Tag89% of Patients Consult “Dr. Google” First
Dr. Google is in. 89% of patients queue up Google and search for their symptoms before going to see a medical provider. But this isn’t exactly a good thing.
Surgeons’ Opioid-Prescribing Habits are Dangerous, Persistent
As the opioid crisis escalated into an epidemic across the U.S., thousands of surgeons continued to hand out far more pills than needed.
Your Practice’s Online Presence Matters
The patients have spoken—an online presence and well thought out customer experience are critical components when it comes to choosing a physician or practice.
Do “Rude” Surgeons See Worse Patient Outcomes?
Not all surgeons are unprofessional. But when they are, do their patient outcomes suffer? It seems so, according to a new study published this week.
Never Say ‘Die’: Why So Many Doctors Won’t Break Bad News
The majority of patients with serious illness receive news in what researchers call a “suboptimal way.” Could training physicians to deliver bad news help?
Is the Professionalism of Doctors, Nurses Being Exploited?
Doctors, nurses often do what’s right by their patients, even if it comes at a high personal cost. Is their professional nature being exploited by those in charge?
VA Study Supports Advanced Practitioner Led Care
A new study has found no clinically important differences in patient outcomes, regardless of whether their provider is a physician, PA, or NP.
A Doctor Speaks Out About Ageism In Medicine
Doctors too often fail to appreciate older adults’ unique needs or to tailor treatments appropriately—one doctor envisions a different way of medicine.
Physicians Enthusiastic about How AI Can Help Them with Digital Diagnostics
AI has the ability to change the landscape of modern medicine, and take some of the burden off of physicians, if used correctly.
“Physician Misery Index” Climbs to 3.94/5
Despite efforts being made to raise awareness of physician burnout, a healthcare analytics company has announced their Physician Misery Index is now a 3.94 out of 5.