TagRecovering From Physician Burnout
by Lori Corley
My name is Lori Corley and I am recovering from physician burnout. There is a lot of discussion and education about physician burnout recently, but this was not always the case. Physician burnout is that point where you love and ha…
Mindfulness Is the Key to Physician Burnout
Researchers have turned their attention on mindfulness benefits on physician burnout and physician stress relief and are finding promising results.
Compassion Fatigue and Nursing
Compassion fatigue can be defined as the “loss of the ability to nurture.” Could you be experiencing this?
Strategies for Reducing Physician Burnout
The fastest growing ailment seen in doctors’ offices across the country may be the rising rate of physician burnout.
Depression Among Nurses: It’s Real
Nurses are twice at risk for depression than the general population.
EHRs Eat Up Half of Doctors’ Workday with Unpaid Labor
Doctors are reimbursed for office visits, lab work, and medical procedures but not for desktop tasks.
This Doctor Beat Burnout by Doing These 5 Things
Some tactics were deliberate, mindful behaviors, some occurred by accident, and some started with a different goal.
10 Things to Consider About Going Part Time
A healthcare couple who made the break from full-time work shares 10 lessons they learned along the way.
Hybrid Models Give Concierge Medicine a Boost for Physicians, Patients
Doctors are taking on some concierge clients and maintaining other clients who access their care through traditional insurance.
The Simple Reason Nurses Should Put Themselves Before Their Patients
There is nothing to give if you start out on empty.