Nurse Practitioners Can Ease Discharge Process
A meeting with a nurse practitioner prior to discharge could improve the discharge process for patients.
Kim’s Blog: Bringing Hope and Meaning to the End of Life
Last week, I geared up for a tremendously difficult patient—one that was facing the last vestiges of life, fraught with battling metastatic cancer.
Yoga Can Be Just as Effective as Physical Therapy for Back Pain
Or so says a study published recently in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
How to Leverage Therapist Assistants to Maximize Practice Efficiency
Whether lending a hand during therapy interventions or helping tackle mountains of paperwork, therapist assistants can boost your practice’s productivity.
Medicaid Expansion Results in More Emergency Room Trips; Fewer Patients Uninsured
Hospitals have seen reductions in uncompensated care and overall improved financial performance.
Health Care Information on the Cloud—or Anywhere. Is It Really Safe?
Why is it even on the cloud? If it is unsafe, can it be made safe? What can I, as a business owner or business manager, do about it?
Nurses: What Tips & Tricks Do You Have to Share?
Whether you’re a new grad or about to retire, we’re willing to bet you have tips and tricks to share with your fellow nurses, and we want to hear them.
Thriving as a Nurse in Underserved Communities
What’s it like working as a nurse in an underserved community? What skills and qualities should nurses have in order to succeed in this area?
New Report Says Primary Care Salaries Jumped by $22k in 2016
Signing bonuses also increased from an average of $19,714 in 2015 to $27,799 in 2016.
Recovering From Physician Burnout
by Lori Corley
My name is Lori Corley and I am recovering from physician burnout. There is a lot of discussion and education about physician burnout recently, but this was not always the case. Physician burnout is that point where you love and ha…