How to Rehab Your Therapy Résumé
Whether or not you are actively searching for a new therapy job, keeping your résumé current is always smart. Here are some tips to get yours in top shape.
U.S. Medical Students Less Likely To Choose Primary Care Path
The primary care physician shortage has long been predicted, and as less and less American med students choose that path, it is sure to become a reality.
Transgender Patients Still Need Quality Care after Pride Month
June has rolled over to July—the rainbow-tinted marches have halted and the pride flags have been folded up and tucked away. But transgender patients still need care, quality care, which, in many cases, they are not receiving.
Here Comes the 4th—and the Fireworks Injuries
The Fourth of July is upon us (happy birthday, America!) and, with it, no shortage fireworks—and the injuries that come with them.
PTs Say Admin Burdens Impact Clinical Outcomes, Cause Burnout
A recent survey of physical therapists has found time consuming administrative tasks negatively impact outcomes, and contribute to clinician burnout.
AMA Lawsuit Puts Doctors In the Middle of Abortion Debate
The American Medical Association is suing over two abortion-related laws, because they force physicians to lie to patients, “to commit an ethical violation.”
15 Companies Hiring in Healthcare Right Now
Looking for a job in healthcare? Don’t believe the hype about the summertime slump. Here’s 50,000 jobs available right now.
89% of Patients Consult “Dr. Google” First
Dr. Google is in. 89% of patients queue up Google and search for their symptoms before going to see a medical provider. But this isn’t exactly a good thing.
Tips for Surviving the Night Shift
Bucking your biology and working the night shift can take some getting used to. Here are some tips to make transitioning to nights a little easier.
Legislation Aims to Remove Home Health Therapy Barriers
A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers have reintroduced legislation that would enable occupational therapists to open Medicaid home health cases.