R&D Spend Hit Record High for Biopharma Companies in 2017
Biopharma companies invested a total of $71.4 billion in research and development in 2017, up from $65.5 billion in 2016 and a record high.
Speaking with a Speech Language Pathologist
“Those moments when there is progress and I have changed my clients lives for the better carry me through the difficult times,” says Christie Moran, MS, CCC/SLP-L in this interview about what she has loved, and learned, about being an SLP.
3 Ways to Enhance the Patient Experience
Happy patients make for a thriving practice. Are you overlooking these three core ways to keep your patients satisfied?
The Best Hospitals, As Ranked by Specialty
If you work in a hospital setting, do you work at one of the best? The annual list of the Best Hospitals in the United States is out, and here are the winners.
Women (and Discrimination) in Healthcare
Despite women accounting for nearly 80% of all healthcare employees, they still face discrimination and barriers to advancement in the workplace, says a new report.
Tips to Craft Your Best Nursing Resume
At first glance, what impression does your resume make on your behalf? Could it impress a hiring manager or recruiter in six seconds? If not, read on.
One Nurse’s Take: Working in the ICU
“Since beginning my RN journey, my outlook and perspective on life have changed dramatically,” says Jamie Dupont, RN, in this look at her life in the ICU.
Women More Likely to Survive a Heart Attack if Doctor is Female
Female doctors outperformed their male counterparts in regards to heart attack survival rates, as a whole, and particularly, for women heart attack survivors.
White Coats: Style Choice or a Sign of Better Care?
While an longstanding, iconic symbol of physicians, does wearing a white coat actually matter, when it comes to patient perceptions of trust and confidence?
PA Salaries Increase, Top $100k on Average
The average annual PA salary increased nearly 3%, compared to the previous year, with a majority of PAs now earning a base salary of more than $100,000.