The Top 5 In-Demand Specialties for Physicians

When becoming a physician, selecting a specialty is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. It will set the tone for your entire career, and it is often an indicator of how easy or how hard finding a job will be. If you are in the fence about which type of medicine to specialize in, here are the top five in-demand specialties, according to data from our job board, as well as their average salaries and the states with the highest demand, to help you make the right decision.

  1. Mental Health
    Average Salary: $200,741-$250,598
    States with the Most Demand: California, New York, Virginia
  2. Internal Medicine
    Average Salary: $194,166-$244,910
    States with the Most Demand: New York, Texas, California
  3. Surgery
    Average Salary: $326,660-$458,449
    States with the Most Demand: New York, Connecticut, California
  4. Urgent Care
    Average Salary: $146,000-$308,000
    States with the Most Demand: California, Washington, Minnesota
  5. Radiology
    Average Salary: $353,566-$470,465
    States with the Most Demand: California, Pennsylvania, Florida

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.