Tips to Prove You’re the Best Fit for Any Healthcare Job

by Eileen O’Shanassy

No matter the job you’re interviewing for, you’re likely to be asked why you’re a good fit for the position. Health care professionals are no stranger to this routine question, and those who know how to answer this question enjoy better opportunities than their peers, and are more likely to find jobs for which they’re well-suited to. This field requires a very special skill set, and demonstrating that you have those skills is crucial during the interview process. Here are five ways to demonstrate you’re a good fit for the job at hand. 

Show That You’re Personable

Being personable is absolutely essential in the health care field. Often called bedside manner, the way you interact with patients, their families, and other medical professionals will be a key factor in your ability to get and keep jobs. Be friendly, open, and courteous during your interview. Address tough questions with poise and confidence and make sure you connect on a personal level during the interview. Doing so demonstrates you’ll be able to handle difficult situations with patients, families, and your colleagues. 

Demonstrate Your Flexibility

Medical, laboratory, and dental facilities are ever-changing environments where new challenges are thrown your way every day. If you’re stuck in one pattern of behavior, or can only find one way to solve a problem, employers are unlikely to hire you. Show that you’re willing and able to use your problem-solving skills to find unique solutions to challenges with which you’re presented. Letting your interviewer know that you can adapt to diverse environments and learn new things is important. In an interview setting you can do this by using hypothetical problems, and highlighting past experiences where you solved a problem.

Use Your Communication Skills

In health care settings, good communication can actually mean the difference between life and death. Be sure to put all of your communications skills on display during your interview. Show that you know how to communicate with people from an array of backgrounds, and that you’re able to remain professional and friendly no matter what comes your way. Communicate with the proper technical terms and be sure to include different ways you’ve communicated through technology. Think of examples in your professional life where you’ve had to use strong communication skills, and be prepared to share them with your interviewer. 

Be Clear About How Your Training Matches the Job

Before you head into your interview, identify all training and licenses you possess that match the demands of the job. It’s important to show your interviewer you have relevant training and that you’ve demonstrated your ability to use a given skill set on a previous job or during your schooling. Remember that it’s also important to be candid if you are lacking any training that might be needed for the job. Many employers are willing to provide training for promising job candidates. You can also offer to become trained in programs like Integrity Support or other IT programs the clinic might already use. This is a great way to show your dedication right off the bat.

Show That You Know How to Remain Calm

Many health care jobs are in a high-pressure environment, and knowing how to stay calm during an emergency or crisis is essential. Think about past jobs or experiences where you’ve had to show grace under pressure, and be ready to talk about them with your interviewer. Staying calm and collected during your interview is also a great way to demonstrate this skill. If you don’t get flustered when you’re asked tough questions, your interviewer will likely assume you’ll bring the same poise to the workplace. 

Remember, knowing you’re a good fit before you go into an interview is crucial to both your success and your long-term happiness. Carefully read any job postings to which you respond. If you are lacking more than one or two of the expected skills and traits, find job openings that better meet your skills and talents. Doing so will allow you to gain valuable work experience while providing you the opportunity to acquire the right skills to land that dream job in the future. 

Eileen O’Shanassy is a freelance writer and blogger based out of Flagstaff, AZ. She writes on a variety of topics and loves to research and write. She enjoys baking, biking, and kayaking. Check out her Twitter, @eileenoshanassy.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.