10 Stubborn Cybersecurity Myths, Busted
As common half-truths and misperceptions plague information security, we separate truth from fiction and outline steps to take in order to make your healthcare institution safer.
What is Driving Physicians to Burnout
Many doctors are always a step away from burnout. But we all chose this profession anyway, because we want to make a difference.
In Patient Satisfaction Scores, What Role Does Bias Play?
Do physicians who are not white or male get graded worse by patients?
Relief for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
New immunomodulatory therapies are promising, not only for reversing skin barrier dysfunction, but in addressing the immune abnormalities associated with atopic dermatitis.
Kim’s Blog: Regeneration of the Mind and Spirit
Caring for patients, takes not only an extraordinary amount of knowledge and skill, but also caring. How can we make sure we’re mentally up for the task?
We Need Nurses More Than Ever. Why Are We Letting Them Burn Out?
The combination of an exodus of RNs and an influx of aging patients could create a health care crisis.
Let’s Stop Blaming Hospitals for Every Security Breach
Yes, health entities need to be held responsible for protecting patient data but public shaming isn’t making that happen. There’s a better way forward.
Best Practices for Hospitals Looking to Stay Organized
As healthcare grows in new and innovative ways and more technology is added to healing and healthcare, HR faces many new challenges.
Why Physicians Don’t Want to Retire
A study found most physicians wanted to keep working due to enjoying practicing medicine, the social aspects of their work, and the want to maintain their lifestyle.
AMA Urges Senate to Oppose Graham-Cassidy Bill
The AMA calls for the Senate to shut down Graham-Cassidy, which they say would result in millions of Americans losing health coverage.