TagKick Off Your 2020 Job Search with These Awesome NP, PA Jobs
If your New Year’s resolution is to find a new job, take a look at this list of awesome NP and PA openings we compiled to get you started.
Write Your Best Healthcare Résumé Yet
Even if you’re not actively seeking, it’s always a good idea to have an impressive résumé at the ready, just in case an ideal job happens to pop up on your radar.
States with the Most Jobs for PAs and NPs
Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners are some of the most in-demand healthcare professionals in the nation, but where is demand highest?
States with the Most Therapy Jobs
California appears to be the state with the highest demand across all therapy professions. What other states are seeing strong demand for PTs, OTs, and SLPs?
Top 3 States with the Most Nursing Jobs
371,500 RN jobs are expected to be added in the U.S. in the next 10 years, so it’s safe to say nursing is booming. Where are the most jobs right now?
Top 3 States with the Most Physician Jobs
Given the growing physician shortage, it’s a buyer’s market, so to speak. If you’re thinking about a new job, you might want to consider these states.
Elevate Your Nursing Job Interview Skills
Job interviews for nurses can be quite tricky, and a source of anxiety for a lot of nurses. Learn how to own your greatness and ace your next interview.
4 Career Options That Don’t Require Traditional Medical Schooling
Healthcare offers many new jobs for individuals interested in a stable career, who don’t necessarily want to follow the traditional educational path.
The Highest Paying Job in Every State Is in Healthcare
Yes, you read that title correctly—the highest paying job in every single state in the United States is a healthcare job.
Nursing Career Changes and the Soul
Nursing involves soul work—the desire to serve, to give back, to help—and that, too, can be a reason for a career change, not just salary or advancement.