From Physician Assistant to PA
“The word ‘assistant’ simply does not do justice to what PAs do in their practices these days,” says AAPA President Jeffrey Katz, PA-C, DFAAPA.
PAs and NPs Top List for 10 Best U.S. Middle-Class Jobs for the Next Decade
The future is all about health care and technology, and PAs and NPs are at the forefront.
Philanthropists Are Getting Behind a New Push for Government Science Funding
Only one in four Americans believes the U.S. government’s role in funding research is irreplaceable, according to a study by ScienceCounts.
FDA Involves Patient Perspectives in Regulatory Review Process
The FDA established the Patient Engagement Advisory Committee in a move to broaden patient engagement and strengthen patients’ voice in regulatory activities.
Read Your Patients’ Minds
Creating a patient journey map can be one way to put yourself in your patient’s minds in order to create a better patient experience.
Back for the Attack
The right technology in the PT gym can help successfully prepare clients of all kinds to get back to their regular lives safely.
How Tech Can Undo Physician Burnout from EHRs
Solutions should reduce the burden of repetitive data input that now takes place and enable seamless ways for clinicians to talk to each other, experts say.
New Project Has Long-term Goal: Unleash New Era of Patient Care
With the AMA’s Integrated Health Model Initiative, health care and technology stakeholders can work together to address data needs around costly and burdensome areas such as hypertension, diabetes, and asthma.
Study: Nursing Workforce Is More Diverse, Educated and Male than Before
There is increased diversity in gender and race/ethnicity within the nursing workforce, according to a new study.
Nursing Degrees Increasing, but Not on Track to Meet Goal for Acute Care
Based on current trends, it’s estimated that 64% of nurses in acute care hospital units will have a degree by 2020—falling short of the 80% goal.