86% of Americans: Healthcare Workers Should Discuss Clinical Trials
While the pharma industry spends upwards of $2B on patient recruitment every year, a recent survey found half of respondents were not aware of clinical trials.
After 15 Years of Failure, What Can Pharma Offer Alzheimer’s Patients?
The most recent new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease was approved by European regulators in May 2002, with the US FDA following suit the next year.
Technology-Based Rehabilitation to Improve Communication after Acquired Brain Injury
The utilization of technology has allowed for several advances in aphasia rehabilitation for individuals with acquired brain injury.
My 4 Biggest Takeaways from WebPT’s Rehab Industry Survey
Some of the survey results were surprising, while others came with little shock, but all of it was very telling about therapy professions as a whole and what the future may hold.
How to Help Explain Billing to Curious Patients
Knowing a few of the specifics about medical billing procedures can go a long way in assuring your patients and providing them better customer service.
Physician Workforce Trends And Their Implications For Spending Growth
Areas with a higher concentration of primary care physicians have much lower spending per beneficiary, higher-quality care, better patient satisfaction, and lower mortality rates.
Why Live CE Seminars for Healthcare Providers Are So Important
Today, there is a greater movement towards virtual Continuing Education courses and less emphasis on live seminars, which were so predominant and popular for so many years.
Kim’s Blog: Some Days… You Just “Do What You Can Do”
Have you ever felt days where, despite your best efforts, patients just followed their own course? Whether or not this would lead to potentially worse outcomes? These are the days when you “do what you can do.”
HR Investments All Businesses Should Make
HR investments are often overlooked in favor of focusing on patients, but a happy staff can do wonders for patient care.
5 Technologies Modernizing Today’s Hospitals
Here are some of the developments that keep medical care at the forefront of modern technology.