Top 3 States with the Most Physician Jobs

Healthcare as a whole has added nearly half a million jobs so far in 2019, and with the physician shortage being a continual hot-button issue, it’s a buyer’s market, so to speak. So, where are the jobs? We analyzed data on our site and came up with the three states with the most available openings for physicians right now, as well as a selection of noteworthy positions.

1. California

Average Annual Physician Salary in California: $204,190

Noteworthy Openings in California:

Click Here to View All Jobs in California

2. New York

Average Annual Physician Salary in New York: $139,710

Noteworthy Openings in New York:

Click Here to View All Jobs in New York

3. Washington

Average Annual Physician Salary in Washington: $239,080

Noteworthy Openings in Washington:

Click Here to View All Jobs in Washington

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.