Day Shift vs. Night Shift: A Consistent Nursing Dilemma
Days versus nights is the nursing conundrum that never gets old. This article breaks down the pros and cons of both shifts.
Caring for Yourself in the Face of Compassion Fatigue
Compassion is “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others,” and it is felt, often deeply, by those in the nursing profession.
White Coats As Superhero Capes: Med Students Swoop In To Save Health Care
While doctors have traditionally been branded a mostly conservative group, there is growing evidence that young doctors-to-be are leaning leftward and interested in activism.
Definitions May Vary, but Burnout Is a Problem All the Same
Does defining burnout as a diagnosable condition, such as depression, even matter in regards to treating the problem, or should the focus fall elsewhere?
Drama Series with NP Protagonist Heads to Netflix
A new romance drama series with a nurse practitioner at its heart is headed to the small screen, bringing exposure to the NP profession through entertainment.
New Legislation Arms Advanced Practitioners in the Fight Against Opioids
More than 115 Americans die every day from opioid-related causes. The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, which passed in the House last week, aims to stop that.
12 Grants Awarded to Fund New Treatments of Rare Diseases
A third of the new awards aim to accelerate cancer research, and another 25% of the new awards fund studies evaluating drug products for rare endocrine disorders.
Majority of Patients Review Healthcare Experiences Online
51% of Americans surveyed said they share their personal healthcare experiences online via social media and review sites, such as Yelp, Google, and Facebook.
The Delicate Nature of Caring for Sexual Assault Patients
An American is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds. No matter your specialty, the odds are high you will treat a victim. Keep these things in mind, when you do.
Could Medical Scribes Be A Cure to Physician Burnout?
While there is no easy cure-all for burnout, the results of a new study indicate that utilizing medical scribes to assist with EHR documentation could help.