Can Nurses Fix the U.S. Healthcare System? Americans Seem to Think So.
Nurses are most trusted by Americans to fix the country’s healthcare system, according to the results of a new survey on health reform.
Hospitals Sue Drug Makers Over Cost of Treating Opioid Addiction
In recent weeks, hundreds of hospitals have joined the fight against the opioid epidemic by filing suits against the highly addictive drug’s makers and distributors.
The Physician’s Role in Disaster Response
If you’ve ever wondered what your role is when it comes to disaster response, here are seven things that can help you prepare for the next emergency.
Your Therapy Practice’s Online Reputation Matters
Is your practice a 5-star facility according to Google, Yelp, Facebook, and so on? If not, here are some ways to help improve your online reputation.
Viral Photo of Exhausted Nurse Rallies Praise for Profession
A photo posted to Facebook of an RN, clad in blue scrubs and crying her eyes out, has awakened scores of praise for nurses and all they do.
Is The Nurse’s Glass Half Full?
Can the power of positivity really help nurses, when there is still so much wrong in both the world of nursing and healthcare as a whole?
Healthcare Wastes up to $935 Billion Annually
Waste in the U.S. healthcare system accounts for nearly 25% of total spending, or $760 to $935 billion annually, according to a report published this week.
3 Ways to Celebrate During PT Month
Though you may be a PT or PTA year-round, October is your month to celebrate. Here are three ways to salute the profession and give back.
PA Week: 3 Ways to Celebrate
Happy PA Week from all of us at Here are three ways to celebrate the PA profession, while also raising awareness.
Physician Burnout on the Decline?
Recent research indicates that physician burnout improved since 2014 and is now even lower than levels not seen since 2011.