Laugh, Nurse, Laugh!
Laughter reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and is good for the heart, and using humor to have fun at work builds a sense of community within the team.
How Nurses Can Touch All Hearts to Make a Difference
The small things that we do for everybody can actually add up and create a huge effect.
4 Physician-Recommended Steps to Work- and Home-Life Balance
Physicians often strive for “work-life balance,” but how do you define it? Family physician Sara Taylor, MD, shares some tips.
Putting The Scalpel Down: When Should Physicians Retire?
When 23% of physicians are over 65, and there are physician shortages, what are the guidelines for when a doctor should retire?
Certified PAs Enhance Hospice and Palliative Care
With the number of Certified PAs growing 44% in just six short years, this workforce can help meet the demand for medical providers in the area of palliative care.
According to This Doctor, NPs Are Not the Cure for Rural Health Woes
““Apples and oranges” does not even come close to comparing the levels of knowledge and training between nurse practitioners and physicians,” says Dr. Sudhakar Madakasira.
5 Researchers Share $500,000 Prize for Work on Gene Editing
The recipients of the annual Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research are being recognized for their contributions related to the development of the tool, called CRISPR-Cas9.
South Carolina Sues Oxycontin Maker Purdue over Opioid Marketing
The lawsuit by South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, filed in Richland County Court of Common Pleas in Columbia, accuses the company of the unfair and deceptive marketing of opioid painkillers.
The Conceptualization of NDT-Based Handling Techniques for Infants: Two Perspectives
An in-depth look at the Neuro-Developmental Treatment/Bobath frame of practice applicable for infants with and/or at risk for cerebral palsy and related neuromotor disorders.
Music Therapy Found to Be of Little Help
The finding comes as a blow to many people who promote the therapy as a way to help children with autism.