Should I Quit This Darn Nursing Job?
Have you ever wondered when it’s time to quit your nursing job and move on? Are you stuck in a job, uncertain where to go next as a nurse? Or do you just need a change of scenery?
Travel Nursing: The Answer to Curing Nurse Burnout?
Burnout remains a common problem within nursing. Is travel nursing the cure?
How Therapy Providers Can Start Preparing for RCS-1
RCS-1 is a complete rewrite of therapy reimbursement rules, and will require therapy providers to make significant operational changes in order to maintain healthy businesses.
6 Benefits of Running a Home-Visit Therapy Practice
There are numerous benefits to not being a brick-and-mortar clinic and providing house calls. Here’s a small sample of them.
One Nurse Per 4,000 Pupils = Not The Healthiest Arrangement
School nurse shortages have been reported in recent years in California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Colorado, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Florida.
Jump Aboard the Nurse Wellness Express
Nurses are renowned for not taking good care of themselves, ostensibly because they’re so busy taking care of others and living the lives of the saints that they are perceived to be.
IoT Roadblocks in Healthcare: Cost, Security, and Data Integration
The solutions are tailored to address specific challenges, which can become expensive for any one organization.
5 Reasons Why The Modern EHR Must Be Mobile
A customizable, easy-to-use mobile interface can both improve common EHR efficiency issues and open the door to the meaningful use of EHR systems.
Doctor Of Osteopathic Medicine: A Growing Share Of The Physician Workforce
Doctors of osteopathic medicine currently make up about 8.5 percent of licensed physicians, but that percentage will increase in the coming years.
Why Patients Seek Naturopathic Doctors
by Jennifer Landis
Medicine is usually fairly straightforward — patients who are feeling ill seek out the advice of a primary-care doctor — but more and more patients are choosing to look for a naturopathic doctor instead of relying on traditiona…