The Best Podcasts for Nurses: Empowering, Informative, and Inspiring

Podcasts have exploded in popularity for a reason. They are entertaining, informative, and a great way to pass the time. Since podcasts can be streamed or downloaded, you can listen to them nearly anywhere. With the option to choose from short episodes that you can soak up while sitting around, or longer ones that you can listen to while on the way home from work or a flight, no one has the excuse of being bored anymore.

What’s even more amazing is that they are free! With hundreds of topics to choose from, and thousands of different stations to browse, there is a nearly endless supply of new content coming out all the time. So, whether you are into self-improvement, fictional stories, or the news, podcasts are the way to go.

If, however, you have a bit more of a specific interest in adding to your knowledge base for your career in nursing, browse this list of just a few of the best podcasts for nurses.

Best Nursing Podcasts


The NRSNG podcast is one of the more popular shows in the nursing industry world. Their goal in producing informative, insightful, and professionally informed content causes them to rise to the top of the popularity charts. With the added focus on wanting to help continuously educate nursing students and professionals, they have become a staple in the industry. There is also the added bonus of having video content available to view.

With nearly a half-million followers and tons of content to choose from, this will continue to be a great resource for nurses. podcast, connected to the website by the same name, is an established name and trusted source of information in the nursing industry. The podcast goes over a wide variety of episode topics on things like NCLEX preparations, test-taking tips, and interviews with persons in the medical field.

In this the podcast’s goal to help nurses be more prepared in their jobs, is doing much to help advance the livelihood of both nurses, and the patients they serve.


The SHIFT Talk podcast goes about its business by making a point of going into the most important and current issues topics in the nursing world today. A short list of the topics includes patient care, emerging technologies, political policy, and how to avoid burnout. This show is hosted by an RN and a nurse practitioner, who understand the current events and issues in healthcare. More than that, the associated website has a database of other information and resources to access where you might be able to learn more about the evolution of the nursing field.

Nurse Talk

Nurse Talk is part of a multimedia website, that has a mission to promote social healing throughout the country utilizing peaceful means of information, activism, and advocacy. The podcast, hosted by registered nurses, draws from a collective sixty-five years’ worth of experiences to discuss a range of current issues in relation to health care.

With topics like patient safety, drug use, policy, and how social interest and political maneuverings all push and pull against the industry, there is no shortage of things to mull over while on or off the clock.

Nursing Note Live

The Nursing Notes Live podcast is unique among the growing list of nursing podcasts in that it is funded by a partnership with the company Johnson & Johnson that promotes an affiliate bi-monthly nursing journal. These offer a platform for innovative thinkers, workers, and policy makers alike to weigh in on what are some of the most important issues in nursing today.

Their mission is to help broaden the knowledgebase of nursing professionals and the understanding of how technological advancements are going to play into the new generation of healthcare.

The Daily Nurse

The Daily Nurse podcasts spends time trying to set itself apart from the mass of other podcasts by gathering and promoting real world stories from any and all departments from children’s hospitals to training centers. They also go into how current events in the news affect clinical practice for nursing professionals.

There is a wealth of information from educators, advanced practice nurses, and even administrators, and as such plenty of information about career advice, continuing education, and the latest trends are available to the listener.

Nurses on Fire

The Nurses on Fire podcast is refreshingly unique in that it seeks to provide financial advice for nurses who want to build wealth.  The hosts bring on a combination of guests including nurses and financial planners. With over 100 episodes, this podcast offers advice that covers a range of topics that tend to relate things like financial health, goal setting, investments, and good money habits. If you get bored listening to topics about money though, they do explore other subjects related to healthcare.

Nursing Today

The nursing today podcast is a bit different than many other traditional podcast formats in that it is a series of published lectures instead of the usual talk-radio feel. Gather and formalized from a range of speakers who have all presented at the University of Washington, the topics cover a wide range of information.

All of the lecturers are not only knowledgeable in their fields but are engaging public speakers that bring knowledge and humor into their speeches.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.