How Redesigning the Abrasive Alarms of Hospital Soundscapes Can Save Lives
Reinventing the aural landscape of medicine, to make life calmer for patients and easier for doctors.
For-Profit Hospital Finances Look Stable, Profit Margins Should Improve
Report says margins are improving, especially when systems shed less-profitable facilities.
Immigrant Nurses: Filling the Next U.S. Shortage
As the health care workforce ages, foreign nurses will step up once again.
14 Things Veteran Nurses Should Tell New Grads
Small pearls of wisdom to encourage future generations of nurses.
This Doctor Beat Burnout by Doing These 5 Things
Some tactics were deliberate, mindful behaviors, some occurred by accident, and some started with a different goal.
Digital Apps for Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics
Emergency medicine and pediatrics are two areas where an array of apps help physicians do their jobs.
Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant Salary Grew in 2016
Nurse practitioner and physician assistant salary and job satisfaction rates increased in 2016, a new survey found.
Dave’s Blog: 7 Things You Can’t Say as a PA or NP
from Clinician1
Scientists Hack a Human Cell and Reprogram It Like a Computer
In the last couple of decades, biologists have been working to hack the cells’ algorithm in an effort to control their processes.
Compassionate Use Access to Experimental Drugs and The Misguided Mission of Right-To-Try Laws
How can one possibly deny a dying patient even the slightest chance of prolonged life or recovery? Is there a side effect worse than certain death?