CategoryIs The Nurse’s Glass Half Full?
Can the power of positivity really help nurses, when there is still so much wrong in both the world of nursing and healthcare as a whole?
Combat Burnout and Stress with Yoga for Nurses
Yoga has been proven to be a stress reliever for those who practice it, and nurses are some of the most stressed out employees around. Give it a try.
Top 3 States with the Most Nursing Jobs
371,500 RN jobs are expected to be added in the U.S. in the next 10 years, so it’s safe to say nursing is booming. Where are the most jobs right now?
How Has Nursing “Broken” You?
During your career, you will see a lot of horrific things that will turn into cautionary tales. Nurses took to Twitter this week to discuss theirs.
Elevate Your Nursing Job Interview Skills
Job interviews for nurses can be quite tricky, and a source of anxiety for a lot of nurses. Learn how to own your greatness and ace your next interview.
Suicide Risk Among Nurses Higher than Non-Nurses
Nurses are at a higher risk of suicide than the general population according to the findings of the first national investigation into nurse suicide in over twenty years.
Had a Tough Shift? Here’s 5 Ways to Recover.
Nursing is a hard job to begin with, but some days are harder than others. Here are five ways to help put that extra tough shift behind you and move forward.
Where Are You Most Needed? 6 Nursing Shortage Facts.
The nursing shortage is a growing problem that’s putting serious pressure on nursing staff around the country. Here are 6 facts to know about it.
Nursing Career Changes and the Soul
Nursing involves soul work—the desire to serve, to give back, to help—and that, too, can be a reason for a career change, not just salary or advancement.
5 Reasons to Give Travel Positions a Try
For those with a sense of adventure, travel positions need no other selling point. If you don’t have a natural love of travel, though, here are five other reasons to consider travel assignments.