Contemplating a Career Move in the Nursing Industry – Exploring New Horizons of Healing and Growth

Almost half of all nurses leave the profession entirely after just five years on the job. The reason is pretty simple. Nursing is hard. The hours are brutal. The labor is both physically intensive and mentally exhausting. The pay, though higher than average, fails to appreciate the significance of the work.

It makes sense why a lot of nurses decide that the field isn’t for them. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that a total exit is required. There are many enticing alternatives to bedside nursing that pay well and create unique opportunities for the nurse who is pursuing them.

In this article, we take a look at possible career moves you can make as a nurse.

Changing Lanes

If you are hoping to transition into a different specialty, there are several important steps that should take to make sure that you are taking advantage of an opportunity that you will find genuinely rewarding.

  • Research: The first step is to research what types of jobs are out there. You would be surprised by the different roles nurses can play within the healthcare industry. For example, do you or someone you know struggle with diabetes? There are entire nursing professions designed around helping newly diagnosed people with diabetes cope with and manage their condition.
  • Determine what the job requires: Usually, your nursing degree will be adequate for helping you gain employment in a similar field. However, there are certain situations where a special certification may be required. Before you get too far along in the application process, find out what the job you are interested in requires. Note that some jobs may allow you to begin working as you finish up a certification program. It may be worthwhile to speak with potential employers about what qualifications they insist upon.
  • Network: Chances are you probably know a lot of people who have been working within the healthcare industry for a long time. Even your current coworkers may be able to get you a good lead on a new gig. Once you put the word out that you are interested in changing lanes, you may be surprised to find how many opportunities present themselves. Do be careful what you say. Your current employer may not take kindly to the news.
  • Consider the merit of stepping stones: It’s also worth keeping in mind that it may not be possible to pivot immediately into your dream job. Sometimes, it will be necessary to work your way up. Consider the value of transitional jobs. You may not want to work as a research nurse in the long haul, but if it gets you off the night shift while you look for your dream job, it may be worth doing.
  • Get serious about your application materials: Don’t let your guard down just because the demand for nurses is high. Desirable positions can still get very competitive. And because nursing is such a geographically limited position (each area will only have a limited number of hospitals) you may need to be willing to move or take on a long commute to get the job that you want.

Changing your nursing specialty can be a deeply rewarding experience. While there is a process you will need to follow, once you commit the efforts will be worth it. Now that you know what it takes to change lanes, let’s take a look at a few jobs that might be of interest to you.

Home Health Nursing

Home health nursing is a specialized field in which the nurse goes directly to the patients, treating them from the comfort of their own homes. The job can vary quite significantly based on the patient’s needs. However, at its core, many of the responsibilities are the same that those a bedside nurse experiences.

The primary difference is that you will be working with the patient in their home setting. This can create a more comfortable and personal work environment that many nurses appreciate.

As a home health nurse, your responsibilities will include:

  • Conducting comprehensive assessments of patient’s health status and developing individualized care plans.
  • Administering medications, treatments, and wound care as prescribed by physicians.
  • Monitoring patients’ vital signs and evaluating their response to interventions.
  • Educating patients and their families on disease management, medication adherence, and lifestyle modifications.
  • Collaborating with physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals to coordinate and optimize patient care.
  • Providing emotional support and counseling to patients and their families.
  • Documenting patient care activities accurately and maintaining up-to-date medical records.

Nurse Informaticist

A nurse informist leverages tech skills to optimize healthcare information systems. Sometimes called informatics nurses, these professionals work directly with data in order to optimize internal operations and improve patient outcomes.

Note that this is a role that will most likely require a special certification.

Research Nurse

Research nurses work in more academic settings, helping to conduct studies, analyze research, and share findings with the wider research community. Research nurses can work for hospitals but also often find jobs at universities.

If you are interested in conducting studies and shaping the field rather than doing hands-on work, this profession may be right for you.

Administrative Nursing

Nurse administrators work in a leadership capacity, helping hospitals oversee budgeting, internal policy-making, and professional development among the staff. While the end goal of your efforts will be to improve patient outcomes, the actual work itself will be based primarily in an office-type setting.


Telehealth nurses work with patients remotely to help answer questions, assess health situations and provide other forms of guidance. The idea behind telehealth jobs is to make healthcare as accessible as possible, even for people who are not able to make regular visits to the hospital.

While the work does not usually involve physical contact with patients, it is highly patient-driven, allowing you to still help take care of people while forgoing some of the more challenging aspects of traditional bedside nursing.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

The Best Podcasts for Nurses: Empowering, Informative, and Inspiring

Podcasts have exploded in popularity for a reason. They are entertaining, informative, and a great way to pass the time. Since podcasts can be streamed or downloaded, you can listen to them nearly anywhere. With the option to choose from short episodes that you can soak up while sitting around, or longer ones that you can listen to while on the way home from work or a flight, no one has the excuse of being bored anymore.

What’s even more amazing is that they are free! With hundreds of topics to choose from, and thousands of different stations to browse, there is a nearly endless supply of new content coming out all the time. So, whether you are into self-improvement, fictional stories, or the news, podcasts are the way to go.

If, however, you have a bit more of a specific interest in adding to your knowledge base for your career in nursing, browse this list of just a few of the best podcasts for nurses.

Best Nursing Podcasts


The NRSNG podcast is one of the more popular shows in the nursing industry world. Their goal in producing informative, insightful, and professionally informed content causes them to rise to the top of the popularity charts. With the added focus on wanting to help continuously educate nursing students and professionals, they have become a staple in the industry. There is also the added bonus of having video content available to view.

With nearly a half-million followers and tons of content to choose from, this will continue to be a great resource for nurses. podcast, connected to the website by the same name, is an established name and trusted source of information in the nursing industry. The podcast goes over a wide variety of episode topics on things like NCLEX preparations, test-taking tips, and interviews with persons in the medical field.

In this the podcast’s goal to help nurses be more prepared in their jobs, is doing much to help advance the livelihood of both nurses, and the patients they serve.


The SHIFT Talk podcast goes about its business by making a point of going into the most important and current issues topics in the nursing world today. A short list of the topics includes patient care, emerging technologies, political policy, and how to avoid burnout. This show is hosted by an RN and a nurse practitioner, who understand the current events and issues in healthcare. More than that, the associated website has a database of other information and resources to access where you might be able to learn more about the evolution of the nursing field.

Nurse Talk

Nurse Talk is part of a multimedia website, that has a mission to promote social healing throughout the country utilizing peaceful means of information, activism, and advocacy. The podcast, hosted by registered nurses, draws from a collective sixty-five years’ worth of experiences to discuss a range of current issues in relation to health care.

With topics like patient safety, drug use, policy, and how social interest and political maneuverings all push and pull against the industry, there is no shortage of things to mull over while on or off the clock.

Nursing Note Live

The Nursing Notes Live podcast is unique among the growing list of nursing podcasts in that it is funded by a partnership with the company Johnson & Johnson that promotes an affiliate bi-monthly nursing journal. These offer a platform for innovative thinkers, workers, and policy makers alike to weigh in on what are some of the most important issues in nursing today.

Their mission is to help broaden the knowledgebase of nursing professionals and the understanding of how technological advancements are going to play into the new generation of healthcare.

The Daily Nurse

The Daily Nurse podcasts spends time trying to set itself apart from the mass of other podcasts by gathering and promoting real world stories from any and all departments from children’s hospitals to training centers. They also go into how current events in the news affect clinical practice for nursing professionals.

There is a wealth of information from educators, advanced practice nurses, and even administrators, and as such plenty of information about career advice, continuing education, and the latest trends are available to the listener.

Nurses on Fire

The Nurses on Fire podcast is refreshingly unique in that it seeks to provide financial advice for nurses who want to build wealth.  The hosts bring on a combination of guests including nurses and financial planners. With over 100 episodes, this podcast offers advice that covers a range of topics that tend to relate things like financial health, goal setting, investments, and good money habits. If you get bored listening to topics about money though, they do explore other subjects related to healthcare.

Nursing Today

The nursing today podcast is a bit different than many other traditional podcast formats in that it is a series of published lectures instead of the usual talk-radio feel. Gather and formalized from a range of speakers who have all presented at the University of Washington, the topics cover a wide range of information.

All of the lecturers are not only knowledgeable in their fields but are engaging public speakers that bring knowledge and humor into their speeches.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

How Does Holistic Care Fit in with Existing Models?

Health is a complex state involving a huge number of different systems within the body. These systems are all deeply interconnected, making it difficult to treat one aspect of health without treating the person as a whole. That’s the goal for devotees of holistic care.

Medicine is typically focused on treating specific symptoms and interventions. Instead of looking at the whole and using the least invasive method possible, traditional methods typically use prescription drugs and invasive procedures to treat symptoms and diseases.

While traditional medicine is a critical tool for keeping people healthy, it’s worth seeing how holistic care can fit in with existing models. Here’s why integrating holistic care can help to improve the healthcare system overall.

Understanding Holistic Care

There are many key differences between traditional medicine and holistic health care. Holistic care puts a much larger emphasis on personalized treatment and the interconnectedness of different aspects of health.

Some examples of holistic medicine treatments include acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, personalized diet planning, meditation and yoga, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, naturopathy, energy healing, and more. Many of these techniques are used to help maintain overall health, in addition to their use in addressing specific problems.

Holistic care and traditional medicine are often treated as entirely separate. However, both can provide optimal benefits when they are used together to promote better health. By using holistic health in tandem with traditional care, patients can often enjoy better outcomes with less invasive methods.

 Limitations of Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine has many advantages over holistic care in some situations. When someone needs antibiotics or another medication that is designed to treat a certain problem, holistic medicine is usually not sufficient. Surgery is also sometimes needed to treat health problems that cannot be resolved using minimally invasive treatments.

With that said, there are limitations to traditional medicine, especially for chronic conditions. Doctors often don’t get to spend much time with patients, making traditional medicine less personalized. There is also less emphasis placed on preventative care and acknowledging the interconnectedness of health.

Integrating Holistic Care with Traditional Medicine

So, what does integrating holistic care with traditional medicine look like? Well, it starts with ensuring that healthcare providers have a solid understanding of the benefits, applications, and limitations of holistic medicine. Without a patient’s entire care team being on board with the methods used to promote their health, it is very difficult to fully realize the benefits of using holistic care alongside traditional medicine.

A focus on patient-centered care, especially when integrating holistic medicine approaches, is key to success. The patient must be an active participant and invested in the plan to integrate care approaches. This means that they must be part of the decision-making process and their goals and values considered when creating a health plan.

In holistic care, emotional and spiritual well-being is part of the whole picture. In addition to using holistic and traditional health approaches, care integration often has patients working with traditional mental health professionals and alternative spiritual healers.

How Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Can Benefit Patients

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to the techniques used in holistic medicine to help patients achieve better health. One benefit of using these methods is enhanced preventative care. People who use holistic care on a regular basis can often maintain their health better and prevent some issues from coming up.

CAM is also frequently used for people who have chronic conditions. Holistic care can often help individual patients manage pain when prescription drugs are not helping or are not considered safe. With concerns about addiction, side effects, and other issues, many patients with chronic pain want to explore other options for managing their condition safely.

Another common use for CAM is in palliative care. End-of-life care in traditional settings can be extremely traumatic for patients and their families, stripping them of their autonomy and dignity. Holistic care can be used to help empower patients and provide them with comfort in hospice settings. Using CAM, patients and their families can have a better end-of-life experience.

Overcoming Challenges to Integrate Holistic Care

Although there are many benefits to integrating holistic care, there are some challenges to overcome when patients or providers are interested in using it. For instance, insurance coverage is limited for some types of therapies, putting care out of reach for many patients. Even when providers prioritize the whole person in the healthcare theories they use and recommend holistic care as a supplement to traditional medicine, these methods can be financially out of reach.

Another challenge is skepticism among both providers and patients. A lack of understanding of the benefits and limitations of holistic care, and the way they can work in tandem, prevents many providers from recommending or even recognizing these methods.

The good news is that technology is making it easier to not only deliver holistic care but also to track outcomes. As more research is done on CAM, we can expect to see more patients and providers embracing these therapies as a way to promote better, more personalized health among patients of all backgrounds.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Tips for Avoiding Burnout as a Night Shift Nurse

Being a nurse is never easy, but when you add sleepless nights into the mix, things can quickly become unsustainable. Working the night shift and keeping your health intact requires a special set of considerations.

In this article, we take a look at tips and behaviors that can help you work the night shift without experiencing burnout.

Keep Tabs on Your Mental and Emotional Health

So much of life goes unexamined within the busy thrum of routine. It’s easy for key things, like your health, to receive little consideration. And yet that is exactly how burnout happens. Slowly, and over the course of many shifts, your passion for the job erodes and you are left feeling fatigued and tired.

Nursing is very hard work, and night nursing is particularly challenging. You get all of the emotional challenges that are built into the job with the added fun of insomnia.

Keeping tabs on your mental and emotional health is a good practice for anyone, but is particularly beneficial in this context. Pay attention to how you feel.

Do you dread going to work? Do you feel stressed more often than not while you are on the job?

Not all stress will translate into action, but when the majority of your working life becomes unpleasant, it may be time to make a change.

Care for Your Physical Health as Well

Maybe you’re not feeling super stressed— or at least you’re not experiencing more stress than the job warrants. Even then, working night shifts can be very difficult on your body. As a night shift nurse, you experience:

  • A lack of sleep: It is difficult to catch up on sleep when you are working the night shift. Sure, you have days off, but that’s when your friends and family are awake. You want to be able to spend time with them, and sleep is frequently sacrificed to make that happen.
  • You spend a lot of time on your feet: The average nurse walks about four miles during the course of a twelve-hour shift. Granted, you won’t break into the record books at that pace, but it is a significant amount of movement for a job, and it can easily translate into physical fatigue. You’re not just getting your steps in. You’re working at such a high volume that you don’t always have time for rest, or eating.

Eventually, physical fatigue can be just as damaging as mental or emotional fatigue. Think about your physical pain points on the job and work on ways that you can help to reduce or eliminate them. While there is nothing you can do about that four miles of walking on the job, there are ways you can make them more comfortable.

Do you find yourself getting hungry on the job? Pack portable snacks. Do your feet hurt? Look into better shoes. Small changes can have an enormous impact on your quality of life.

Take Your Scheduled Breaks

For a long time, breaks, PTO, leaving work on time, etc. had been regarded with a degree of stigma. Sure, these things are established employee rights, but they are also not conducive to performance at the highest level.

When there is something that needs to be done, you do it, even at the expense of your well-being. Granted, in the hospital setting, there is a degree of truth to that statement. If someone is having a medical emergency, you can’t say, “Sure! Be right there. After I finish this sandwich.”

However, it’s fair to say that even the worst shifts won’t keep you rushing from emergency to emergency for twelve straight hours. Take advantage of the quiet moments to utilize the breaks that were already built into your shift anyway.

Yes, there will still be things to do when you get off your break. However, that doesn’t mean that taking the occasional moment for yourself will come at the cost of productivity. Keep in mind that burnout is an efficiency killer. If you can recharge your batteries every now and then it will be to everyone’s benefit.

Stay Hydrated

You know what they say about thirst, right? Of course you do, you’re a nurse! The general medical rule of thumb is that if you feel thirsty, it means you are already dehydrated. Not only is this bad for your overall health, but it can have a serious impact on the way you feel on the job. Dehydration can result in fatigue, foggy thinking, and a generally diminished job performance.

In other words, a whole bunch of things that are at least burnout adjacent. Don’t let things get that far. Drink water regularly on the job to stay in tip-top shape.

Be Sensible About Caffeine

Surely you aren’t saying that I should avoid burnout by drinking less coffee. Clearly, you’ve never worked the night shift.

It makes sense for night shifts to reach eagerly and often for the coffee pot. In fact, a sensible amount of caffeine can have mood improvement benefits that may make your time on the job more pleasant. Emphasis on the word “sensible.”

Too much caffeine can make you anxious— a feeling you certainly don’t need while working at a hospital. It can also interfere with your post-shift sleeping. The effects of even moderate doses of caffeine can linger in your system for up to six hours. High doses will stick around for ten or more hours.

So yes, drink coffee, but chose your timing and your quantities sensibly.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

The Rapidly Growing Nursing Specializations in 2023

Nurses are in high demand right now, and this will continue into the next decade. Being that nursing is an ever evolving field due to the constant advancements in medicine, technology, and healthcare, the types of specialties will change with those trends.

The nursing field has grown so much in the last 20 years that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has gone out of its way to begin categorizing which of the various fields of nursing are growing quickly.

On the whole, the healthcare field’s demand for Resident Nurses (RN’s) is expected to grow 6% over the next 10 years, while more specialized fields like Midwives, anesthetists, and nurse practitioners is expected to grow by 40% from 2021 to 2031! These numbers are much faster than the average for other occupations. Around 30,200 openings per year are expected for each of the previously named. Much of this demand will be due to the need for the replacement of workers who will soon be retiring.

Regardless of what role in the healthcare industry may interest you, there will be a need in the decades moving forward. The specialized training required to adequately serve the needs in various roles tends to set some positions apart from others. As such, there is an emerging grouping of the most rapidly growing nursing specializations.

Here is a list, though not comprehensive, for 2023.

Travel Nursing

This quickly growing field is one of the most sought after, and for two primary reasons: Travel and incredible pay. The need for nurses across the country right now is very high, so the demand is great. In order to attract the right people, hospitals and healthcare clinics are sometimes doing outrageous things to offer incentives.

Ironically, there is no difference in the role other than the transience and temporary nature of the position. Travel nurses are hired to simply fill in some of open, full-time positions that cannot otherwise be filled, usually for short periods of time, typically no longer than 13 weeks.

Persons interested in this role should be adaptable, personable, and willing to morph to fit into new communities and their various needs quickly. If you have those abilities and the freedom to move around the country, this may be just the specialty for you.


The role of the pediatric nurse may not always be the most commonly thought of when mention of a nurse practitioner arises, but great responsibility lies here. Pediatrics is the area of nursing that specializes in offering care for children. Just as when being around kids in any respect, there is a novelty and playfulness that can accompany the role which helps to make a child patient feel more at home.

This fast-paced and rewarding career carries all the regular responsibilities, from testing, charting, care and cleaning, all wrapped up into a smaller person. Pediatric nurses who have an affinity and level of previous exposure to working with kids will bring valuable perspective into this specialization.

The ability to transfer the knowledge of childcare or psychological development into the day-to-day responsibilities that make up the care of children will make them a valuable member of any healthcare company. Add this to the rewards that come from making a child smile and the prospect of working in pediatrics may be the specialty that fits.


This specialization focuses on working with caseworkers, nursing homes, social workers, and other similar care companies to assist the elderly. It is no surprise that this role is high in demand right now with the baby boomer generation retiring and aging into that demographic.

Nurse practitioners tend to be a more preferred choice for this role because of the need for constant coordination, but LPN’s and RN’s are in high demand too; they only need to earn the additional certifications.


A nurse midwife specializes in childbirth care and support but can also include the education and care of women pre and post-partum. While they maintain all the general training accompanying a nurse, their specialties are focused on all things necessary to maintain healthy pregnancy and births. These nurses often work in accompaniment with doctors and other physicians or healthcare, medical professionals to accomplish that task.


Nurse Informatics is a specialty that combines nursing sciences with multiple bases of information and various analytical sciences all with the goal of identifying, defining, managing, and communicating data. This role takes the clinical and technical languages involved in the healthcare industry and seeks to support clients, patients, customers, throughout the interprofessional healthcare settings. They help to inform administrators and companies in the many aspects of decision making to aid in any respect to client care.

By focusing on the information and data available in the systems, Nurse Informatics goal is communicating in a way that seeks to boost performance for organizations by analyzing and advising. Increased efficiencies, cutting costs, and improving patient care are some of the top goals. They do this by facilitating the integration of data sets from various departments and then distribute that to their colleagues in the workplace.

Again, while this list is not comprehensive, it does serve as an introduction to which roles and trends in the healthcare industry are becoming popular. Further research will reveal what other roles are available.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

5 Stress Relieving Tips for Nurses

Being a nurse requires a great deal of patience, compassion, and resilience to care for patients who are often in pain or distress. However, the demands of the job can also take a toll on a nurse’s own mental and physical health. According to a survey by the American Nurses Association, over 50% of nurses report high levels of job-related stress. It is essential for nurses to prioritize self-care and find ways to relieve stress. In this article, we will discuss five stress-relieving tips for nurses.

The Importance of Self-Care for Nurses

Nurses are often so focused on caring for others that they neglect their own needs. However, self-care is crucial for nurses to maintain their physical and mental health, prevent burnout, and provide the best possible care for their patients. Self-care can take many forms, including exercise, healthy eating, meditation, and spending time with loved ones. By prioritizing self-care, nurses can recharge their batteries and avoid feeling overwhelmed or exhausted.

Tip #1: Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools for reducing stress and improving mental well-being. Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, while meditation involves focusing the mind on a particular object or activity. Both practices can help nurses reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. One simple mindfulness exercise is to take a few deep breaths and focus on the sensations of the breath moving in and out of the body. Meditation apps such as Headspace and Calm can provide guidance for beginners.

Tip #2: Regular Exercise and Physical Activity

Exercise is another effective way to reduce stress and improve overall health. Physical Exercise can also improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. 

Nurses can incorporate physical activity into their daily routine by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, going for a walk on their lunch break, or joining a fitness class.

Tip #3: Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Sleep Schedule

Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep are critical components of self-care for nurses. A balanced diet can provide the nutrients and energy needed to perform well on the job, while poor sleep can lead to fatigue and decreased cognitive function. Nurses can make small changes to their diet, such as swapping processed snacks for fresh fruits and vegetables or packing a healthy lunch instead of relying on fast food. Creating a bedtime routine and avoiding screens before bedtime can also improve sleep quality.

Tip #4: Creating a Support System

Nursing can be a stressful and emotionally taxing job. Having a support system in place can provide nurses with the encouragement and assistance they need to cope with work-related stress. Support can come from colleagues, friends, family, or a professional therapist. Nurses can also benefit from joining support groups or online communities where they can connect with others who understand their experiences.

Tip #5: Finding Balance Between Work and Personal Life

Finding a balance between work and personal life can be challenging for nurses, especially those who work long shifts or irregular schedules. However, it is important to make time for hobbies, social activities, and relaxation outside of work. Setting boundaries, such as turning off work email notifications during off-hours, can also help nurses maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Additional Resources and Support for Nurses

There are many resources and support available for nurses who are struggling with stress or burnout. The American Nurses Association offers a variety of online courses and resources for self-care and stress management. The National Alliance on Mental Illness provides information and support for individuals with mental health conditions, including healthcare professionals. Nurses can also seek support from their workplace’s employee assistance program or human resources department.

Conclusion and Encouragement to Prioritize Self-Care

In conclusion, being a nurse is a demanding and rewarding profession that requires a great deal of physical and emotional energy. Prioritizing self-care is essential for nurses to maintain their well-being and provide the best possible care for their patients. By incorporating mindfulness and meditation, regular exercise, healthy eating and sleep habits, creating a support system, and finding a balance between work and personal life, nurses can reduce stress and improve their overall quality of life.

Olivia Monroe, a freelance writer, specializes in writing about technology, business, and health. She offers freelance blogging and content writing for SEO. When she’s not writing,Olivia likes to travel, cook, and write vacation plans.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Preparing Yourself for Your First Paid Nursing Internship

During your nursing education, you’ve gained a lot of theoretical knowledge and you’ve likely had a chance to complete your practicum, which is important for learning practical nursing skills. However, it’s a great idea to gain additional experience beyond your practicum before you start working as an RN.

Internships are perfect for helping newly qualified nurses get the practice they need under the watchful eye of an experienced nurse. Even better, many internships are paid, unlike practicum placements that you complete during the course of your nursing education.

So, how can you best prepare and get the most out of your internship? Here are some tips so you can focus on learning and becoming the best nurse you can be.

Set Goals Before You Start and Communicate Them

Many nursing students go into an internship with no clear goals. While you’ll still get some benefits from a nursing internship if you don’t set goals, you’ll get even more by getting clear on what you want to learn.

Ask yourself if there are any gaps in your knowledge or skills you encountered in your practicum that you’d like to improve. Would you like to work on your communication with family members? Learn how to place an IV? Get a handle on managing multiple responsibilities?

Your goals will be unique, based on what you’ve already learned. It’s important to share your goals with your supervisors— they can’t read your mind! As an intern, your work will require supervision, so it’s important to express what you’d like to learn so you can maximize your opportunities for gaining practical experience.

Make a List of Questions

Between your interview and the start of your internship, you’ve probably had more than a few questions come to mind. Start making a list of questions to ask your supervisor or HR before your first day. That way, you won’t forget to ask something important in the excitement of starting your internship.

Brush Up on Your Terminology

In a clinical setting, healthcare professionals are busy. They have to communicate about complex topics quickly, which often means using medical abbreviations and acronyms. As a nurse, you’ll be expected to understand medical terminology and use standard shorthand during your internship and beyond.

Before the first day of your internship, it’s a good idea to brush up on your terminology. With that said, don’t be afraid to ask someone for help if you don’t understand a term or abbreviation you encounter on the job. After all, you’re there to learn!

Bring a Notebook

Internships are all about learning, and it’s important for you to retain as much information as you can. Bring a notebook with you and take notes as you go. Not only will you be able to refer back to them later, but writing down valuable lessons and information will help with your ability to retain what you’ve learned.

Journaling at the end of each day can also be helpful. It will allow you to look back on what went well, what you need to improve, and any observations you have about patient care, your emotional response to the work, and other factors. Journaling will help you process each day so you can work through any problems and celebrate your successes as a new nurse.

Prep Your Meals & Make a Schedule

Internships are usually full-time, which means you’ll get a taste of what it’s like to balance your work with your personal life. It’s a good idea to practice your good habits during your internship and prioritize self-care musts like eating a healthy diet and making time for exercise.

Before your internship begins, consider meal-prepping some healthy lunches and snacks you can take to work. You might also want to prep some freezer meals that will make your life easier when you come home tired from a shift. The more you can make a schedule that prioritizes your physical and mental health, the better.

Get Ready the Night Before

Being late is a huge no-no for any internship or new job. Take some of the stress out of the equation by getting everything ready the night before. Put your clothes and travel mug out, put the coffee in the coffee maker, and decide in advance what you’re going to have for breakfast.

By prepping for the morning the night before your shifts, you’ll have a more relaxed mindset as you get ready for work. You’re also less likely to find yourself running late and rushing out the door!

Prepare Your Mind for Learning and Constructive Feedback

An internship is all about learning and building critical nursing skills. This means that you’re not going to do everything right the first time. If you did, you wouldn’t need an internship!

Prepare your mind for learning and curiosity. Prepare for the inevitable constructive feedback, and be ready to embrace it instead of getting defensive. Remember that everyone is on your side and wants you to get as much as you can out of your internship experience, so help them by showing up with a great attitude and being ready to learn.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

Skills That Translate to Being a Quality Nursing Leader

Most people don’t go into nursing for the career mobility. There is room for promotions here and there, but for many, the work remains consistently the same for the entirety of their careers. And yet some nurses feel the pull to advance their careers a little bit.

Nursing leadership positions are a great way to continue doing the work you love while also incorporating more responsibilities, and yes, more compensation, into the equation. It’s not easy, but for the right person, it can be rewarding work.

Below, we take a look at skills that translate into quality nursing leadership.


Empathy! Ha. I’m a nurse. I’ve got that in abundance. You probably, hopefully, do. It’s an intrinsic component of the work. It’s also a necessary feature of good leadership. As a supervisor, you need to be able to empathize not just with your patients, but also with the concerns of your staff.


Nursing and healthcare in general are quickly moving into a more data-driven, digital landscape. Not only are patient records kept in the cloud now, but hospitals everywhere are relying more and more on data processing to improve patient outcomes and make better use of their limited resources.

You don’t necessarily need a degree in data analysis to work as a nursing leader — although some nurses do receive an education in digital technology.

However, you should at least be aware of what is out there. Many hospitals are technologically stunted not because they lack the means to grow into digital solutions, but because the old guard stands as a barrier.

Become knowledgeable about digital technology so that you can influence your hospital from an informed perspective.

Communication Skills

Nurses at every level wear many hats. You talk to the patient. You talk to the families. You talk to the administration and the doctors. As a regular nurse, the objective of your communication is usually to advocate for the patient. You want to make sure that their care aligns with their wishes.

You’ll still have that responsibility, but as a leader, you also need to represent the interests of the nurses working under you. They will bring their problems to you, and while you probably won’t be able to solve all of them, you’ll be the one talking it out with the other nurses, and the higher-ups.

Time Management

Just because you are a leader doesn’t mean that you don’t have your old workplace responsibilities to deal with as well. If you thought you were busy before the promotion, you’ll likely long for your old schedule after a few weeks at the new gig.

Time management is the skill that helps make the promotion negotiable.

Handle Discomfort with Grace

Leadership roles can come with natural tension. When things go wrong on your floor, you’ll often bear the brunt of it. We’re talking about anything. Patient outcomes, sure, but also scheduling conflicts, interpersonal spats that you will be expected to weigh in on and resolve and much more.

When it’s time for blame to go around, leaders can always expect a large helping of it to land on their shoulders. Fair? Maybe not but it comes with the territory.

A good leader knows how to handle these pressures with grace.

Sound Familiar?

Not surprisingly, most of the skills that make for a good nursing leader are trades that tend to be inherent to the profession in general. Nurses are usually empathetic people, and communication tends to be a key element of the job. If you can’t work as a go-between for the patient, the doctors, and the family, you’re probably not extremely effective on the job.

There are softer, harder-to-define qualities that make for a good leader as well. One of them is drive. You have to want to be a leader in a way that is distinct from simply desiring a promotion.

Think about it this way: nursing is already incredibly hard. Turnover rates are through the roof. Shifts are long and physically demanding. The work is stressful and emotionally demanding. And—

You’re preaching to the choir, love.

Right. It’s a tough job. Leadership responsibilities take those challenges and crank them up a level or two. The discerning nurse needs to ask themselves if they are up for that challenge. The western workplace mindset is such that stagnation is often seen as failure.

It doesn’t have to be that way — particularly not in healthcare. Before you pursue a leadership position, think long and hard about if you want all of the stress that comes with it.

Still There?

If you’ve weighed the consequences and still think you’d like to go ahead and try to get that promotion it’s time to start thinking about what it will take to land the job. The skills listed above might make you well adapted for the work, but that doesn’t mean they will automatically translate into the promotion that you are hoping for.

Most nurses are empathetic. Most nurses are decent communicators. You need to find ways to distinguish yourself from the pack. Continuing your education is one way to accumulate the prerequisite skills that most hospitals are looking for when they appoint their leadership roles.

Of course, getting a graduate degree is no small thing. However for a few years of your time, you might land a transformative job.

With a Bachelor’s in Health Science along with an MBA, Sarah Daren has a wealth of knowledge within both the health and business sectors. Her expertise in scaling and identifying ways tech can improve the lives of others has led Sarah to be a consultant for a number of startup businesses, most prominently in the wellness industry, wearable technology and health education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life with a focus on making America a healthier and safer place for future generations to come.

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.


Is Switching Specialties as a Nurse Right for You?

With a plethora of nursing specialties to choose from, it can be hard to narrow down which is the right one for you. Nursing school may expose you to a handful of different specialties, but often, it offers just a sampling that barely scratches the surface. How does one know exactly what the right specialty is with just that under their belt?

There are those fortunate few that fall right into their dream nursing position. However, many others will have to try on a few different options before finding the right fit. Ultimately, finding the right specialty for you and deciding to make the switch is a journey and really a big decision to make.

Why Consider the Switch?

There are plenty of reasons why you may be considering making a switch to a different nursing specialty. For one, different specialties may offer a higher wage, providing the type of financial stability you’re looking for.

Another reason you might consider switching nursing specialties is you simply want a change of pace. Maybe you’ve decided that the hustle of the hospital isn’t for you anymore and you’re looking for a quieter setting to grow your career. Perhaps you’re even enticed by the potential to work remotely by becoming a telehealth or primary care nurse. If you really aren’t sure what setting you like, maybe you’ll consider travel nursing and garner opportunities to work in different hospital settings all over the country.

 It could also be the right time to switch specialties is if you are starting to feel burned out in your current position. If you no longer feel passionate about the work you do and start to dread workdays, it is worth considering what a different specialty has to offer. Making the switch in this scenario can reinvigorate your drive to help people and provide you with an interesting new way of doing so.

Assessing What You Want

Once you’ve decided that you’re going to switch specialties, the next step is deciding what specialty you want to make your move to. You might know exactly where you want to land next, but if you don’t there are a few questions you should be asking yourself to narrow it down.

The first is which type of patients you want to work with. You might be considering focusing your career on children rather than adults for instance. If so, it is important to evaluate what that switch would look like. Kids can be more physically and emotionally demanding to work with but they can also be very rewarding.

Likewise, you should ask yourself if you want to work in a hospital setting. Assessing if the hospital is right for you will eliminate several potential specialties right off the bat. To narrow it down even further, consider if you’re up for fast-paced, high-risk work. If the answer is yes, maybe something like the ER, ICU, or cardiac unit might be the right place for you.

Another question to ask yourself is whether you are willing to go back to school. Additional schooling can open a lot of different doors. Some specialties will require additional certifications, while others won’t. Higher education positions may also offer more autonomy or a higher wage, which should both also factor into your decisions.

Personal Life Considerations

Answering all of these questions about what you want can help you to make the decision about where the next step in your career will ultimately take you. For some, it might be an easy transfer to a different unit within the current hospital. For others, it might involve applying for different jobs altogether. Still, for others, it might involve a move to a new town or state with a hospital specializing in the care you hope to give.

Moving can pose several challenges for some nurses. For instance, some states may be easier to move to and maintain certifications than others. Many states have inter-state agreements that allow registered nurses to transfer from hospital to hospital while maintaining their licenses, but other certifications may not always transfer so easily. It is imperative to look into the policies of any state you’re planning on moving to before fully committing.

Depending on your schedule and your income level, it may also be challenging to qualify for mortgages within certain specialties. For example, many travel nurses have trouble qualifying, as many loans require you to stay employed at the same hospital for a certain period of time. Before taking the plunge into a new specialty, it is important to research how the change could affect your personal and financial goals.  .


Making the move into a new nursing specialty may be the most rewarding career decision you make. Before taking the jump, be sure to evaluate the reasons you are considering the switch and the factors that will contribute to exactly where you want to land.

Katie Brenneman is a passionate writer specializing in lifestyle, mental health, activism-related content. When she isn’t writing, you can find her with her nose buried in a book or hiking with her dog, Charlie. To connect with Katie, you can follow her on Twitter.   
Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.

No, Nursing Isn’t Just for Women

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, around 87% of nurses are women (as of 2021). However, nursing is an in-demand profession that should appeal to all. If you are a man thinking about donning the scrubs, today’s post from is for you.

Why Nursing?

There are many reasons to become a nurse. These include career stability, a quick track to earning a livable income, and professional flexibility.

Nurses are needed in all sorts of healthcare environments, from assisted-living centers to schools. As such, there are many opportunities for nurses. In other words, you won’t be stuck in a single type of environment, and you can likely move from one location to the other with very little – if any – interruption to your income.

Educational requirements, while stringent, are not as lengthy as to become a physician. Many nurses make a salary in excess of $75,000 per year, which is enough to provide you with a comfortable quality of life. And thanks to the flexibility of online nursing degree programs, you can continue to work in your current job while you strive for your nursing degree. Flexible and affordable options allow you to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing covering a range of functions and can be completed within 2.5 years – check it out for more info.

As for career flexibility, there are few positions available that give you so many options for specialties and even scheduling. Clipboard Health notes that nurses are so needed that you might even be able to work weekends only or enjoy living and working in a different state every few months. You can easily transition into a different type of role or schedule when you choose to start a family and want to be settled in a more stationary environment.

Business Opportunities

As a nurse, you are not defined by someone else’s time clock. You also have plenty of opportunities to become an entrepreneur with a medical twist. A few ideas here include:

        • Launching your own senior care service. Many seniors today choose to age in place, meaning they stay where they are most comfortable. These individuals often require the assistance of medical and nonmedical personnel.
        • Build a medical app. When you have medical and technological skills, you can take these and turn them into a medical app that people can use to better their quality of life. For example, an app that helps people monitor theircalorie intake or stress levels.
        • Write your own business courses. If you’re passionate about teaching others, consider writing your own text or video training courses. You may be able to earn up to $5,000 per month doing so.
        • Skills Needed to Be a Nurse Entrepreneur

If you like the idea of owning your own business in the medical profession, take the time to evaluate your current skill set. Nursing entrepreneurs must be highly organized, able to build an effective team, passionate, dedicated to your patients/clients, sympathetic to those suffering, and physically capable of standing on your feet 12+ hours a day.

Being a nurse is a great opportunity for women and men alike. If you’re wanting to start a family with a job that gives you the flexibility to be the best father you can be, nursing is for you. Further, when entrepreneurship is your idea of the future you want to build for yourself, working in the medical field gives you plenty of options. To get started, make sure you get the education you need, and then evaluate your skills and desire to help others.

Image via Pexels

Disclaimer: The viewpoint expressed in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the viewpoint of the owners or employees at Healthcare Staffing Innovations, LLC.