Treating Pain: It is Much More Than “This” vs. “That”
Persistent pain is complex and it is very unlikely that one magic bullet treatment is going to be the sole key to successful outcomes.
Use Built-in Apps to Support Life Skills
Encourage clients to use apps already available on their mobile devices for assistance with job and vocational demands.
Unhealthy in Healthcare? Risks of Working in Clinical Settings
However admirable a career in healthcare may be, taking care of others certainly comes with some risks.
Patient & Professional Perceptions of Electronic Health Records
A new survey reveals that 32% of patients perceive having access to their EHRs is ‘very important’ to them.
Where Did the Sexy Nurse Stereotype Come From?
Despite nursing being a noble profession, the sexy nurse stereotype refuses to die. With Halloween (and scores of women dressed as such) rapidly approaching, we take a look at why, and what you can do to stop it.
Mass Shootings and Trauma — the New Normal
Nurses, physicians, and other professionals working in trauma centers know fully well that, at any time of day or night, ambulances and vehicles filled with victims could arrive after a violent situation unfolds.
5 Unexpected Reasons to Choose Locum Tenens
You’ve heard of locum tenens, but you may be overlooking signs that it’s right for you. Here are a five to look out for.
Training New Doctors Right Where They’re Needed
In 2010, the Affordable Care Act created 57 teaching health centers nationwide to serve areas with large unmet medical needs, and to begin to alleviate the primary care doctor shortage.
Common Sense: Today’s Nurse Practitioner
There’s arguably no better time for NP’s to call their own shots, and no better time for healthcare administrators to apply this talent solution to meet their community’s need for care.
Celebrating 50 Years of PAs This PA Week
PAs have been moving healthcare forward since 1967, and that’s definitely something worth celebrating.