TagThe Highest Paying U.S. Metro Areas for Nurses
If your 2020 job search has you considering a change of scenery, you may want to consider these metro areas offering top pay for nurses.
Nurses Rank Highest in Honesty, Ethics
Well done, nurses. For the 18th year in a row, Americans have named you as the most honest and ethical professionals in the country.
2 of the Best Diet Plans for Nurses with a Hectic Schedule
For nurses, adhering to a diet on a hectic schedule can seem nearly impossible. However, if you vowed to lose weight in 2020, these plans may help.
Our 5 Most Popular Nursing Articles of 2019
With 2019 nearly in the rearview, we’re taking a look back at our most popular articles of the year. Read them here.
5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Holiday Nursing Shift
It can be hard to work on the holidays, but if you work in a hospital setting, it can also be hard to avoid. Here are 5 tips to make the most of your holiday nursing shift.
25 Holiday Wish List Must-Haves for Nurses
Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule—no matter what you’re celebrating this holiday season, here are 25 things nurses should add to their holiday wish lists.
Nurses Beware: How a Full Moon Affects Your Night Shift
With the next full moon slated to appear in the sky next week, if you work the night shift, you may want to give this a read.
This Year, Nurses Are Thankful For…
We asked, “What has your career in nursing made you most thankful for?” Here are our top ten favorite answers to that question.
7 Common Injuries Nurses See on Thanksgiving Day
In honor of Thanksgiving, we’ve listed the seven most common injuries that occur on and around Turkey Day.
These Shoes Just Might Save Your Aching Feet—and a Life
Nike has designed a shoe with you in mind—the Nike Air Zoom Pulse—and they’ll be donating profits from it to a children’s hospital in Oregon.