advanced practice
TagRelief for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
New immunomodulatory therapies are promising, not only for reversing skin barrier dysfunction, but in addressing the immune abnormalities associated with atopic dermatitis.
Kim’s Blog: Regeneration of the Mind and Spirit
Caring for patients, takes not only an extraordinary amount of knowledge and skill, but also caring. How can we make sure we’re mentally up for the task?
The Pros and Cons of NP and PA Role Expansion
Now recognized as a “strategic necessity,” role expansion for these 2 occupations has implications for job satisfaction, burnout, and work-related stress.
Wage Gap Between Female and Male PAs Persists
Despite 70% of PAs being female, they earn significantly less than their male counterparts, a new study has found.
5 Things You Shouldn’t Call NPs or PAs
Use of slang like mid-level and extender contribute to a public misunderstanding of our role; they imply a need for dependence on physicians, and they obfuscate the uniqueness of our profession.
States Lift More Hurdles To Physician Assistants
Like nurse practitioners, barriers to PAs are falling for a variety of reasons, including a doctor shortage and general comfort patients have with being treated by someone other than a physician.
Why Nurse Practitioners Are Fighting to Do Jobs They Were Trained For
One NP addresses physicians who say there is no substitute for the advanced education and training doctors receive.
APRNs Earn Highest Wages Among Nurses
CRNAs, NPs, and Midwives rank among the highest paid specialities in the field of nursing.
Both Political Parties Can Agree on Working to Solve the Looming Nurse Shortage
Without an effort from both sides of the aisle, America’s health system may be pushed past the breaking point.
APRNs Prove Vital to Improving SNF Care
New research has shown hiring APRNs to lead nursing home care teams can improve the way facilities handle “basic” needs such as mobility, hydration, medication management, and communication.