Marketing and Design Tactics to Make Your Medical Website Standout

The patient is the heart and soul of any medical practice. Supporting patients and their loved ones through some of life’s most important, and often most difficult, moments is the mission of every healthcare provider.


However, the practice of medicine is also, fundamentally, a business. After all, you can’t do this vital work if you can’t reach the ones who need you most. This is where the significance of digital marketing shines through. A robust online presence and, in particular, the creation of a strong, functional medical website, can be instrumental in helping you acquire new patients and build meaningful relationships with existing ones.


The problem, though, is that all too often medical websites are geared toward a homogenous target audience that has little relevance or attraction for diverse patient populations. The result is a digital marketing strategy that threatens to reinforce the marginalization of traditionally disenfranchised patient populations, including people of color.


This article provides strategies for instituting marketing and design practices that will help your medical website stand out, increasing your access to historically underserved patient populations, including Black patients.

Understanding Your Target Audience

When it comes to developing a marketing and design platform that effectively reaches your target audience and solicits their engagement, the first and most important priority is to understand who your target audience is, what they want, and what they need.


Doing this, of course, is no mean feat. It requires both a strong grasp of consumer psychology and deep insight into your ideal customer persona. For consumers of health services, the most effective marketing strategies will be those that emphasize the provision of compassionate and highly competent care.


But this is only the baseline of what a healthcare consumer can expect when seeking a healthcare provider. They’re also going to want a healthcare team that knows, understands, and cares about them as individuals as well as members of a diverse community. Diversity and inclusive marketing approaches are of particular value in bringing this goal to fruition.

Marketing to Diverse Health Communities

The credo and guiding mission of the healthcare community is to first do no harm. For far too long, however, inequities within the healthcare system have contributed to disproportionate rates of morbidity and mortality in the Black community.


The good news, however, is that health systems are increasingly recognizing the long-standing racial disparities in both healthcare access and quality of care for Black patients and are taking proactive steps to address them.


Diversity in healthcare has become a core focus of healthcare practice and health policymaking. In light of this, the onus rests with healthcare marketers to reflect and respond to this shift toward diversity and inclusion within the healthcare system. After all, Black health consumers will never benefit from the health system’s move toward greater diversity if they are not first made aware of this ideological and tactical shift.


Making healthcare marketing more inclusive involves reimagining how audiences are represented as well as addressed. This means crafting marketing content that is more reflective of the lives and experiences of members of diverse communities while at the same time avoiding the stereotypes that are often not only just false but also misleading and offensive.

Diversity in Marketing Teams

If you’re seeking to more effectively reach Black patients with your medical website marketing and design, then building a marketing team that is as diverse as the audience you want to target is an ideal first step. There are, after all, cultural, social, and historical experiences that simply can’t be encapsulated in or captured through standard market research.


However, when you incorporate marketing team members who derive from the same communities you wish to speak to and serve, you’re going to have a depth of insight into the community perspective that might otherwise have been impossible.


For instance, members of the Black community may have unique and specific mental healthcare needs that neither clinicians nor marketers have been professionally trained to recognize. This might include, for example, anxiety and depressive disorders relating to generational trauma, systemic racism, and community violence.


Healthcare marketing approaches that speak to these particular needs, using the mental health-related discourse of the target community can help reach patient populations that have for too long been either misunderstood or entirely ignored by more traditional marketing strategies.

Diversity in Market Research

Diversifying your marketing team is one important prong in a broader strategy for better understanding and connecting with patients in the Black community, however. It is also incumbent on healthcare marketers to engage with the communities they seek to target.


This might include on-the-ground research using open-ended interviews and research surveys, or it may involve online studies, such as the analysis of online patient reviews, comments, and complaints.


Turning to a variety of social media platforms and online forums, particularly those oriented toward members of the Black community, can be an invaluable way to identify critical gaps not only in healthcare service but also in healthcare branding. You may also solicit similar information by developing and maintaining active discussion forums on your medical websites and social media. This kind of active engagement with the patient community can help you better understand the audience and to target your marketing strategies and website designs accordingly.

The Takeaway

For far too long, persons of color have been marginalized and underserved by the healthcare system. This has contributed to systemic racial inequities in healthcare access and quality, resulting in disproportionate rates of morbidity and mortality in the Black community. In recent years, however, efforts to redress racial bias and inequities in healthcare have continued apace.


Healthcare marketing is striving to keep in stride with these efforts. Indeed, proactive measures to more effectively reach Black patients are critical to the development of marketing and design tactics that will truly make your medical website stand out. The key lies in understanding who your target audience needs, what they want, and what they expect.

 Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, activism-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter. 

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

How Can We Improve Healthcare Education?

The educational aspect of the healthcare industry doesn’t get as much attention as it should. The reason for this is pretty simple. The majority of people never interact with it. And yet schools are where doctors and nurses are taught everything they know. It’s how they form the opinions and attitudes that they carry with them into their professional lives.

In other words, it’s important. In this article, we take a look at how we can improve healthcare education to make the field more effective and inclusive while also improving patient outcomes.

A Quick Note

Improve is a profoundly subjective word. A case could be made that changing the font on medical textbooks improves healthcare education. “My goodness! So much bigger. You don’t have to squint at all.”

Obviously not the metric most people are looking at. But you get the point. What does it mean to improve healthcare education? Better patient outcomes? A better student learning culture?

In the nineties, med school residents routinely worked one-hundred-hour weeks. Those hours have now been capped at 80 a week — still twice the national average for what most people think a work week should be, but progress. An improvement.

To systematically review and evaluate healthcare in a way that would comprehensively establish what improvements can and should be made would take more than the thousand or so words that this article will contain.

Instead, we take a broad-stroke look at changes that could make healthcare education more accessible and effective.

Tech-Driven Education

Medical technology has changed significantly over the last several decades. Surgery can now be performed largely by robots. Much more than a mere novelty — another way for a hospital to spend seven figures on a machine — these robots produce significantly smaller cuts than human hands can manage.

This results in quicker recovery times, and better overall patient outcomes.

Software innovations have been equally impactful. Data in particular drives many healthcare-related decisions, determining both how hospitals serve their communities at the macro level, and how nurses and doctors take care of individual patients.

During the height of the pandemic, it was sophisticated data that helped healthcare systems anticipate surges and prepare themselves for what was to come.

Data is also used more routinely throughout the course of the year. When a general practitioner advises their patients to get the flu shot early because it’s going to be a rough season, that’s data they are acting on.

Then there is the digitalization of healthcare records. An innovative development that allows patients to access their information easily, and have it on hand at the drop of a hat.

All important innovations. All things that weren’t taught in a medical education curriculum twenty years ago.

Naturally, this has changed somewhat in recent years. People do leave medical or nursing school with some understanding of all the technologies described above. As time goes on, however, it will be increasingly more important to emphasize the importance of these skills.

Improved Candidate Outreach

Healthcare providers in the United States are primarily white. This is problematic for several reasons. For minorities, it means they are being excluded from a career path that is both highly lucrative and rewarding. For—

Hold on. Excluded? Is there a sign medical schools have been posting that reads, “No minorities allowed,”?

Well, no. But inclusion is about more than leaving the door open and saying, “enter if you’d like.” It’s important to keep in mind that opportunities for inclusion in medicine, and in fact, most professional careers is a relatively recent development. For most of American history were laws and social taboos that excluded everyone who wasn’t a white man from pursuing lucrative careers.

These laws and attitudes have changed, but it doesn’t mean that inclusion springs up overnight. Bright young minorities who could be excellent future doctors might not feel inclined to pursue a medical education if they don’t see themselves reflected in the candidate pool.

That’s a shame for everyone. Study after study indicates that diversity benefits everyone. Organizations get unique perspectives. The community at large sees itself represented in the people serving them.

Universities can improve diversity attendance by changing their outreach materials and efforts to be more inclusive and comprehensive.

Improve School Culture

The higher education system in general is coming to recognize the need for mental health awareness and nurturing. Those one hundred-hour work weeks described earlier in the article aren’t conducive to good physical or mental outcomes.

Does it make sense to train a person on how to take care of human health while simultaneously forcing them to wreck their own?

Medical schools can’t afford to relax their standards. The stakes are too high, and anyway, the educational challenges are there as a deliberate barrier to ensure that only the best and most qualified wind up assuming jobs in the medical field.

That said, medical and nursing schools can provide students with resources to help talk about and take care of their mental health. Changing school culture is an important way to cater to the neurologically diverse, while also helping the wider population thrive in their education.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Nurses Leaving Direct Patient Care – Where Will They Go?

A recent study from McKinsey & Company offers few surprises about the state of the nursing profession. The study highlights what many in healthcare have known for a long time: registered nurse jobs are plentiful because nurses are leaving direct patient care and there are not enough new nurses coming in to take their spots. However, the study does raise an interesting question.

If as many as one-third of all currently employed nurses plan to leave direct patient care, where will they go? There are non-clinical opportunities out there, but there may not be enough to keep all of them employed in nursing. More non-clinical jobs could be created, which could possibly help boost the number of new nurses being trained in the years to come.

Planning to Leave Soon

The McKinsey & Company survey questioned both registered nurses (RNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) about their plans for the future. Researchers noted that prior to the start of the COVID pandemic, new nursing licenses were up roughly 4% year-on-year. That probably would not have helped ease the nursing shortage even if the pandemic hadn’t reared its ugly head. But now, with the pandemic largely over, so few new nurses seeking licensing will barely make a dent in the problem.

That is because the pandemic has left some 30% of currently employed nurses reconsidering the commitment to remain in clinical care. By 2025, they expect to be in non-clinical positions or out of nursing altogether. That is a significant number by any measure. Any other industry losing 30% of its workforce would find itself in big trouble in short order. Healthcare already has its problems. Losing one-third of its nursing staff cannot be good.

Non-Clinical Job Options

So, what does the job market look like for nurses hoping to leave clinical work? LPNs are probably going to find it tougher to remain in nursing after a decision to leave direct patient care. RNs should have an easier time. Creating more registered nurse jobs in education would be a start.

According to McKinsey & Company, one of the reasons nursing schools are not producing enough new nurses is that there aren’t enough spots for all the students looking for an education. Expanding nursing programs is the obvious solution here. To do that, schools need to create more educator spots. The study also suggests creating more mentor programs whereby experienced RNs mentor smaller numbers of students as they work through the later stages of education.

Another suggestion in the McKinsey & Company report is that both government and the private sector find ways to make more use of registered nurses. What that would look like, in terms of job creation, is unclear. But if keeping RNs employed in nursing after leaving clinical work is the goal, jobs need to be created somewhere.

Rethinking Healthcare Profits

There is no arguing that RN and LPN jobs or readily available. Employers cannot fill them fast enough. But with more nurses planning to leave clinical work within the next few years, something must be done to keep hospitals, clinics, and doctor’s offices operating. Perhaps it is time to rethink profit. Maybe it is time for the industry to accept lower profits in exchange for more nurses who really just want lighter workloads, more flexible schedules, and a bump in pay.

We have been talking about the nurse shortage for some time now. Continuing to talk about it will not change anything. If we really want to prevent one-third of our nurses from leaving clinical work, we need to get serious about addressing their motivations for doing so.

That Moment You Realize the Doctor Is a Wannabe Rock Star

Search as many physician jobs as you want on our job board, and we’re betting you won’t find any that require musical skills. Musical ability has nothing to do with providing quality medical care. But that has not stopped a group of physicians in suburban Chicago from not only learning to play, but also using their musical talents to thank nurses and support staff.

 Imagine that moment the staff realized some of their doctors were wannabe rock stars. Imagine seeing a doctor you work closely with, day after day, doing his best Jimmy Buffet impression – just to make you smile. What recently happened at Central DuPage Hospital undoubtedly made a lot of people happy. The healthcare industry needs more of it.

 Plenty of Bad News

 We do not have to look far to find bad news in healthcare. There is plenty of it. From physician burnout to nurses leaving clinical work in droves, we could spend all day focusing on the problems. Those problems do need some attention, but they shouldn’t command all of our attention. There is more than enough good to focus on.

 Some of that good was tapped into by Northwestern Medicine’s Dr. Anthony F. Altimari, M.D. According to the Daily Harald, Altimari’s love of music goes beyond just the music itself. He finds it therapeutic. When the stresses of his profession start getting to him, he picks up his guitar and goes to town.

Altimari is apparently not alone. He has made it his mission to encourage colleagues at Central DuPage to do the same thing. Many of them have. So much so that a bunch of them got together and put on a concert for hospital staff. The concert was a way for them to show their appreciation for how hard nurses and support staff worked during the COVID pandemic.

 Doctors Are People Too

 Physician jobs are a dime a dozen. That being the case, it is easy for the rest of us to forget that doctors are people too. They have families to take care of. They have bills to pay, houses to maintain, and cars that need to go into the shop for work. They also have their dreams and ambitions outside of medicine.

 Some of the nursing staff at Central DuPage were probably shocked to discover that the doctors they work with are also wannabe rock stars. But why should that be so unusual? Music is universal. People love it wherever you go. Furthermore, far more people possess musical talent than actually use it to benefit others.

 Your surgeon may have the steadiest hands in the business. And if so, you probably appreciate that. But perhaps those same hands are capable of performing guitar licks that would rival anything Jimmy Hendrix produced. Then again, maybe your highly skilled surgeon couldn’t carry a note in a bucket. You just don’t know.

 The Good Side of Medicine

 If nothing else, nurses and support staff at Central DuPage recently got a break from their stressful jobs. They got to enjoy the good side of medicine brought to them by a group of rocker doctors who just happen to be very good on their instruments. What a sight that must have been for the staff.

 Are you currently on the hunt for good physician jobs? If so, remember that there is more to life than work. Do whatever job you eventually land to the best of your ability. But do not hesitate to pursue other interests as well. You might be able to use those interests to do something good for others.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

How to Use Healthcare Job Boards More Effectively

It used to be that using a healthcare job board required very little effort above and beyond posting your resume and waiting for responses. Many job seekers still do that today. However, the most successful use healthcare job boards differently. They do more than post their resumes and wait.

 As far as job boards go, Health Jobs Nationwide is among the best. We are comfortable saying that because of the tens of thousands of listings we offer along with the well-known, reputable companies who post their jobs with us. Still, the quality of our job board alone will not get you hired. There is more to it.

 The good news is that we won’t leave you hanging. Below are strategies for helping you utilize healthcare job boards more effectively. Ultimately, our goal is to be your gateway to the physician, nurse practitioner, or registered nurse position you are looking for.

 1. Practice Different Filtering Methods

 Healthcare job boards like ours tend to offer multiple filtering methods. We do this because job applicants have different ways of searching. What must be understood is that our filters are heavily dependent on the data posters enter. This means that not every job that could be appropriate to your search will turn up under all your filters.

 From a practical standpoint, you may have to utilize several different filters. Don’t stress over it. Just practice utilizing different filters to see the results they turn up. With enough practice, you will know exactly how to search every time you log on.

 2. Take Advantage of Employer ATS

 Healthcare employers receive so many resumes that they just don’t have the resources to manually look through each and every one. So these days, they use automated systems known as applicant tracking systems (ATS) to narrow down potential candidates. Out of 500 resumes, perhaps only 30-50 will be actually viewed by human eyes.

 You increase your chances of getting your resume seen by understanding and taking advantage of ATS. For starters, always send your resume and CV in .pdf format. That’s the one format most ATS systems can read. If you submit a .docx, your resume may not make it past the first level.

 Next, don’t use tables, text boxes, etc. Most ATS systems cannot read the data contained in boxes and tables, so that data will be ignored. However, do use formatting – like headings, for example. An ATS can recognize headings like ‘Education’, ‘Work History’, and so forth.

 Finally, use the right keywords. ATS systems are a lot like search engines in that they look for keywords to understand a document. Use keywords that are appropriate to the type of job you are looking for. If you’re not sure what those keywords are, look in the job description of a particular post. That will tell you everything you need to know.

 3. Make Proactive Contact

 Finally, the one thing about job seeking that hasn’t changed is the need to be proactive. After you submit your resume and CV to a particular employer, try to make contact with someone in that organization. A common suggestion among job coaches is to look up the employer on LinkedIn. You might find an HR officer, healthcare administrator, or someone else you can connect with. A simple note of introduction is all you need.

 Healthcare job boards are a fantastic resource for finding career opportunities across the country. Whether you are looking to stay local, or you are prepared to move, don’t just submit your resume and wait. Utilize the three strategies described in this post and you’ll increase the chances of finding a great job.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Why the Search for the Perfect Physician Job Might Come up Empty

The world loves superlatives. Most of us think nothing of categorizing something as the ‘best’. And in fact, the introduction of digital marketing in the internet era has caused us to take superlatives to unprecedented levels. We even do it in the healthcare sector, particularly when it comes to discussing the ‘perfect job’.

How many of us have searched for the perfect physician job among the thousands that seem to always be listed? How many of us really believe the perfect job exists? It may or may not. The one thing we can say for sure is that the search for the perfect physician job sometimes comes up empty. But that is true for any career.

Physicians might be at a slight disadvantage here due to the high honor we attach to the profession. We assume that because becoming a physician requires so much time and effort, physician jobs are somehow superior to other career choices. And with that thinking comes the inevitable letdown when a doctor fails to find the perfect job promised in medical school.

3 Main Job Criteria

Your average job seeker searches for jobs based on their particular criteria. That criteria could be anything. But by and large, there are three things that dominate most job searches:

  • Salary
  • Location
  • Description

If you are like most people, your search for physician jobs is dominated by salary requirements. In other words, you look for the jobs that pay the most. You may be the kind of person who wants to work in a particular geographic location, so that might be just as important to you as salary. But what about job description?

Job seekers tend to look at descriptions to see if they qualify. Some go so far as to try to understand what a particular job entails by paying close attention to minute description details. But let’s be honest. When push comes to shove, job description takes a distant third place to salary and location.

Scoring the Trifecta

To use a horse betting analogy, finding a physician job that met all your requirements for salary, location, and job description would be like hitting the trifecta. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it likely? Perhaps.

Conventional wisdom says that you can probably count on getting two of the three but getting all three is not likely. Does that mean you should not try for the trifecta? Absolutely not. You definitely will not get all three if you do not try. If you do try, you may or may not succeed.

This all boils down to the idea of pragmatism. One’s search for healthcare jobs can be supported by plenty of optimism and high hopes for the future. But it can also be tempered with the pragmatic reality that perfection is hard to come by. When one accepts the fact that the perfect job may either not exist or not be found on the first try, finding a job becomes easier.

Perfect Is a Matter of Perspective

Taking a pragmatic approach to physicians jobs does not automatically mean settling for whatever you can get. Rather, a better way to look at it is to acknowledge that perfection is a matter of perspective. A physician job that pays well, allows a good work-life balance, and gives you an opportunity to grow professionally may be exactly what you need. It may not be what you dreamed of, but so what?

Like any other job category, physician jobs are abundant. Whether or not you will find the perfect job remains to be seen.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Healthcare’s Most Wanted

Healthcare professionals are clearly some of the most essential workers in the country. But which are needed the most right now and where? We break it down for you.

More than a year on from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting record unemployment rate of 14.8%, the job market has begun to stabilize, nearing pre-pandemic figures—5.1% in August of 2021, compared to 3.5% in February of 2020.

Through it all, though, healthcare employment has been essential. Despite job losses in some specialties and settings, our nation has needed doctors, nurses, and the like on the frontlines in a way no other industry has seen a need for employment. Lives were literally on the line, and jobs had to be filled to save them. A sentiment that is true, once again, as hospitals fill to capacity in some parts of the country, due to the Delta variant.

What types of healthcare professionals are needed the most now, and where are they needed? We break it down for you below, according to data from our jobs site.

10 Most In-Demand Position Types:

  1. Registered Nurses
  2. Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses
  3. Physicians
  4. Technicians
  5. Physical Therapists
  6. Certified Nursing Assistants
  7. Nurse Practitioners
  8. Speech Language Pathologists
  9. Respiratory Therapists
  10. Occupational Therapists

10 Most In-Demand Specialties:

  1. Insurance
  2. Education
  3. Intensive Care
  4. Patient Care
  5. Telemetry
  6. Home Health
  7. Customer Service
  8. Pediatrics
  9. Rehabilitation
  10. Pharmacy

10 Most In-Demand Locations:

  1. California
  2. Georgia
  3. Texas
  4. Pennsylvania
  5. Florida
  6. New York
  7. Illinois
  8. North Carolina
  9. Ohio
  10. Massachusetts

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Medical Professionals

As COVID has prevented people from safely interacting in person, more have turned to social media. As a medical professional, here’s how to behave (or not) online.

Over the last year and a half, as COVID-19 has prevented scores of people from safely interacting in person with their family, friends, coworkers, and more, people have turned to social media in droves, not only to foster a connection, but oftentimes for medical information. So, what are the ins and outs of using social media as a medical professional? We break it down below.


Counter Misinformation

It’s no secret that the internet—particularly, social media—is a place where unchecked information masquerading as fact is allowed to mostly run rampant. From anti-vaxxers to pseudoscience loyalists, social media is full of people who make your job more difficult every single day, by spreading falsehoods and, in the worst cases, putting lives at risk with their irresponsible and uninformed claims. And while it may be tempting to go on a CAPS LOCK heavy or profanity laden rant when you see this happening, it would be better to counter by debunking myths and discrediting claims using your knowledge of medical science—and, maybe, have a few medical journals at the ready for citing. Use social media to be an authoritative voice for facts online and a source of knowledge for the public.

Raise Awareness

While giving blanket medical advice on the internet is never a great idea, you can use your specialized knowledge to raise awareness about medical issues or conditions, in addition to the aforementioned debunking of misinformation. Consider this a preemptive strike against falsehoods, if you will. If you work in cardiology, for instance, you can take to social media to discuss heart-healthy nutrition, or the benefits of cardiovascular exercise. In ENT? Discuss fall risks, the dangers of undiagnosed sleep apnea, or maybe share your local allergen information on a weekly basis. As a bonus, if you share online with any regularity, it can begin to build a brand for yourself or your practice as experts in your specialty, while also raising awareness in the general population and driving locals to your practice.

Connect with Patients

Nearly 90% of older adults have used social media to seek and share health information, and 40% of young adults have turned to online tools to connect with others over their health challenges. Your patients are no exception. Engage with them on social media, where they already are, to not only augment clinical care, but to help educate, as well as provide support.


Expose Patient Information

Obviously, by working in healthcare, you are intimately familiar with industry rules and regulations regarding patient privacy. This applies just as much, if not more so, online. It should go without saying, but we’re going to say it anyway: never, ever, ever, ever, ever disclose protected health information online in any capacity. Ever. And definitely do not share pictures or videos of patients online, unless a patient has given their consent in writing. For one, it’s a HIPAA violation, and it also isn’t doing you any favors in looking like a professional people can trust.

Patient Shame

Not too long ago, news broke of a hospital in Maine coming under fire after a “wall of shame”, aimed at mocking and humiliating disabled patients, was discovered and exposed by one of their own employees. Don’t do that. Or anything like that. In real life or online. Do not shame your patients for getting vaccinated, or even for not getting vaccinated. Do not fat shame your patients. Do not shame your patients for their level of wealth or poverty. Do not shame them for their disabilities. Do not shame your patients. Patients are entrusting you with their medical care, and in some cases, their lives, and it is your responsibility, no matter how trying they may be, or how exhausted you are, to be a consummate professional and not slander them in any way.

Bash Your Employer

Nothing online is 100% private. Anything you post online, even on a private Facebook or Twitter page, can be screen captured by someone with less than honorable intentions and it can get back to your employer. Be careful what you say online, as it can make all the difference between gainful employment and an unexpected job search—or even a lawsuit.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Where Healthcare Support Salaries Are Highest & Lowest

Working in healthcare has always garnered a lot of respect, especially over the last year. But is the pay proportionate to the praise?

Working in healthcare can garner a lot of respect, as we’ve certainly seen over the last year with many in the industry being hailed as heroes for working on the frontlines of the pandemic.

However, is the pay proportionate to the praise?

Below are the ten states offering the highest and the lowest average salaries for ten popular healthcare support professions, listed alphabetically, according to 2020 salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers – Highest Paying States

  1. California – $108,400
  2. Hawaii – $101,570
  3. Alaska – $95,990
  4. District of Columbia – $94,260
  5. Rhode Island – $92,460
  6. Washington – $92,150
  7. Oregon – $91,550
  8. Massachusetts – $89,080
  9. Wisconsin – $86,810
  10. Colorado – $86,370

Diagnostic Medical Sonographers – Lowest Paying States

  1. Alabama – $57,870
  2. Georgia – $61,100
  3. Mississippi – $62,600
  4. West Virginia – $62,920
  5. Louisiana – $63,520
  6. Arkansas – $64,670
  7. South Dakota – $64,840
  8. Tennessee – $65,750
  9. Michigan – $66,020
  10. Kentucky – $67,520

EMTs & Paramedics – Highest Paying States

  1. Hawaii – $58,580
  2. Washington – $56,910
  3. Maryland – $53,440
  4. Alaska – $50,030
  5. California – $48,280
  6. Illinois – $48,040
  7. District of Columbia – $47,460
  8. New York – $46,920
  9. Massachusetts – $46,110
  10. Connecticut – $45,800

EMTs & Paramedics – Lowest Paying States

  1. West Virginia – $30,520
  2. Alabama – $30,770
  3. Kansas – $31,500
  4. Kentucky – $32,030
  5. Mississippi – $32,250
  6. South Dakota – $33,110
  7. Montana – $34,090
  8. Michigan – $34,410
  9. Arkansas – $34,630
  10. Ohio – $34,680

Home Health & Personal Care Aides – Highest Paying States

  1. Alaska – $35,360
  2. North Dakota – $34,020
  3. Massachusetts – $33,890
  4. Vermont – $33,810
  5. Washington – $32,860
  6. New York – $32,140
  7. District of Columbia – $31,810
  8. California – $31,270
  9. Rhode Island – $30,790
  10. Oregon – $30,730

Home Health & Personal Care Aides – Lowest Paying States

  1. Louisiana – $19,800
  2. Alabama – $20,960
  3. Mississippi – $21,520
  4. West Virginia – $21,730
  5. Texas – $21,750
  6. Oklahoma – $22,320
  7. North Carolina – $22,920
  8. Tennessee – $23,130
  9. Virginia – $23,360
  10. Arkansas – $23,510

Medical Assistants – Highest Paying States

  1. Alaska – $46,610
  2. Washington – $45,700
  3. District of Columbia – $45,340
  4. Massachusetts – $43,090
  5. Minnesota – $43,090
  6. California – $42,990
  7. Oregon – $41,700
  8. Connecticut – $41,070
  9. Hawaii – $40,530
  10. New York – $39,850

Medical Assistants – Lowest Paying States

  1. West Virginia – $29,820
  2. Alabama – $29,950
  3. Mississippi – $30,550
  4. Louisiana – $31,110
  5. Arkansas – $31,530
  6. Oklahoma – $31,790
  7. South Dakota – $31,910
  8. Kansas – $32,030
  9. New Mexico – $32,340
  10. South Carolina – $33,010

Medical Secretaries & Administrative Assistants – Highest Paying States

  1. District of Columbia – $47,110
  2. California – $46,140
  3. Washington – $45,990
  4. Massachusetts – $44,900
  5. Rhode Island – $43,740
  6. Hawaii – $43,620
  7. New Jersey – $43,130
  8. Minnesota – $42,730
  9. Oregon – $42,550
  10. New York – $42,170

Medical Secretaries & Administrative Assistants – Lowest Paying States

  1. Mississippi – $30,980
  2. Louisiana – $32,680
  3. West Virginia – $32,940
  4. Tennessee – $33,460
  5. Montana – $33,550
  6. New Mexico – $33,710
  7. Kentucky – $34,080
  8. Oklahoma – $34,200
  9. Wyoming – $35,110
  10. Florida – $35,150

Nursing Assistants – Highest Paying States

  1. Alaska – $42,500
  2. New York – $40,620
  3. California – $39,280
  4. Hawaii – $38,650
  5. Massachusetts – $37,160
  6. Oregon – $37,100
  7. District of Columbia – $36,980
  8. Washington – $36,310
  9. Minnesota – $36,040
  10. North Dakota – $35,510

Nursing Assistants – Lowest Paying States

  1. Louisiana – $24,300
  2. Mississippi – $24,400
  3. Alabama – $25,600
  4. Arkansas – $26,550
  5. Oklahoma – $27,220
  6. Missouri – $27,720
  7. South Carolina – $27,760
  8. North Carolina – $27,800
  9. Tennessee – $27,940
  10. Kentucky – $27,980

Pharmacy Technicians – Highest Paying States

  1. California – $47,620
  2. Alaska – $46,430
  3. Washington – $46,400
  4. District of Columbia – $46,240
  5. Oregon – $43,410
  6. Hawaii – $42,300
  7. North Dakota – $41,390
  8. Minnesota – $39,770
  9. Nevada – $39,390
  10. Wyoming – $39,330

Pharmacy Technicians – Lowest Paying States

  1. Kentucky – $30,370
  2. Alabama – $30,980
  3. Arkansas – $31,010
  4. Pennsylvania – $31,760
  5. West Virginia – $31,890
  6. Georgia – $32,160
  7. Ohio – $32,520
  8. Oklahoma – $32,900
  9. North Carolina – $33,300
  10. Missouri – $33,670

Phlebotomists – Highest Paying States

  1. California – $47,230
  2. New York – $44,630
  3. District of Columbia – $43,960
  4. Alaska – $43,270
  5. Washington – $42,530
  6. Massachusetts – $42,030
  7. Connecticut – $41,170
  8. Oregon – $40,560
  9. Delaware – $40,520
  10. Maryland – $40,300

Phlebotomists – Lowest Paying States

  1. South Dakota – $29,050
  2. Louisiana – $30,600
  3. Arkansas – $31,120
  4. Oklahoma – $31,400
  5. Mississippi – $31,640
  6. Missouri – $31,830
  7. Kentucky – $32,190
  8. Tennessee – $32,210
  9. Maine – $32,380
  10. Iowa – $32,430

Radiologic Technologists & Technicians – Highest Paying States

  1. California – $95,010
  2. Hawaii – $82,990
  3. District of Columbia – $82,270
  4. Alaska – $79,330
  5. Massachusetts – $78,830
  6. Washington – $77,310
  7. Oregon – $76,520
  8. Rhode Island – $74,670
  9. New York – $73,150
  10. Connecticut – $72,470

Radiologic Technologists & Technicians – Lowest Paying States

  1. Alabama – $47,300
  2. Mississippi – $48,100
  3. Arkansas – $52,290
  4. Tennessee – $53,030
  5. Kentucky – $53,090
  6. Iowa – $53,400
  7. Louisiana – $53,610
  8. West Virginia – $53,690
  9. South Dakota – $54,610
  10. Kansas – $55,770

Surgical Technologists – Highest Paying States

  1. Alaska – $67,120
  2. Nevada – $67,000
  3. California – $64,570
  4. Connecticut – $62,310
  5. District of Columbia – $61,620
  6. Minnesota – $61,300
  7. Washington – $60,450
  8. Oregon – $59,480
  9. Rhode Island – $59,410
  10. New York – $59,380

Surgical Technologists – Lowest Paying States

  1. Alabama – $38,660
  2. West Virginia – $39,890
  3. Mississippi – $41,520
  4. Louisiana – $42,140
  5. Arkansas – $42,390
  6. Iowa – $43,780
  7. South Carolina – $43,880
  8. Kentucky – $44,180
  9. Tennessee – $44,540
  10. South Dakota – $44,700

Ready to start your search for a higher paying healthcare job? Click here.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Healthcare’s 5 Most In-Demand Roles, Specialties, & Locations

Unemployment in healthcare is now only 3.1% and the industry has consistently seen notable job gains over the last several months. What healthcare professionals are needed the most, and where?

In April of 2020, as COVID-19 spread rapidly through our country, the unemployment rate reached 14.8%—the highest rate observed since data collection began in 1948.

Despite being, arguably, the most needed professionals in the country during an unprecedented health emergency, the healthcare industry accounted for 6.8% of jobs lost during that time, with employment in the field declining by 1.4 million.

Over a year later, though, one could say healthcare is booming, yet again. Despite the overall unemployment rate currently sitting at 5.8%, unemployment in healthcare is now only 3.1%. The industry has consistently seen notable job gains over the last several months, including most recently when the industry added 23,000 jobs in May of 2021.

What types of healthcare professionals are needed the most? And where are they needed? We break it down for you below, according to data from our jobs site.

5 Most In-Demand Position Types:

  1. Registered Nurse
  2. Technologist/Technician
  3. Certified Nursing Assistant
  4. Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse
  5. Physician

5 Most In-Demand Specialties:

  1. Insurance
  2. Education
  3. Patient Care
  4. Customer Service
  5. Rehabilitation

5 Most In-Demand Locations:

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. New York
  4. Georgia
  5. Pennsylvania

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.