Hybrid Models Give Concierge Medicine a Boost for Physicians, Patients
Doctors are taking on some concierge clients and maintaining other clients who access their care through traditional insurance.
Top Hospitals Promote Unproven Therapies
Is medicine with a side of mysticism still medicine? Hospitals affiliated with Yale, Duke, Johns Hopkins, and others seem to think so.
The Quest for One of Science’s Holy Grails: Artificial Blood
The artificial blood being developed in Dr. Allan Doctor’s lab could be freeze-dried into a powder and then mixed with sterile water when needed.
The Bright Future of Pharmacies
The rapid development of medical technology affects every aspect of medicine and healthcare—even pharmacies are not immune.
Study: Manual Therapy Works as Well as, and Sometimes Better than, Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Following a year of physical therapy treatment, patients with carpal tunnel syndrome achieved results on par with those who had surgery for the same condition.
The Real Reasons Autism Rates Are Up in the U.S.
A hard look at whether the rise comes from more awareness, better diagnosis—or something else.
20 Medical Technology Advances: Medicine in the Future
Dr. Bertalan Mesko, PhD, discusses 20 technologies that will shape the future landscape of medicine.
Healthcare Remains a Ripe Target for Cybercriminals
Forrester, a research and consulting firm, offers healthcare organizations cybersecurity guidance as 2017 shapes up to be an uncertain year.
Nearly Half of Nurses Consider Changing Careers as Nationwide Shortage Looms
Heavy workload, on-the-job harassment by peers, managers are major drivers behind potential exodus, study shows.
The Simple Reason Nurses Should Put Themselves Before Their Patients
There is nothing to give if you start out on empty.