nurse practitioners
TagHealthcare Jobs at the Mall? Yes, It’s a Thing!
Could your search for healthcare jobs lead you to a new position at the mall? Absolutely. As healthcare systems and medical groups are looking for ways to expand without putting a ton of money into new buildings, they are finding the mall environm…
Kansas Becomes 26th State to Loosen NP Practice Restrictions
Nurse practitioner jobs in Kansas now offer a bit more freedom thanks to a bill recently signed into law by Governor Laura Kelly. The bill eliminates the need for direct supervision among nurse practitioners looking to provide the primary care the…
Where NP, PA, & CRNA Salaries Are Highest & Lowest
Advanced practice roles are typically known to be well-paying, but where are NPs, PAs, and CRNAs making the most? The least? Find out here.
This Advanced Practice Job Is the “Best Job” in America
Despite times being incredibly taxing for those working in healthcare, somehow, this advanced practice role still came out on top. See what it is here.
15 Holiday Wish List Must-Haves for Advanced Practitioners
No matter what you find yourself celebrating this December, here are 15 things advanced practitioners should add to their holiday wish lists.
3 States with the Most Demand for Advanced Practitioners
With healthcare hiring rebounding, where is the demand for NPs, PAs, and CRNAs the greatest? Here are the top three states for these advanced practitioners.
The Top 10 Pandemic-Proof Healthcare Jobs
Healthcare is often touted as a recession-proof industry. But is it pandemic-proof? Given the number of available jobs, it seems so. See the most in-demand position types here.
Top 3 States with the Most NP and PA Jobs
Hiring is typically strong in the first quarter of any given year, and 2020 appears to be following the trend. See where the most jobs for NPs and PAs are right now.
NP Workforce, Pay Has Boomed Since 2010
Nurse practitioners have long been touted as a viable solution to the U.S. physician shortage, and it seems as though they are flooding the workforce.
4 Essential Qualities NPs Need to Succeed
What traits make for a successful Nurse Practitioner? We spoke with hiring professionals to find out, and compiled this list of four qualities you need.