Surgeons’ Opioid-Prescribing Habits are Dangerous, Persistent
As the opioid crisis escalated into an epidemic across the U.S., thousands of surgeons continued to hand out far more pills than needed.
Your Practice’s Online Presence Matters
The patients have spoken—an online presence and well thought out customer experience are critical components when it comes to choosing a physician or practice.
PAs to Prescribe Medical Marijuana in NH
New Hampshire’s Governor signed a bill on Friday, expanding the list of providers who are allowed to prescribe medical marijuana to include physician assistants.
The #1 Reason Nurses Leave Their Jobs
Nurse turnover remains a problem for hospitals year after year. So, what is the main factor driving nurses away from their jobs?
1 in 6 Insured Americans Get a Surprise Bill for Hospital Care
Patients often aren’t aware they are being treated by an out-of-network doctor while in a hospital, and the cost of such can be quite unexpected.
Do “Rude” Surgeons See Worse Patient Outcomes?
Not all surgeons are unprofessional. But when they are, do their patient outcomes suffer? It seems so, according to a new study published this week.
How Much PAs and NPs Make in Every State
How much do PAs and NPs make across the U.S.? We found out. How does your salary stack up against the average?
FCC Sets Vote on $100M Telehealth Program for Rural U.S.
The FCC will vote next month on a $100 million program that aims to expand telehealth to rural patients and veterans by funding technology for providers.
4 Ways to Make a Healthcare Facility Cleaner and Safer
Maintaining a clean and sanitary healthcare facility is vital, both for the patients being treated there and the medical professionals working.
PT, OT, and SLP Salaries in Every State
Using the latest data available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, we dug up the average salaries for PTs, OTs, and SLPs across the United States.