are only at 90%.  Which means that you are lagging behind your revenue goals. Now the next step is digging deeper into your medical billing systems to know the major causes. Which are holding you back from catching up with the billing collection targets. For instance, if you find that missing 5% revenue is due to the failure to collect the patient’s copays. And the remaining 5 percent is stuck in excessive claim denials due to certain reasons. It may seem like a small percentage. But it can cost millions of dollars in terms of lost revenue. The most common reasons behind insurance claims denials are: 

Insufficient or lack of documentation that supports medical necessity.

Incorrect charge capture. 

Missing/ incorrect patients’ demographic as well as insurance information. 

Lack of prior authorization. 

Invalid medical codes.

Duplicate billing. 

Do you find the reasons behind revenue leakage? If so, then Good Job! Now you have a complete understanding of how much money you are losing & why you’re missing it. It will pave the way to take further action to improve your billing collections.


Now you get to know how many dollars you are leaving at the table. And performed the detailed root cause analysis to get to the major causes of the problem. Now it’s time to make a proper plan to eliminate those issues. For instance, if the above-mentioned factors are leading to the claim denials and eventually revenue loss. Then move ahead.  Now get your entire revenue cycle team onboard including front desk and back-end teams to discuss what is going wrong and which action you can take to eliminate the red flags in the revenue cycle management. 

Furthermore, make sure that each person in the chain understands his/her role and is working diligently to execute their tasks in an efficient manner. More importantly, physicians should make sure that the rules are being assigned to the staff according to their skills as well as capabilities. Along with the assistance of the revenue leaders and your RCM staff, develop a method to correct the problem. Let’s take another example. If the incorrect medical documentation or the manual process of data collection, processing and medical billing is the reason behind declined reimbursements.

Then invest in the staff training and more importantly automation of the entire urology medical billing _ from patients scheduling to payment posting and all in between. Along with planning to transition from manual to advanced billing technology, also pay attention to the training of the administrative staff. At this stage, health care professionals should set quantifiable goals. That may include the desired percentage of clean medical claims i.e., 99%, and a timeline to achieve it. The best thing you can do is convert your plan into a precise and accurate document. 


With a plan and goals in place, it’s the right time to implement the plan that you’ve made so far. As we have earlier taken the example of manual billing methods and automation. So, you have decided to invest in automation. Make a budget for the purchase and maintenance of the cutting-edge practice management solutions i.e. EHR systems. Purchase the software and ensure its successful deployment within your physician practice. 

After the implementation of the Electronic Health Records (EHR), the next step is staff training. Because the utilization of EHR isn’t beneficial until your administrative staff have a complete know-how of its effective use. Providers need to understand that embracing innovation isn’t easy for their staff. So, give them time to understand the things, set a positive tone and help your team understand their tasks. 

Concluding Remarks 

Know, plan and implement solutions according to your financial needs and areas that need improvements. Once you implement the plans you need to track results and continue to review data and analytics to make sure the plan is working. Compare the outcomes before and after the implementation. Remember! Don’t forget to celebrate victories and give credits to keep your team motivated as well as onboard. 

Thus, this three-step approach can be applied to each key performance indicator you use to measure the success of your revenue cycle management. No doubt, it’s a daunting task. But you can simplify it by outsourcing your medical billing services to a professional billing collection agency. Outsourced RCM experts not only streamline your reimbursements. But also help you to determine, track and improve the key performance indicators, to ensure the continued financial stability as well as the sustainability of your practice.  


I have a B.S in Human Services from Virginia Tech. I have worked in the medical billing and coding field for over 6 years. Currently, I am converting my passion into my words & writing content for publications regarding RCM. 

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Using Medical Technology To Make a Difference in Patient Health Outcomes

Medical professionals are often highly significant individuals whose careers greatly influence their patients’ quality of life.Their combination of education, experience, and skills also makes these  workers invaluable contributors to public health. This is the case whether they are doctors, nursing staff, or administrative professionals.

Yet, professionals’ efficacy is often dependent on being provided with the resources they need. At the moment, we’re seeing some significant advances in medical technology that support the knowledge and skills of healthcare staff. This can be as simple as efficient medical record-sharing platforms to more complex automated systems. How these tools are used can influence patients’ physical, mental, and emotional experiences.

Virtual Reality Training

Professional knowledge and skills are key to boosting the potential for positive patient outcomes. When professionals receive a practical and thorough education in their fields of expertise, patients tend to receive the care and effective treatment they need. One of the most important emerging tools for training medical staff is virtual reality (VR).

VR is playing an important role by simulating medical scenarios in a safe, repeatable, and relatively affordable manner. Students and professionals don’t need to practice new skills directly on patients in the first instance. Rather, they can be introduced to difficult situations and the tools needed to apply techniques and knowledge without putting anyone’s health at risk. This allows trainees to build confidence before transferring to real-life experiences. Not to mention that the software can be programmed to offer varied challenging scenarios to broaden the learner’s knowledge.

It’s also worth considering how these learning experiences can be more effective with an agile technological approach. Extended reality (XR) courses combine VR with augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) techniques. This enables medical professionals to not just practice in virtual realms, but also bolster their learning by interacting with physical objects and in clinical environments. This means that the medical technology they use is enhanced by tangible real-world experiences.

Remote Guidance and Telehealth

The use of remote medical technology has increased in recent years. It’s important for healthcare providers to continue exploring ways remote tech and teaching methods can have a positive influence on care.

For instance,  medical professionals can use telehealth and remote devices to improve patient education. This can include providing patients with access to smartphone applications they can use to monitor their wellness. There is a growing range of wearable tech that enables patients to gather, analyze, and share data on their specific conditions, too. These tools, combined with telehealth appointments with physicians, can help patients feel empowered to manage their well-being and be active participants in their care. This more engaged approach may positively impact a patient’s overall experience.

In addition, remote training courses can be important for medical staff themselves . While live seminars are important,  there are also medical e-Learning platforms that enable professionals to update their knowledge from wherever they are. This often involves a combination of video lectures or demonstrations and text readings, followed by online examinations. This can mean there is less need for professionals to travel for their training, resulting in potentially less disruption for patients. Not to mention that care standards will benefit from the most up-to-date information.

Artificial Intelligence Platforms

Artificial intelligence (AI) is swiftly becoming a familiar feature in many people’s lives. This includes the growing number of AI medical platforms. When professionals understand what role AI can play in various aspects of patient diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, it can be a powerful tool for better care outcomes.

At its core, AI in medicine involves software using machine learning to analyze patient data to provide insights to medical professionals. While this is certainly present in treatment research fields, AI is perhaps most prevalent at the moment as a tool for accurate and efficient diagnoses. When these platforms have access to high-quality data from a diverse range of patients, they can analyze the vital signs of individuals to alert doctors about risk factors that suggest specific conditions.

This may be particularly powerful when applied to difficult-to-diagnose conditions. For instance, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) often go undiagnosed because symptoms aren’t immediately obvious. Indeed, the signs — such as headaches and fatigue — can be nuanced, subtle, and even challenging to spot on current imaging technology. AI diagnosis tools may be able to analyze data on vital signs, imaging results, and wider industry data to detect the potential subtle indicators of a TBI diagnosis. The sooner diagnosis can occur, the more positive the patient’s outcome is likely to be.


There is an increasing number of medical technologies that can make a difference in patients’ health outcomes. This includes VR tools that support safe and effective medical training and remote telehealth tech for distanced health education for both professionals and patients. AI is also continuing its emergence in diagnostic tasks.

That said, it’s important to note that this just touches the surface of the tech that can boost patient outcomes. Professionals should take the time to explore just how rich the tech health landscape is, including 3D printing for prosthetics and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) for gene editing.

Clinicians should talk to patients about the possibilities and wherever possible get involved with clinical trials. There are so many exciting opportunities to improve care. By learning about these tools now or even influencing their applications in clinical settings, professionals continue playing a vital role in boosting patients’ quality of life.

Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, activism-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter. 

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

4 Ways to Improve Medical Back Office Operations

The back office is the beating heart of any healthcare organization. It’s responsible for everything from administrative tasks to financial management, ensuring that the facility runs smoothly and efficiently. Yet, despite its crucial function, the back office can often feel overlooked, underutilized, or improperly managed. This blog post will discuss four effective ways to improve medical back office operations and help your healthcare facility to operate more smoothly.


Standardize Procedures

One of the most important steps in improving back office operations is standardizing procedures. Each staff member should understand their role and follow established guidelines for managing patient paperwork, billing, and more. Establishing clear procedures and protocols can create consistency in your workflow, which leads to improved accuracy and efficiency. This also ensures a standard of care that all patients can expect when visiting your facility. Creating a standard operating procedure manual can help you ensure everyone follows the same procedures, so start by outlining steps for common tasks, including scheduling appointments, patient check-ins, and processing claims.


Automate Processes

Automation is the key to increasing efficiency in the back office. Manual data entry can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Automation of tasks and processes where possible, such as scheduling appointments and processing insurance claims, can free up valuable time for employees to devote to other necessary tasks. Additionally, adopting a patient management system that incorporates automation can increase accuracy and productivity—automating billing and sending reminders to patients for example can result in fewer missed appointments and improved collections.


Integrate Technology

One of the most effective ways to improve back-office efficiency is to integrate technology into your workflow. Software solutions such as medical billing software, EHR software (such as drchrono, or Cerner) can simplify administrative tasks, while automated patient management systems or electronic payments systems can streamline financial management. The healthcare industry now offers web-based systems such as MyMedLeads, which not only has a suite of patient acquisition tools, but also serves as a communication platform for doctors and patients.


Back Office Healthcare Operations Software

The right software solutions can dramatically improve back-office operations. Rather than relying on manual processes that are prone to errors, healthcare facilities should consider implementing back office healthcare operations software. Medical billing software, for example, can help you manage financial information and payments more efficiently, resulting in fewer delays and higher collections. Medical practice management software can streamline scheduling and reduce wait times for patients. In addition to these software solutions there are modern back office healthcare platforms that provide various components (like billing, claims processing, and documentation) within the same platform, unifying workflows to increase efficiency and reduce error rates.


Implementing standardized procedures, automation, as well as technology and software solutions can all aid in boosting the efficiency and productivity of your back office operations. Healthcare facilities that successfully implement these methods will have a streamlined workflow, improved accuracy and precision, and be able to provide better quality care to patients. With the right tools and mindset, medical facilities can achieve a high level of operational success and improve their medical outcomes.

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Tackling Bias in Healthcare: Strategies for Promoting Equity and Inclusion

The world has made great strides socially, economically, technologically and in many other fields during the last century. One of those fields that has seen astounding growth through ingenuity, creativity, and in effectiveness is the modern healthcare system.

Heart transplants are now a household idea; cancer survival rates are much higher. These many advances contribute to an increase in average lifespans in the U.S. which, in 1900 was only 47 years old, and in 2019 was 79 years of age. Clearly the healthcare systems and technologies available today are tending to a variety of procedures and techniques that help to make the lives of millions of people per year much better.

Sadly, despite those advances, there are still challenges to healthcare. One problem is a rising awareness in scholarly research that has uncovered an uncomfortable fact: implicit bias.

What is Implicit Bias

Implicit bias refers to an attitude and personality expression of stereotypes that affect one’s understanding, decision, and actions in an unconscious manner. Such biases, whether favorable or unfavorable, are present and active often without voluntary awareness or control. These unconscious biases (also known as hidden biases or implicit biases), demonstrate that a lot of social behavior is controlled by the conditioned stereotypes that people operate out of automatically.

While the root of this unconscious bias is proposed to have been a product of evolutionary biology— as a means of promoting survival by quickly determining and sorting persons into various categories based on social and other characteristics— humankind has not lost these traits. The ability of human beings to do this is helpful in many instances, but as is being uncovered through such studies, can have an ugly side. These implicit biases, which give order to our lives by enabling us to put people into categories for cooperation or protection, are also the foundations of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

Once learned, such prejudices and stereotypes are strong and very often resistant to change even in the face of evidence that exposes its reality.  A collective study done by researchers at Harvard University, University of Virginia, and the University of Washington called the Implicit Association Test  (IAT) gathered more than 4.5 million tests and their results from 1998 until 2006.

The quick summary of their findings was that a) implicit bias is a pervasive societal element, b) people are often unaware of these implicit biases, c) implicit biases are predictors of behavior, and d) people will differ in the strengths and expressions of those biases.

The results of these unconscious biases are multitudinous, and while no aspect of our lives is free from these judgements, for the purposes of this discussion, we are only focusing on how these affect the healthcare system. Here are some researched findings about how implicit bias demonstrates itself in the healthcare system.

Examples of Implicit Bias in Healthcare

As healthcare systems began to administer these IAT tests there were a variety of effects which were uncovered.

  • Non-white patients are less likely to receive certain interventions for cardiovascular problems.
  • Patients of color are likely to be personally blamed for their poor health as a result of their own irresponsibility or passivity.
  • Ethnic minorities, people with lower levels of education, and those who are unemployed, spend longer time waiting for care— black and Latino populations 19-25 minutes more on average.
  • Physician held false beliefs about patients due to skin color.

Regardless of the variety of consequential outcomes, the main point is that differences in treatment rendered based upon decisions unconsciously informed by implicit biases leads to failures in patient-centered care, levels of interpersonal communication, trust, and diagnoses.

The research supports the idea that a relationship between medical professional biases and patient care can contribute to disparities in how healthcare is administered. These cognitive biases when interacting with race, gender, age etc., affect clinician behavior, decisions.

Thus, things like patients’ avoidance of healthcare systems, lower participation in screenings, delays to care, and overall lower reviews of health care professionals arise. So, the question becomes, what can be done? The following are some strategies for promoting equity and inclusion in healthcare despite cognitive biases.

Strategies for Promoting Equity and Inclusion in Healthcare

Implicit bias, as has been shown, is a present force in our society today not just in a broad sense, but in specific demonstrations such as in the medical field. With this comes the necessity for solutions which will help to reduce this. Here are some strategies for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare:

  • Education: informing medical professionals of the reality and possibility of unconscious biases which might include
    • Stereotype replacement— helping others to recognize unconscious responses based upon the various major demographic markers of age, race, sex, religion, etc.
    • Renewed language— language, which is tethered to stereotypes, limits the ability for understanding, thereby encouraging thought behavior toward various demographics. Providing new, specific words and phrases as alternatives to stereotypical slang helps to promote a shift in mindset.
    • Perspective— providing cultural context, even generally, can help to create understanding for the variety of struggles which are common to certain people groups. This understanding breeds compassion and patience which translates to patient care.
  • Offering opportunities for cross cultural engagement interdepartmentally would encourage more empathy for various people groups.
  • Staffing departments for greater diversification encourages everyday observation promoting greater cultural sensitivity.

Any practice of such strategies will begin to gradually diminish the presence of bias in healthcare, and as such should be thoughtfully implemented in healthcare offices.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

5 Steps to Become a Medical Director

A medical director is a physician who provides oversight for a clinical program or department within a healthcare organization. As a medical director, you will be responsible for ensuring that the quality of care provided meets or exceeds expectations and complies with all regulatory requirements. If you are interested in becoming a medical director, follow these five steps.


Earn Your MD or DO Degree

The first step to becoming a medical director is to earn your medical degree from an accredited institution. You will need to complete four years of undergraduate coursework followed by four years of medical school. Once you have earned your degree, you will need to obtain a license to practice medicine in your state.

Complete Your Residency Training

After you have obtained your medical degree and license, you will need to complete a residency training program. Residency training programs last for three to seven years, depending on your specialty. During your residency, you will receive hands-on training in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.


Obtain Board Certification

Once you have completed your residency training, you will need to obtain board certification from the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). To be eligible for board certification, you must pass an examination that tests your knowledge and skills in your chosen specialty. Once you have passed the examination, you will be considered board-certified in your specialty.


Join a Professional Organization

After you have obtained your medical degree, completed your residency training, and become board-certified, you should consider joining a professional organization such as the American Medical Association (AMA) or the American College of Physicians (ACP). These organizations offer many benefits such as networking opportunities, educational resources, and advocacy on behalf of physicians.


Apply for Medical Director Positions

Once you have completed all of the previous steps, you can begin applying for medical director positions at healthcare organizations. To increase your chances of being hired, it is important to tailor your resume and cover letter to each position and highlight any relevant experience or skills that you possess. Additionally, networking with individuals who work at the healthcare organization where you would like to work can also help increase your chances of being hired for the position.


If you are interested in becoming a medical director, follow these five steps: earn your MD or DO degree from an accredited institution, complete a residency training program, obtain board certification, join a professional organization, and apply for medical director positions at healthcare organizations. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goal of becoming a medical director!

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

How Can We Improve Healthcare Education?

The educational aspect of the healthcare industry doesn’t get as much attention as it should. The reason for this is pretty simple. The majority of people never interact with it. And yet schools are where doctors and nurses are taught everything they know. It’s how they form the opinions and attitudes that they carry with them into their professional lives.

In other words, it’s important. In this article, we take a look at how we can improve healthcare education to make the field more effective and inclusive while also improving patient outcomes.

A Quick Note

Improve is a profoundly subjective word. A case could be made that changing the font on medical textbooks improves healthcare education. “My goodness! So much bigger. You don’t have to squint at all.”

Obviously not the metric most people are looking at. But you get the point. What does it mean to improve healthcare education? Better patient outcomes? A better student learning culture?

In the nineties, med school residents routinely worked one-hundred-hour weeks. Those hours have now been capped at 80 a week — still twice the national average for what most people think a work week should be, but progress. An improvement.

To systematically review and evaluate healthcare in a way that would comprehensively establish what improvements can and should be made would take more than the thousand or so words that this article will contain.

Instead, we take a broad-stroke look at changes that could make healthcare education more accessible and effective.

Tech-Driven Education

Medical technology has changed significantly over the last several decades. Surgery can now be performed largely by robots. Much more than a mere novelty — another way for a hospital to spend seven figures on a machine — these robots produce significantly smaller cuts than human hands can manage.

This results in quicker recovery times, and better overall patient outcomes.

Software innovations have been equally impactful. Data in particular drives many healthcare-related decisions, determining both how hospitals serve their communities at the macro level, and how nurses and doctors take care of individual patients.

During the height of the pandemic, it was sophisticated data that helped healthcare systems anticipate surges and prepare themselves for what was to come.

Data is also used more routinely throughout the course of the year. When a general practitioner advises their patients to get the flu shot early because it’s going to be a rough season, that’s data they are acting on.

Then there is the digitalization of healthcare records. An innovative development that allows patients to access their information easily, and have it on hand at the drop of a hat.

All important innovations. All things that weren’t taught in a medical education curriculum twenty years ago.

Naturally, this has changed somewhat in recent years. People do leave medical or nursing school with some understanding of all the technologies described above. As time goes on, however, it will be increasingly more important to emphasize the importance of these skills.

Improved Candidate Outreach

Healthcare providers in the United States are primarily white. This is problematic for several reasons. For minorities, it means they are being excluded from a career path that is both highly lucrative and rewarding. For—

Hold on. Excluded? Is there a sign medical schools have been posting that reads, “No minorities allowed,”?

Well, no. But inclusion is about more than leaving the door open and saying, “enter if you’d like.” It’s important to keep in mind that opportunities for inclusion in medicine, and in fact, most professional careers is a relatively recent development. For most of American history were laws and social taboos that excluded everyone who wasn’t a white man from pursuing lucrative careers.

These laws and attitudes have changed, but it doesn’t mean that inclusion springs up overnight. Bright young minorities who could be excellent future doctors might not feel inclined to pursue a medical education if they don’t see themselves reflected in the candidate pool.

That’s a shame for everyone. Study after study indicates that diversity benefits everyone. Organizations get unique perspectives. The community at large sees itself represented in the people serving them.

Universities can improve diversity attendance by changing their outreach materials and efforts to be more inclusive and comprehensive.

Improve School Culture

The higher education system in general is coming to recognize the need for mental health awareness and nurturing. Those one hundred-hour work weeks described earlier in the article aren’t conducive to good physical or mental outcomes.

Does it make sense to train a person on how to take care of human health while simultaneously forcing them to wreck their own?

Medical schools can’t afford to relax their standards. The stakes are too high, and anyway, the educational challenges are there as a deliberate barrier to ensure that only the best and most qualified wind up assuming jobs in the medical field.

That said, medical and nursing schools can provide students with resources to help talk about and take care of their mental health. Changing school culture is an important way to cater to the neurologically diverse, while also helping the wider population thrive in their education.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

4 Benefits of Engaging a Medical Director for Your Practice

A medical director provides an invaluable service for any practice. Their experience and knowledge can help guide you through tough decisions, provide direction for your team, and even improve the quality of care your patients receive. Here are just a few benefits of engaging a medical director as part of your practice.

Improved Patient Care

A medical director will help ensure that all physicians provide the highest quality care to their patients. They can provide valuable insights into what is working well and what could be improved upon to ensure patient satisfaction. They can also advocate for patient safety, ensuring all protocols and procedures are being followed properly to minimize the risk of errors or complications.

Enhanced Team Communication

Having a medical director on staff can help foster better communication between different departments within the practice. They can act as a liaison between physicians, nurses, and other staff members to create a more cohesive environment where everyone works together towards the same goal—providing the best possible patient care. The presence of a medical director will also help reduce potential conflicts by creating more clarity when it comes to decision-making processes within the practice.

Increased Efficiency

A medical director should be knowledgeable in all aspects of running a successful healthcare facility, from financial management to compliance with industry regulations. Their expertise in these areas allows them to identify any inefficient processes within the practice so they can be streamlined or improved upon for maximum efficiency levels across the board. This increased efficiency translates into better patient care and cost savings for patients and providers.

Increased Profitability

The presence of a competent medical director in your practice has been proven to lead to increased profitability over time due to their ability to manage costs effectively while still maintaining high standards of quality care for patients. Their experience in managing finances combined with their knowledge of industry regulations means they can make informed decisions about how best to allocate resources for your practice to run more profitably over time.

When it comes down to it, having an experienced and knowledgeable medical director on staff at your practice is an invaluable asset that cannot be overlooked or underestimated. From improving patient care, enhancing team communication, increasing efficiency, and ultimately boosting profitability—engaging a medical director should be considered essential, if you want your healthcare facility to run efficiently and effectively over time. If you’re considering engaging one, don’t hesitate; it will be worth it in the long run!

Bio: Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @RachelleWilber;

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

What to Know Before Switching to a Telehealth Career

Telehealth has seen consistent growth in popularity over the last few years. But, the biggest “boom” came during the COVID-19 pandemic. At first, it was out of necessity as medical professionals worked to keep patients safe and protected. However, even as we enter a post-pandemic world, telehealth trends continue to go up.

Telehealth benefits both patients and physicians. It offers flexibility, greater inclusivity, and can encourage more people to practice preventative healthcare when they know they can chat with their doctor from the comfort of home.

If you’re considering a career in telehealth, now is a great time to get on board. However, it’s important to know what to expect, and how you can prepare yourself before you decide if it’s the right career move for you.

Consider What You Want

A career in telehealth can be rewarding. Depending on your position, you might interact directly with patients, offering medical advice and preventative care options that can improve their well-being or help them manage the symptoms of an illness. If you have a passion for helping people and want to do something truly meaningful, it’s a fantastic way to find fulfillment.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. It’s not always the same having to help someone virtually, rather than face-to-face. You’ll also have to deal with people from all walks of life, and not every patient will be pleasant. Some will have conditions that are difficult to handle. Others might be frustrated by the very technology they’re using to talk to you. So, while a career in telehealth can be convenient, really consider what you want before you take the plunge. Think about things like:

      • Your comfort level in working with people virtually
      • How much time you can devote to this career
      • How well you handle stressful situations

Once you’ve decided that you think this career choice would be a good fit for you, it’s time to determine what you need to actually make it happen. If you’re currently in the healthcare field, it might be easy to transfer your education

Do You Meet the Qualifications?

Maybe you’re totally new to the telehealth field but you have the desire to help people. You don’t need to be a doctor or specialist to work in telehealth. However, depending on your position, you might need to meet certain qualifications. That includes certifications and licenses, in some cases.

For example, if you’re a nurse, you’ll have to receive appropriate licensing through the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). Because telehealth services are in such high demand, you shouldn’t have a problem getting your licensure quickly so you can start helping people as soon as possible.

If you’re a doctor, or specialist, or work for a clinic that provides telehealth services, make sure your certifications are up-to-date, and familiarize yourself with the latest in telemedicine software. There are multiple platforms and options available, so educating yourself on how to utilize technology safely and effectively is essential for any type of telehealth career.

Some practices and clinics might eventually switch to mostly telehealth services, so you might be able to get your foot in the door as an administrator and help people make virtual appointments or assist with billing. Having experience as an administrator can make that transition easier for you. You’ll also need to brush up on skills like:

      • Patience
      • Empathy
      • Time management
      • Organization
      • Flexibility

If you truly want to determine what’s needed to start your career with the right qualifications, check the requirements in your state. They vary by location, and you could be closer to getting started than you might think!

The Ins and Outs of a Virtual Career

One of the most important things to consider if you want to switch to a telehealth career is whether virtual/remote work is a good fit for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to think about. While virtual work can offer more flexibility, it can also take a toll on your mental health if you’re not getting the social interaction you need.

Humans are social creatures. We need face-to-face interaction. If your work solely relies on a virtual environment, you might struggle with isolation and loneliness. You might even feel uninspired, unmotivated, and burnt out.

While mental health stigmas in the healthcare field are starting to crumble, be sure you’re comfortable prioritizing your own mental well-being, and even talking to a professional if you’re worried that you might struggle with this type of career. Practice self-care each day by exercising, eating healthy meals, and getting as much in-person interaction with people as possible.

Telehealth is the future. While it can’t completely replace all types of medical care, it will certainly change the face of medicine and how people approach preventative care for years to come. If you’re interested in making a career change to enjoy the benefits of telemedicine, use the information here to consider whether it’s the right move, and whether you’ll find happiness and fulfillment. If so, don’t hesitate to start moving forward with your new career right away. The need for workers is extremely high, and you could end up landing the job of your dreams quickly.

Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, activism-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter. 

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

How Can We Improve Healthcare in Underserved Communities?

Today’s healthcare landscape is vast and complex. Within it exists nearly infinite sub-environments and social contexts, all of which present unique strengths, weaknesses, and difficulties. However, one sweeping reality that affects countless people within the system is a common tendency towards inequitable care provision for certain communities and demographics over others.

The disproportionalities in healthcare provision experienced by specific subpopulations and underserved communities is a story that repeats itself over and over across the country (and around the world). This is a matter of deep concern for equity advocates in healthcare, and there are a number of voices within the healthcare landscape working towards changing this reality.

Current Disparities in Healthcare Access

One helpful lens for understanding healthcare disparities at scale is a set of statistics that reveal the average difference in care delivery and outcomes by demographic. These include social differentiators like income level, race, legal status, gender identity, disability, and religion.

Across a range of metrics, certain communities, like those that earn middle-class incomes or are white/Caucasian, receive (on average) better levels of care and enjoy easier access to healthcare providers than individuals within the same communities and geographic locations that fall into other demographic categories.

There are a number of ways these disparities play out in various settings or instances. A few trends in particular represent a large percentage of healthcare inequity cases across the country. These include the following:

Difficulties in Securing Health Insurance for Noncitizens

Because the American healthcare system is so tightly tied to the insurance industry, it is vastly difficult to obtain any kind of healthcare without some form of health insurance. Unfortunately, insurance is very difficult to secure for a number of demographics, including those with complicated legal statuses or those that don’t work or have permanent addresses.

Racist Policies, Sentiments, and Biases Within the Healthcare System

This is a hugely complex topic and involves deeply systemic and cultural influences. The result, however, is a serially prejudiced system that, on average, is more likely to provide subpar care and treatment to people of color than it is to white people.

Healthcare Professionals, Especially in Places of Leadership, Remain Disproportionately white, Cisgendered, and Male

Though this has long been an area of focus and attempted awareness within the professional healthcare community, it still remains disproportionately monotone. Numbers of ethnic minorities (and other minority groups) working in healthcare fields remain stubbornly low.

This perpetuates difficulties that many patients experience when receiving care from someone who does not look like them and does not fully understand their culture, experience, community, or context.

Current Initiatives that are Working to Equalize Access to Good Healthcare

Above are just some of the ways that the healthcare system is still operating to disproportionately help certain members of society more than others. But though the system is still fraught with these widespread inequalities and problems, strides are being taken towards balancing the healthcare system at large and changing some of these realities so that more people have adequate access to the healthcare they need.

Changing Legislation to Correct Implicitly Biased or Prejudiced Policies

Systemic manifestations of discrimination and racism are often baked into legislative policy. The process of assessing current legislation and reshaping it to be more equal and equitable is a long, painstaking process. However, it can be a source of deep and significant institutional change.

Design Initiatives to Encourage More Members of Minority Groups to Study Medicine

These might look like demographic-specific scholarships, programs, or job fairs; or curriculums implemented in high-minority primary and secondary education spaces. Encouraging minority groups to consider healthcare a viable career option can have ripple effects on not only current but future generations and create precedent for more individuals to choose to enter the healthcare workforce as well.

Prioritizing Public Health Campaigns that Equip and Empower Minority Demographics to Partake in Healthy Living

Statistics reveal strong disparities in health IQ and healthy living habits between, for example, white/caucasian populations and ethnic minority populations. The work of providing diverse cultural contexts and backgrounds with health information made pertinent and relevant to them is slowly gaining traction and needs to be increased.

Ways to Contribute Personally Towards Stronger Equity in Healthcare

If you are a healthcare professional and want to make a difference in bringing about better, more equitable healthcare provision for all communities, here are a few ways you can get involved in this process.

Educate Yourself on the Nuances of Providing Healthcare to Those of Different Cultures, Identities, and Ethnicities

Whether you yourself belong to a minority identity or not, everyone has room to learn and grow when it comes to becoming more culturally knowledgeable and equipped. Terms like “transcultural nursing” and “cultural sensitivity” help shape this concept into actionable knowledge areas.

Seeking out conferences, talks, reading materials, and training on these topics can help you better understand, identify with, empathize with, and respect people with different cultural or ethnic backgrounds than your own.

Advocate for Equitable Policies, Awareness, and Conduct Within Your Own Healthcare Facility

Whether you work for an independent local hospital, a large nationwide healthcare provider, or a small outpatient clinic, your healthcare environment may or may not have an adequate understanding of equitable practices and policies.

Speaking up for underserved communities and supporting implementation of better equity practices can help change the nature of your healthcare facility as well as educate your colleagues and fellow professionals about the importance of healthcare equity.

Find Opportunities to Volunteer Your Healthcare Expertise to Support Underserved Communities in Your Area

Especially in locations where disparities are large and certain demographics or populations have poor access to healthcare, find opportunities to volunteer with nonprofit organizations or other initiatives to meet the healthcare needs of communities that have the most difficulty accessing treatment. This can be a significant and often life-altering way of lessening healthcare inequality.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.